oh eye! Sorry here is a few pictures... does that work?? Goodness I am not good with computers at all!!
Have to say, as a kid I really disliked jrt's. I've been chased by more than I'd like to remember. But as I've grown up I've definitely seen the light. I'm a staffy person at heart, but one day we will definitely have a jrt. The character that they have is immense. I honestly think they all believe they are lions, and if they could talk, they would argue forever and a day, adamant that they actually are lions. Brilliant dogs.
My hubby and I always say that they are like that short guy you meet in pubs who always wants to fight; Thay have LDS... Little dog syndrome! I wouldnt be with out one (at least) though.....
Having met Lottie; Trigger; Sam and Hubby- I know she is truly devoted!! Sadly things with lottie didnt work out here- but one always hopes a pjrt or a jrt will fall into my lap!!!!
Ahhh seeing this thread brings back some memories.. It's about nine months or so now, I think, since Polly left us...seems like a world ago. They really are a breed apart..one day i will have another, a rought coated tri-naturally, trotting through the fields with us..just think it would have to be many years down the line as would have incredibly large pawprints too 'fill'. Lovely pictures/posts everyone