just seen this online and its amazing. i also love the DDB in the video aswell http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/...0370.html?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false
Aww cute Boxer can't help worrying about him tho - wonder if they have a trolley to support his rear end for everyday use..
I saw that video a few days ago and somehow it made me feel uncomfortable although I do not know why.
He seems happy and can certainly get around but id be worried that the same quality of life isn't going to exist when he gets much bigger plus the wear and tear on his shoulder joints and the various muscles he shouldn't be using to hold his body up.
Have to say I find that distressing and can't help thinking WHY !!! The strain that must be putting on the dogs front end , how long can it go on .....not for me thanks I would not put my dog through that.
I just remembered we have Rex's story over on Dogsey. Perhaps the owners can take inspiration from it... Posted as a news story on Dogsey as well: Two-legged Boxer on the beach
i would hope that hes getting a trolly or something but i found it amazing that hes so happy and determined to enjoy life and that he didnt just fall over
It says in the article that he has a wheelchair but doesn't like to use it. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...es-beach.html?ito=video_player_click#comments Carts are not for every dog,or owner ive known dogs freak out when put in one, personally they are not for me, whilst they may help a dog get around outside ‘what happens indoors’ when he eventually cannot get up on his own does he just lay down all the time . If the dogs can’t get out quick enough to do their mess then I find that degrading for them. My beautiful Kyra has CDM, but when she can no longer get up I will let her go with dignity. But each to their own.
What a lovely face Duncan has , I find the video a bit scary too and worry about pressure on the internal organs with nothing to support the body I guess when he is running fast the momentum gives some support and when not moving he lays down a lot.
When I first saw this I too thought why? but he was born with severely deformed legs which were removed as opposed to having an accident or whatever as an adult. I initially couldn't comprehend the removal of both back legs because it isn't something I could ever consider with any of my dogs. I don't know why/how he survived before the op but he did and he found a loving caring home, so while obviously not an ideal situation he's happy and loved, not sure a dog can ask for more tbh.