What breed would you recommend? Which breed for me?

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Alice Childress, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Alice Childress

    Alice Childress New Member

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    What breed would you recommend?

    I am sure you get these sort of threads all the time :lol: but I was wondering if I could ask your advise.

    As a first time dog "owner", I have been researching homing a dog for the past year but having looked into a number of breeds I am still not sure which dog my lifestyle is best suited to.

    I went to Crufts on Thursday and discover dogs made me even more confused!

    So a little bit about my lifestyle...

    I'm 26 and live in Brighton (slightly away from the centre of town) in a ground floor maisonette which I am lucky enough to own. It's about the size of a small house and has a secure patio. During my research, I have spoken to a number of people that have reassured me that as long as the dog gets enough mental and physical exercise that this should be enough space for most breeds. Do you find this to be true?

    My career involves me working from home so I will be able to be with the dog all the time.

    I already go for daily walks as I live 5 minutes away from the Sussex downs, although it's worth noting that I'm more of a calm gentle walker opposed to the very active types :blush:

    I've never lived with a dog, however I dog sit for friends every summer for a week or two at a time and help out at the local rescue kennels.

    My "perfect" dog would...
    1. Be happy with an hours-an hour and half walk a day.
    2. Be pretty chilled in the house (once grown up at least!) - I'm imagining some idyllic situation where after a nice walk in the morning, said dog would chill out and fall asleep at my feet for a few hours while I work. (A perfectly well behaved dog like that is possible right? 8) ;-))
    3. I like big hairy dogs with floopy ears, however I am aware that a smaller dog might be "easier" in terms of the space I live in and being able to take them out to friends houses and pubs etc This is one area that I am slightly torn in as I do love the gentle giant types.
    4. I'd love to do obedience training.
    5. I plan to move to the country in a few years, at which point I'll want to get cats. My mother has cats currently, so I plan to "use" them to socialise any pup with them in preparation, however with this in mind I'd rather avoid breeds known for having a high prey drive.
    6. In terms of grooming, I'm happy to brush and maintain a coat every day if need be, but I'd prefer not to have a breed that needs to go to the groomers.

    Hmm :017: I think that's most of the it.

    From what I've put... What breed would you recommend!?

    Thank you :grin:
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  3. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    What breeds took your fancy at DD.
  4. Alice Childress

    Alice Childress New Member

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    Bernese mountain dog :blush: But I've heard from other people that they are not good for the inexperienced - I'm not sure how accurate this is?
  5. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    I think you sound like an ideal owner. :grin: I would stay away from working lines of any breed for your first dog - but apart from that I don`t think there are any breeds that would be ruled out. Well - Pekinese maybe. ;-)
    When I took my first dog I had a year-old GSD who needed a home. Thus I didn`t have to deal with the puppy stage or the teenage period. I found that very beneficial as it meant we could bond and learn from each other without all the chewing, house-training, tantrums etc.
    Maybe think about a rehome? They don`t all have problems you know.
  6. jade the sbt

    jade the sbt

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    I would say Staffordshire bull terrier, but I'm hugely biased to their smile xD
  7. Wyrd

    Wyrd New Member

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    I would have said a Greyhound or a Whippet but they aren't really hairy dogs, you can get longhaired Whippets though I think?
  8. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    I would have said a greyhound, they don't need loads of mental stimulation and there are thousands out there desperate for homes. They will fit into a smaller home quite easily and don't need a huge garden and you can get one thats fine with cats, the only thing is they are not hairy, but then they will save you on having to hoover a mountain of hairs from your home everyday and you don't go out covered in their hairs either. They are quiet, good natured and gentle, in fact the easiest dog I have ever owned and make an ideal first dog.
    If not a greyhound i would visit some rescue kennels there is sure to be more than one that makes your heart melt so you want to take it home.
  9. Julz11

    Julz11 New Member

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    cross breed....

    I personally wouldn't advise on a greyhound, that has raced.. thier prey drive is very high, and cats would only enhance that...

    why don't you apply to different rescues and help out with them to give you an idea of what is invloved in the care of dogs, and how much it varies from breed to breed for excersize.

    for instance.. you've said you want a dog that would be comfortable with 60mins to 90mins excersize a day.... retired grey hounds are quite lazy and some of them only require 20min walks at a time on lead... some can be let off lead, but most need to be on lead and with a muzzle too.

    Border Collies need considerably more than 90mins a day, they are hot wired, and never sit still for long enough.. they will run you ragged...

    Jack Russells.. they enjoy a good walk, but can be extremely noisy...

    Fox Terriers are fab, but come with little brains,.... lol I love them, and would have one if i could, but being terriers they can be quite feisty

    Labs are fab... you'd never need to chuck out food... as Lab would see to that, but don't let him get too fat lol

    I know you've done your research, but there are so many breeds, you will never get through them in a lifetime... you'll be old and grey before you can decide...

    all breeds come with a different "problem" (not problem as such, but something that won't fit into your lifestyle) Cross breeds..are generally healthier than your pure bred, and the more breeds in one dog, the happier it will be as your first dog..... enjoy the dog for what love it gives you, when you feel ready Im sure your canine partner will completely take over your life and you'll take on more. :)
  10. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    You sound to have really considered adding a dog to your household, which is great.

    Loads of breeds would suit your circumstances - and I wouldn't necessarily rule out a BMD completely, but would really research your breeder and speak to others with BMDs (there are some on here :) ). Being a giant breed, they don't have particularly long lifespans though, which ought to be borne in mind.

    It would be helpful to know which types/breeds appeal to you, and then take it from there. I can think of loads of breeds that would suit the lifestyle you describe.
  11. Alice Childress

    Alice Childress New Member

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    I already help out at a rescue :)

    My plan has always been to get a pup from an responsible breeder and then a few years after that home a rescue dog where the actual breed will not matter so much as I'd be looking at the specific personality of the dog :) That way, by then, I *should* be living in the country and will hopefully have a bigger garden as currently my living circumstances might make it harder to home a rescue.

    So for the moment though, I am thinking of a pup.
  12. Alice Childress

    Alice Childress New Member

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    I've started a thread on BMD's in the breed section with the hope of getting a better idea :)

    That's part of the problem really because I like all dogs! I just wouldn't necessarily want to live with them all ;) Aesthetically, I like big dogs. I also seem to be drawn to dogs with lots of hair - especially if they have soft coats. I do wonder if a smaller dog would be better though... At discover dog I surprised myself no end by being quite drawn to the long haired chihuahua! He was so charming. However, I don't quite see myself with any dog that is too "pretty" if you know what I mean? For some reason most toy breeds just feels too pretty for me somehow! So I suppose I prefer sturdier dogs. Border terriers and Norwich terriers are both little dogs I like the look of, but have read that they are very high energy in line with most little terriers.
  13. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    My sister has a Border Terrier and she is a lazy little so and so :lol:

    How about also looking at a cocker spaniel (both show and working type), a Golden Retriever might also tick your boxes as well as a Labradoodle.
  14. Alice Childress

    Alice Childress New Member

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    I do love golden retrievers but was under the impression that although pretty calm in the house, need a good few hours walk a day?

    Thank you everyone by the way, this is all very helpful!
  15. Julz11

    Julz11 New Member

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    Not necessarily, I walk a GR and she's happy with a gentle stroll, she can be a nutter and go for a run, but mostly it's a sniff in the grass she likes at HER pace, lol (very slow) :grin: she also prefers to be outside her house on a long lead (that's fixed) with a bone to chew on.
  16. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    What absolute rubbish. As with any breed some yes do have a high prey drive but equally many ex-racers do not, and live happily with cats. Neither of my 2 chase cats. in fact one was sitting in the garden a few nights back when I let them out, they saw it, stood there for a second and then decided to come back in before it eat them. Mine also walk calmly past cats that come trotting past them. I know lots and lots of ex-racing greyhound owners who also own cats.
    Most greyhounds are happy with long walks of 1-2 hours but are equally content with 20 min round the block if you don't have time or don't want to go further.
    Most do not need to be muzzled either. Come on one of our greyhound walks and you will see perhaps 1 or 2 muzzled out of 60-70 dogs.
    Just to add my Rottie x GSD had a higher prey drive than my greyhounds.

    Alice I wish you luck in whatever breed you decide to go for.
  17. Julz11

    Julz11 New Member

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    It is NOT rubbish. A friend of mine used to foster them, and one particularly could not be walked without his muzzle or lead, he would and has killed smaller dogs... (not while in her care) It MAY be in the minority but IMO an ex racer is not the dog for someone who's never had a dog before. Sure some are laid back and happy enough to live with cats, but that i not to say all are....

    would you recommend a rider to get an ex racehorse as their first horse??
  18. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Don't rule out Norwich terriers - Muddiwarx on here has one and she's a super easy trainable little dog.

    Bernese are lovely but the lifespan is an issue. When I read your big dog description you could have been talking about an Estrela - but they are generally not first timer dogs, unless you have really researched the breed and are willing to accept their little idiosyncrasies. :)
  19. Julz11

    Julz11 New Member

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    Does tomorrow suit??
  20. Alice Childress

    Alice Childress New Member

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    I do think Estrela are gorgeous - surprise surprise given my favourite sort of dogs :blush: But again, had ruled them out because of hearing that they are not first timer dogs. What idiosyncrasies are we talking about? :grin:

    I shall give Norwich terriers another look :)
  21. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    Edited as do not want to ruin Alice's thread
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2012

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