How do you decide on a breed when you have a clash of opinions? Discussions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by x-clo-x, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    thanks :grin: ive known my OH for 21 years :lol: my mum used to baby sit him. i moved away for a while then i came back at 15, we have been close ever since :grin:

    maybe dont want to move as quick as you and be engaged in a month :lol: but its nice to know someone else knows what i mean, hope we last as long as you :grin:
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  3. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Hahaha no that was fast but we had a long engagement. He had gone away to uni but i was doing an art foundation course so was still at home. It was his way of showing how commited he was to making us work and how much i meant to him :)
  4. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    i wouldnt move back in with my nana, once im out im out thats the rule, and she isnt having me back :lol:

    but also, i dont want to think about stuff like that right now. theres no saying it will, and if it does then we deal with it then.. not even put thought into if we dont end up together, dont see why i should.
    obviously if it happened we would do whatever would be best for the dog, whether it be with him or me, like alot of people do when they split up with their partner, just like they do with kids etc.
  5. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    ahh i see :lol: my oh can keep the pretty diamond ring in his pocket a while longer :lol: :lol:
  6. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    :lol: Talking of quick me and my Ex moved in together very quickly and started looking for a house to buy together after a couple of months, completed on the house purchase and moved into our own house 6 months after our first date, we were together 27 years so every relationship moves at it's own speed.
  7. pippam


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    Inorder to get a dog I had to pick one the whole family liked, unfortunately no one likes staffies in my family they think their ugly -.-

    Mum wanted a poodle I wasnt terribly keen on them ive met some and they don't appeal to me much but mum loves them.

    Dad wanted a springer and im glad I did not go with this choice because dad does not exercise Millie at all which is a real shame because id agreed on a cocker based on the fact that dad would exercise the dog as well. Hence my decission to pick a breed the whole family would be happy with.

    I wanted a Miniarture Schnouzer but no one seemed happy with that choice and im quite happy I did not pick one in the end because all the minnis ive met are snappy barky things.

    In the end I picked a cocker as dad had, had one, mum had, had one and everyone was happy with said breed:p
  8. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    Hmm...well I guess I think differently then, because IMO it IS very important to consider these things when you have multiple dogs. You are young, in the early stages of a relationship, you are not in work, don't appear to have a very supportive family network and I'm guessing you have limited finances. If it doesn't go to plan, you could be left in a sticky situation with four dogs. If it were just you in the equation I'd agree with you 100% and cross that bridge when you come to it, but I think it is different when you have multiple dogs involved.
  9. bugzy

    bugzy New Member

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    I was bad! I wanted a dobermann, I was determined I was going to get a dobermann, So one day I went out whilst Pete was at work and bought one, and then came home and told him he'd bought me Kai as my valentines day present . Luckily he fell in love with the cuteness of a dober pup the moment he saw her, and was smitten on dobes ever since.

    With the Boxer I had no intention of getting one, but I saw her as a puppy, was having snuggles with her, and it was actually Pete that asked me if i'd like to have her.. ( she has turned out to be petes dog)

    I was also very bad when we got Bugzy for Beth to show.. Beth was asked by my friend if she would like her very own puppy to show, as she had been handling a couple of her Min Pins at shows and she'd been bitten by the show bug.
    I thought it was a lovely idea but I knew her dad would not be happy, because at that time, he hated the yappy, snappy lil creatures, so we didnt tell Pete that Bugzy was coming home.. I just arrived home with Bugzy in a little crate, then 6 month's later I arrived home with Meeka up my jumper, walked in he went to kiss me and saw Meeka down my top.:mrgreen:

    I was a little better with Erik, I called him on the phone, told him there was a dobe pup that was an orphan, and needed hand rearing to survive, and asked if I could take him on. Pete said he thought i'd already got him and couldn't believe it when I said no i'd actually waited untill i'd spoken to him... He says there is a first time for everything!

    I wouldn't reccomend people did what I did, I'm very lucky to have a hubby like pete :)
  10. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    will you stop picking? its really starting to grate on me, as i have said it wasnt a serious discussion we had had. it was a thought that popped into my head as how people who had clashing opinions picked a breed they both liked.

    i didnt say "oh so im moving in with the OH next week, dont know how its going to turn out, may split up with him a week later but what the heck lets get a dog"

    i know things dont work out as planned all the time, i know we could split up, i already know i do not have a supportive family, i already know i do not have a job and i have limited finances, which is why i have said numerous times that it was a thought that popped into my head when i realised we had such different taste.

    its clearly not something that will happen right away which is also why i said it could be a long long long time away..

    heck right now we are too busy deciding what takeaway to have for tea, he wants indian i want chinese ;-)
  11. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    sounds like you are very lucky :lol: bringing dogs home in your top :lol: it was obvious he would say yes to erik, who could resist him ;-)
  12. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    PMSL love it! :005: My OH is very happy for me to take the lead and make desions so i would suspect he would have he same reaction. With the rats i just sort of told him we were getting them and that he had to drive me to a service station by liverpool to collect them!

    I think if Erik happened to us i would have been in more trouble for NOT bringing him home, OH has a big love for dobes :)
  13. abbie

    abbie Member

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    Luckily we don't have this problem as it is me that does all the walking, feeding, cleaning up after, training and competing so I choose the dogs :grin:

    OH loves driving, helping at shows, fixing equipment, taking photographs and cuddling the dogs on the settee (one thing that the NI's and BSD's have in common and all excel at :grin: )
  14. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    My OH has already said that I can get whatever breeds I want... although he does love Jake, he isn't quite as into dogs as me... so any dogs will be mine :mrgreen: He doesn't mind the breed my next dog will be, but he doesn't like the colour that I like :lol: If I do get one that colour though, he has said that he won't mind in the slightest once he gets to know the pup :grin: I know colour isn't the most important thing, but he will still need to look at the dog :lol:
  15. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    I would say the first thing you need to do is make sure he reads up on the breeds he is considering - as it's clear he doesn't know what he might be letting himself in for.

    Failing that you will have to do the hard work for him. Every breed he suggests, write a pros/cons list - and get him to do the same for any you suggest.

    Hopefully seeing that he can't let some breeds off lead/that they require 2+ hours exercise a day might make he see sense :lol:
  16. DoKhyi

    DoKhyi New Member

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    Well - as you want a Weimaraner and he wants a staffie, husky or akita, I think I have the perfect compromise. It has a curly tail like a husky, is related to the akita and in body shape is kind of half way between the akita and staffie and you can get them in the same colour as a weimaraner. You want a lilac/blue shar-pei - you just don't know it yet. ;-) Think of it. Neither of you want one so you'll both feel like the other hasn't got their own way. :lol:

    Right, back to how I got the dog breed I wanted when I lived with a bloke and we were looking for another dog to go with my collie x retriever. He wanted a border collie, I wanted an akita and we ended up with a chow chow. I always loved chows and when we found the pub near where I worked had two and wanted to rehome one because he kept doing a runner, neither of us could resist once we met him. When we split up it broke my heart leaving him behind - the dog that is not the ex. :005:
  17. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    Shar pei crossed my mind ;-) :grin:
  18. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Easy - OH has his collies and I have my GSDs ... no compromise needed LOL ;-)
  19. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    yeah but your OH does his work with his dogs, somehow i get the feeling i would be doing the work whether he chose it or i did :lol:
  20. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Well, it is easy. You are the woman ... you just withdraw any "privileges" until you get your own way :005: :005: :005:

    Or, you could get a dog each :grin: (only if he is going to commit to doing all the work/exercise etc with his own dog though ... otherwise, what's the point? :017: )
  21. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    :005: :005: :005: withdraw his privileges :lol: :lol: i wouldnt mind getting a dog each, he would walk it with me, but its whether he would do it all himself :lol: we shall see got a long way to go yet :lol:

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