No more common then in cocker spaniels, nearly all the cocker puppys that get returned to breeders are down heart murmers from what ive notticed. is it true to the spaniel types or mostly the king charles?? They seem very prone to getting heart murmers is this down to problems associated with age? Or is it more to do with poor breeding?? Almost all the King charles spaniels I know have had a heart murmer at some point in their life it seems fairly simple to treat depending on the level/grade??
Ae you talking about King Charles or Cavalier King Charles? Where are these dogs from? Are they from byb or show breeders? Who diagnosed the heart murmurs? Your post is confusing and very generalised. ETA a vet cannot diagnose a heart murmur in a very young pup. Many pups have what's known as a double heart beat (this from my vet) that is perfectly normal and healthy.
i presume you are talking about cavaliers, king charles arent that common... decent breeders wont breed from dogs that have heart problems, and there are tests to see if they have one or not. its the BYB that do not care about genetic problems as they like to make the money and sell to the general public who just want a pet. for instance my friend has just bought two cavaliers from the same litter, and the parents have had no health tests done. but its ok "because they are just pets" also this thread should be in the toy section rather than utility.
I guess what I should have put was are heart murmers age related or genetic?? Are they common amongst a specifc breed type?? I ask because my friend had a king charles and when it got passed the age of 5 by this time it had been re homed but the previous owner still checks up from time to time however, she came from a KC pedigree breeder who had health tested. A friend of the same friend had a King charles spaniel too but this was from a BYB and never had any health problems despite were it came from and the fact it was very obese, despite being walked and fed the right food. A lady I have met recently has a King charles cavelier rescue dog that its disabled owner gave up after not being able to cope anymore and her dog was around 5 when it was diagnosed with a mild heart murmer. I had seen on rescue sites cocker spaniels diagnosed with mild heart murmers and this were puppies o.0''
to be honest i dont know much about it because the breed i own doesnt as a rule have heart problems. certain breeds can be affected, i know boxers have to be heart tested. again im not too sure on the genetic v age debate. it can be genetic, thats why parent should be tested from, but i imagine there are other factors that could cause one too.
I assumed she was talking about the CKCS - I have only ever met two King Charles, they are not common at all (round here).
i thought that, ive never seen a king charles unless its at a show. even then there arent many off them.
I've got ckcs and he's 19 months, I'm his fourth home sadly so I had him vet checked and he hasn't so far got a heart murmer. I do have his pedigree and have been trying to track down his breeder but to no joy! I know he was originally brought from somewhere in london and the name of the breeder but I can't find anyone under her name breeding them so I gather he could be from a BYB. When I spoke to the vet she said that 95% of cavaliers she has seen have had heart murmer and was quite shocked that Max didn't have one. Fingers crossed he won't but I gather he could get it when is gets older.
i know. its just that in the original post, it wasnt stated that they were referring to cavaliers, as it said king charles spaniel.
its ok thats why i pointed it out as anyone that reads just the first post doesnt really know which breed is being referred too
It was the King Charles Spaniel that my friend had thats why I was asking the one I met recently had a King Charles Cavalier which was the later. I didnt know that about that the King Charles was so rare o.0
I've never really seen a king charles but I've seen lots of cavaliers so I think they are quite rare :-o