In case you fancy a laugh Grooming

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by katygeorge, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    In case you fancy a laugh

    Couldnt decide weather to post this or not but then thought oh what the hell. :rolleyes:

    While at work today i was bathing a boxer and she vomited pooh on me :078:. I was wearing flip flops while in the shower with her and she just chucked up a load of pooh right on my feet. My panicked brain seamed to forget i had a shower in my hand and i just stood there going " shes puked up pooh on me, its pooh omg there is pooh and vomit on my feet, why pooh, whats happened. im covered in vomity pooh" when the other staff had finished laughing they remind me that i had the shower in my hand and i could just wash it away. (will just point out i wasnt actually saying pooh) my odc was going nuts and i just wanted to go home and shower. I washed it all away and finished bathing the boxer. I then washed my feet and flip flops in tri gene and hibi scrub. It was the most disgusting thing i have ever had do deal with and i used to work with babies and toddlers, i just couldnt handle pooh and vomit together. Everybody but me found it funny and the dogs owner was mortified. Apparently the dog doesnt eat her own pooh but i beg to differ.
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    :005: :005: :005: :005: not laughing..... ok I am laughing :005: :005: :005: :005:
  4. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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  5. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Ok well I'll laugh cos yesterday I was winding up the garden hose, it was in a right tangle and I didn't realise it had poo on it somewhere. So while I was busy fighting to untangle the bloody thing it whipped around and hit me in the face and arm, I knew instantly I'd been splattered. It was on my face, up my arm and in my hair and it was so rank I turned the garden hose on myself full blast to get rid of it asap. Trouble was I was then soaking wet so stripped down to my undies in the garden, good job we're not overlooked. I then went and had a shower and must have scrubbed myself several times over. Needless to say the OH thought it was hysterical when I told him about it.
  6. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    For some odd reason I don't mind dog vomit or poo but have a problem with that produced by humans o_O.
    When grandaughter Hannah was a baby she was prone to projectile vomiting and once when my DIL came to collect her I handed her over and she covered me including my hair :eek:
  7. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    during my years working in a nursery i only worked with under 2's. Ive been soaked down to my niks by vomit. Once the child had, had cherry aid at home so it stained my bra and niks pink. Ive cleaned things up you wouldnt want to think about. Only thing that bothers me when coming from a human is ear discharge I cant handle that. Poop and vomit dont bother be be it human or canine but the 2 together on my bare feet was far to much for me to bare.
  8. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Oh dera Katy :D
    I guess working in large kennels for years and helping the vet with opps I am pretty much ok with all things dog but when I had a stint in a nursing home I found the bed pans made me wretch and my eyes stream but I couldn't show it of course. I will take dogs any day :)
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Katy, I am not laughing, honest I am not...


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