Second Grey... Questions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by JamieWilson, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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  3. JamieWilson

    JamieWilson New Member

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    Bella is more closely related our other Grey Paddy ( HERE ) .
    As for Pippa, she cried ALL night, real separation anxiety problems, I'm absolutely bloody knackered!
    Practising leaving her and returning today, hopefully she will get the idea that just because we are in bed we're not leaving her forever.
    Any suggestions?
  4. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    Paddy and Bella have the same daddy ! Poor Pippa and poor you but its really early days , she will take a couple of weeks at least to settle into your routine , Bella tended to follow Toms lead with things so that helped , she fitted into his routine , we didnt leave her in the early days and waited till she had settled before building up the length of time they were left. ours sleep upstairs with us but thats not right for everyone but most greys bond very strongly with their owners and dont like to be away from them, so you need to establsih the routine you want from day 1 and stick to it. I am no expert but from experience it worked well to keep bella with us the first couple of weeks and then start to leave her and Tom for gradually extending periods.

    One piece of behaviour that is quite common with a newly rehomed greyhound, is that the dog will quite happily relax while the humans are sitting down, but will then immediately stand up every time anyone moves - especially if there is a move to a door.
    This is because greyhounds have spent a lot of time by themselves and have come to associate human activity with something about to happen (exercise, or a trip to the greyhound stadium).

    I think they are just totally bewildered by the new world they are in initially but soon get used to it , Bella ran away at anything initally , hairdryer, hoover, microwave ping, but now she sits next to me as I dry my have and jumps up on the sofa out the way of the hoover.

    Dont worry Pippa will settle in and start to enjoy dare I say her 'forever home ! ' Hope that helps a little.

    Keep us posted as to how she is doing :grin:
  5. JamieWilson

    JamieWilson New Member

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    Thanks for that, Paddy is trying to make her feel at home, he'll go and sit with her if she starts to cry and has been so gentle.
    She is just a nervous girl and it will take time, Paddy sleeps in the spare bedroom upstairs but she wouldn't settle in their at all, so eventually I put her quilt on our bedroom floor and she went straight to sleep.

    I think we will probably let her sleep in the bedroom with us at first then gradually increase the amount of time we are in the bedroom without her.

    My only worry is while we are at work, I don't want to crate her whilst we are at work but also don't want the house trashing through her worry. Paddy is in a fantastic routine with us going to work.
    He gets up has breakfast and goes in the garden, then sleeps while we get showered and dressed, goes for a long walk then runs straight back to bed.

    I'm pretty sure this will be her forever home, but it will be a long road for her, hopefully with Paddy's help she will get some confidence back. Poor little girl.
  6. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    She sure will benefit from Paddys routine and you are doing all the right things , just takes a bit of time but its so worth it ! BTW there is a decendants of the Honcho dog page on a well known social networking site where you can meet some more cousins ! ;-)
  7. JamieWilson

    JamieWilson New Member

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    Much better night last night letting her stay in our room if she wanted.
    We ARE going to adopt her, she is going back to the kennels today and having her nails clipped and stitches took out etc and we are going to pick her up on Friday!
  8. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    I'm so pleased you are going to adopt her. Shame she has to go back to the kennels after experiencing the luxery of home life but it won't be long till she is out of there for good.
    I am sure you will all be a very happy family, what a lucky girl.
  9. JamieWilson

    JamieWilson New Member

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    We didn't want her to go back either but she has some bits too be done before she comes to a home, also we have a few late ones with work this week because of meetings etc so its probably a good thing.
    Gives us a chance to get her a proper walking collar, little girls head is a funny size too small for a greyhound collar but too big for a whippet, think we'll get her a martingale from Kitsch.
  10. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Guinness is Irish registered but there is no trace of him anywhere. Here aer some pics so you can see the likeness!!:mrgreen:

    I'm so glad you're adopting her...she's beautiful. Addictive aren't they?!!;-)
  11. JamieWilson

    JamieWilson New Member

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    Pippa is Irish registered and my god they do look alike! How old is Guinness? I take it you don't have his stood book then?
  12. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    They do look alike don't they?!!!!:mrgreen: I don't have a stud book for Guinness. The rescue tried to trace him but there was no record of him!:shock: He's 4 years old and has apparently raced so I'm guessing he raced on flapping tracks and not proper tracks.
    They could be brother and sister though!! How nice would that be?!:002:
  13. JamieWilson

    JamieWilson New Member

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    It is possible being the same age.
    Pippa's birthday is down as July 2. (2007)
    There are 6 litter mates registered on greyhound data so it is possible there were 1 or 2 more that didn't make it past trials and on to the site?
    Do you know if Guinness had a racing name? It's the shape of the ears as well as the markings that amazes me, he looks like a larger version of her.
  14. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    Zoe , dont know if you have tried this , if he has a tattoo you should be able to find him, all tatooed hounds are registered and they will be able to give you the name of his dam and sire, and then you can trace him on the greyhound database, if you call them they will give you the info over the phone, Bella wasnt on the greyhound database and this is how I traced herand then had her added.

    Heres the contact details
  15. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Guinness isn't his racing's what we called him coz he's irish and black and white!! LOL!!:lol: I'm really going to try to find him now....I'm intrigued!:001:

    That's interesting. Thanks Maureen. I didn't realise Bella wasn't on the database either. Thanks for the link....I'll give them a call xx
  16. GandalfTheGrey

    GandalfTheGrey New Member

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    My grey Niamh came from Ireland, has a racing name and ear tattoo's but I have been unable to find her on the database.
  17. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    Have you tried looking on the Irish greyhound Board Website, I found a dog I was looking for on there.
  18. SusieL

    SusieL New Member

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    Good luck. Fostering is a good way to find the perfect match and hopefully that's just what you will find with Pippa.
  19. coventrycatfish

    coventrycatfish New Member

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    My Guinness isn't on Greyhound Data either, I really ought to get him added but I haven't got around to it.

    This is his litter brother though: Darcy&sex=&color=&birthyear=&birthland=

    He was called Guinness when I got him, his racing name was Ardera Cracker (not to be confused with Ardera Cracko, who is another litter brother). There was also a litter sister Ardera Chick who is not on GD.

    I don't have a camera so I can't post a picture of him, but if you look at Head Honcho on Greyhound Data, Guinness looks very like him. HH has slightly more white up his front, but apart from that they are extremely alike.
  20. JamieWilson

    JamieWilson New Member

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  21. spot

    spot New Member

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    Erm please can you send Ness back to me?

    I must say this thread has really really shocked me - I didnt know you could have just one greyhound:shock:

    Hope everything keeps going really well x

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