What do you consider to be the most "difficult" breed? Controversial

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by DayCare4Paws, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I think the above suggests you did generalise the whole breed.....
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  3. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    And that I did, but it still doesn't mean I meant all GSDs. I used the word "tend" and not "always". This should automatically imply I don't mean all GSD's bark too much etc. Well it should imply that if you're reading the statement as a whole and not picking out words one by one like you just did.

    Also, I wish people would stop saying "their" breed. You do not own the entire breed and you didn't create the breed. It's not YOUR breed, you simply prefer it etc. I am speaking from experience with the dogs around here. Perhaps if I lived somewhere else, my opinion on GSD's would be totally opposite.

    In the end it's like this. I don't really like them, I don't really have a good reason to. I don't have to like them and I don't have to seek out reasons to do so. Not everyone likes all dog breeds, and not everyone is expected to. I have seen many people say a certain breed causes them the most problems.

    The reasons I am not fond of the breed are my own and from what I have dealt with. I already know what not all GSD's are barky annoying dogs. If I thought that every last one was like that, then I would be an idiot. If that's something you can't deal with or whatever... then really there isn't anything else I can say.
  4. wildmoor

    wildmoor Member

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    It isnt breeds I dislike its types, I dont trust mongrels and crossbreeds as most I have met during my lifetime are aggressive - or maybe its just a NW England thing and they are different elsewhere
  5. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Understandable. Same thing I was saying. I don't really like GSD's because most I have personally met are barky, annoying, and aggressive dogs. Not saying they all are, just saying the ones I have met are. BTW... I personally have a barky aggressive mongrel myself, and would totally understand if nobody wanted to be around us.

    I see what you did there miss thumbs up ;)
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I have owned American Pitbull's , Rottweilers GSD's Doberman's, JRT's & an Collie X Afghan, this is how I found them when training:

    Easy : American Pitbull's - GSD's

    Medium - Rottweilers - Dobermans, would of been easy but all bar 1 were rescued dogs

    Hard - JRT's not hard in sense of being trained, but hard as they are very stubborn

    Now the Collie X Afghan was very quick at picking up commands, but he was far to smart for his own good, had problems with him (again rescue dog)

    This is my own views on the dogs I have/do owned, however my views as an qualified trainer are totally different.
  7. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    You may well be a qualified trainer, however not even a trainer can speak for all dogs of a breed. Every dog is different and many dogs don't fit the breed traits of their breed. Dogs are individuals, so speaking for dogs as a group is almost always done based on the experiences one has had on an individual level. The level of competence as a dog trainer really is not relevant in that regard.
  8. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    I think you misread Tina's post, Myra. She only commented on the ones she has owned, as opposed to the ones she's come into contact with as a professional trainer - or at least that's how I read it ;)

    Also, I do agree with the others in that your post sounded like you were talking about the breed as a whole, rather than just the few you have come in contact with. With regards to the few you have come in contact with - sounds more like a breeder/owner fault rather than a breed one. Similar to how over here in the UK Border Collies are very popular - but so many of their owners are not smart enough to own them! (Unfortunately so many end up in Rescue.)
  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Perhaps I did misread her post. Seems that way now that I re-read it. In that case, excuse me for that. I also understand that problems in a dog doesn't mean the dog itself or the breed is bad or is a problem. I never said that, either.

    I was speaking about the breed as a whole, from my perspective. I avoid GSD's because I have had bad experiences with them. I didn't say that all of them were bad dogs. I didn't mean that, either. I never said "all" or "every" or any words that implied I meant the entire breed because I didn't mean the entire breed.

    I never said that the dogs were bad, I simply said some of the tendencies I've seen from these dogs (in my area, and that I have met) makes me dislike them and avoid them. I didn't say whose fault it was and I didn't say it was anybodies fault.

    It goes no further than that. I'm not for B.S.L. or anything like that regarding these dogs. I just avoid these dogs the most because I have had run-ins with them and whatnot. I think they are intelligent dogs that do a great service for people (with the police etc.) but I personally avoid them.

    I also avoid Chihuahuas, pit bull terriers, and a few other breeds. I actually LOVE pit bull terriers (owned one, and fostered a few) but most people around here chain them up, treat them poorly, breed them with mutt (American Bully etc.) and ruin their temperament and "type" and they are often very people aggressive, not to mention dog aggressive. I avoid them and I dislike most of the ones I meet.

    I'm against any form of breed discrimination, but I'm also against gory dog fights (which I have seen far too many of), getting bitten by dogs, and huge drama so I avoid these breeds because they are the ones I have had the most issues with. Would I support a law that banned or harmed these dogs? Absolutely not!

    If I found myself running into repeated Labradors that were aggressive and snappy, I'd avoid them, too despite my dog being a Labrador mix and them being my favorite breed/type. I didn't mean all of the GSD's Azz, that's all. It might have sounded that way, but in no way did i mean all GSD's barked too much and whatnot.

    If we use some common sense here, we could see that they wouldn't be so popular if ALL of them barked way too much and were too aggressive. So really I couldn't have possibly meant that. Perhaps my wording could have used some work, but still...

    I am... in retrospect, going to sign off of this thread now as I am just repeating myself at this point.

  10. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Thanks for clearing that up Myra :)

    That's shocking about dog fights there - I'm glad that we have stringent laws against them here, which has stamped it out quite a bit (but there are still some who break the law unfortunately).

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