Bit of fun,(You have 16 minutes to name all 206 breeds! ) It's actually harder than it looks if you don’t cheat !!! First attempt I only got 97 not being very fast at typing plus my mind went blank and few spelling mistakes or missing a letter didn’t help either and missed some of the obvious ones. Good Luck
Got 101/206 but you're right, definitely harder then you expect when you're put on the spot and timed. Also found it frustrating that the breed would post even when you had only half written it out. Would often look up to see I had the ending of a certain breed still sitting there and had to delete to post the new breed etc. That took up valuable time.
i tried but was so hard. i expected pictures. got 51 but was quite annoyed as sometimes it wouldnt tell me if i got it so i would spend ages changing spelling and trying again and again then giving up. only when i looked at my results did i see that it had taken it.
Had couple more goes now up to 125 progress i guess Heres an easy one with PICS.