GSD movement in slow motion Videos

Discussion in 'German Shepherd Dog' started by Ben Mcfuzzylugs, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Helen


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    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: speechless.

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  3. Jet&Copper


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    Oh. My. Dear. God.

    Sick. Utterly sick. Can't believe people think that's ok?!?!?
  4. nickmcmechan

    nickmcmechan New Member

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    aye, he's a braw lad :grin:
  5. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    Truly sick making. Plenty of people out there more than happy to make excuses for it though :( None so blind...
  6. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    I agree. Absolutely disgusting that people are breeding these deformed dogs. As for the people whom would defend the breeding of dogs that look like that....:shock:
  7. twix

    twix New Member

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    Ouch! It seems these owners & breeders consider that conformation to be the norm. If my 3 pups had grown up looking like that I would've taken them to an orthopaedic specialist, it just doesn't look right. :-(
  8. scout75


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    :shock: There are no words. :shock:

    I have obviously also missed something here as Alsatian and GSD are the same thing so why are people talking about liking Alsatians better than German Shepherds?? :017:
  9. twix

    twix New Member

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    Sorry, can't do the link but if you search on YouTube for
    Dingo vom Haus Gero, The Best Mover - Poetry in Motion
    might be what you're looking for!
  10. STGSD

    STGSD New Member

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    Couldn't get through that last video posted, brings tears :-(

    I don't see how anyone can defend this movement, regardless of health and temp, it is not right - it is NOT the GSD as he should be. I'm seeing more and more of these clumsy types and they just aren't how this breed should be, they should glide along effortlessly. It doesn't look nice I don't get it, in fact its painful to watch, what is wrong with people?

    And whats with this whole 'Alsationist' thing or 'Alsation type', it's not relevant plus there is no such thing as an 'Alsation type' :021:
  11. Arantius

    Arantius New Member

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    That video is horrific and so upsetting to watch.
    I breed and show German shepherds and none of them have ever looked like that.:shock:
  12. Dolce

    Dolce New Member

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    The "Alsationist thing" appears to me to be primarily used as put down to others. If you don't agree with the toe dragging show horrors like the first video, you must be an alsationist, apparantly. Very tiresome.

    That last video is just horrible.
  13. twix

    twix New Member

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    Thank DOG for that :grin:
  14. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    From past threads on here it seems that Alsatian/GSD is a way show people have tried to split away from other show people
    Basically the Alsatian side of things are against the curved backs of other show GSD's and breed for straigher backs - unfortunatly the extream versions of them seem to be shorter legs and longer backs
    GSD fans talk about them not being health tested having bad hips and bad tempraments

    The GSD extream versions have very tilted pelvises that cause the weak back ends (of course with great hips!!) and the flappy feet and curved bannana backs - sometimes real roatch backs

    I am a fan of neither - I prefer the types of dogs I saw in my childhood (when we still did call them Alsatians - but before there was any split) those were the dogs who looked like the show dogs for the 40's and 50's

    and the dogs I knew as a kid had great tempraments - unlike the majority of GSD's I see nowadays

    Wanted to add about the poor clown footed girl in the clip
    She is BOLT von AVALON FARM a grandaughter of Zamp - the supposed best example of a GSD
    and unfortunatly she isnt even just a 'bad dog' in the litter
    Here is her sister Bianca
  15. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Great way of putting it, I found that video quite sickening, and I'm so glad I've got one that likes to glide along effortlessly with a topline that doesn't move and feet that are placed in correct proportion thanks! Oh my word, what have we done to these beautiful dogs there:shock: They look almost deformed don't they with those flappy paddles on the back:shock:
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Slow down ANY movement and you will find similar! Try a Horse for starters. ;)
  17. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Well I've watched some beautiful dressage Dawn in slow motion and it only adds to the magnificence to me, I don't see any negatives:?
  18. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    ermm no not true at all
    I am not convinced that the GSD needs to gait like this anyways because all the clips I have seen of them working sheep they gallop more than anything

    But this guy is in slow motion

    he is just about as far as you would want the pelvis tilted - so his hind feet reach far forward but he still is putting down power as he pushes bacwards - his hocks remaining straight and not having to roll in (which the dogs have to do because the angulation is so extream that it is either the hocks wobble or they would have to waste energy raising their bums as their paw passes underneath their hips)
    This guy is also able to lift his paw enough so his toes are not dragging on the floor - its close - again you wouldnt want any more angulation than that
    and when his foot is placed down again his hocks do not come into contact with the floor

    as I said I dont actually see the point of this stride as the dogs working sheep dont use it much and working with police or military they dont use it at all
    But if we must try and breed for it then imo it is VERY important not to overdo it and effectivly disable the dogs
  19. jeagibear

    jeagibear Member

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    He turned up in the Snow, dec/15th. HE knew Max had gone. He knew Jeager was going. He stood there, at his new home. So Brave. So proud! Like he was there for me!
    He had said, "There was no need to worry!" I felt like he had been sent! He was such a beautiful little man. He was a combination of Max and Jeager, together. So beautiful, so fit and strong. Yet, so gentle. I felt he was a little Angel, who had been sent, to watch out for me. My ambition, now, is to give him a massive.. Kiss and Cuddle.
    Thanks for sharing, and thanks to Moobli. Hope to meet you all, one day!
  20. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    I disagree with that Dawn. Have a look on youtube at Dogworldtv. There are some ads for breeders on there, which is why I can't post it here. Look at the Malamute one, there is slo mo at the end. Nothing weird about that movement. There is also slow motion on the Bouvier, Elkhound, Irish Terrier and Golden Retriever. All look great, not at all similar to the op's clip.
  21. jeagibear

    jeagibear Member

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    Well done to you.. Ben.m. You know, that nobody could argue, with what you are trying to show! But what happens when you make such a valid point? Nobody, can put up any real argument. That's because they are totally Thick. or just liers. What on earth, can they have, in their defence? I challenge any supporter of this current show line. To meet me, and explain themselves! I will bet you, that not one person will accept my offer!

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