Introducing Cuba, she is related to Kirsty's zak and is 11weeks old and she will be a very dark sable
To be honest I'm not 100% sure as only one had a white flash and two were slightly lighter.I will have another look and see if I can pick:? they were all very alike
meant to add he has gone to his new home Cuba was the first to go at 8weeks as I had the pic of the bitches but didnt 100% make my mind up until my third visit the day we collected her
O do obed with my collies at the moment I will compete with Cuba in Obed and Wts( I did qualify TDex a long time ago) I have started clicker training she can do sits and downs,as regards heelwork we have started doing widework and I intend to start tracking with her this weekend.
She is absolutely beautiful I can't wait to see how she grows and hopefully she and Zak can meet at Lauder one day in the future