Do labs shed much? Grooming

Discussion in 'Labrador Retriever' started by dog_geek, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. dog_geek

    dog_geek New Member

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    Do labs shed much?

    I currently have my OH dad's Black Lab saying with us for a week. I have never owned a Lab so don't know if this is typical of the breed.

    She seems to be shedding more than my Collie, I always thought Labs didn't shed so much. I just took her outside and furminated her :lol: I got half a carrier bag full of hair out of her and it was just a quick session. Is this typical of the breed?

    Also I know Labs are generally foodie dogs but she goes to the extreme of picking out bonio crumbs out of the shaggy mat and licking the kitchen floor for crumbs. Maybe I should hoover more :lol:
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  3. Mica

    Mica New Member

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    lol.. oh my.. Lbardaors always shed.. and sorry to say right now mine are shedding like crazy.. half a carrier bag is about right. Labs shed loads more than collies. and greedy.. you bet, eyes bigger than belly syndrome, why hoover when you have a lab??
  4. dog_geek

    dog_geek New Member

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    I dont know why I thought they didn't shed that much :lol: I always heard Labs love their food but I didn't realise it was to this extreme lol Its a bit of a shock to the system as the Collie can take or leave food, he's not that fussed. Hes learnt he cant save a biscuit till later anymore though as it disappears :lol:
  5. Mica

    Mica New Member

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    LOL.. my daughter's collie did start out fussy.. and tried to leave her meals.. she doesnt now. ten seconds flat and my lot have cleaned EACH others bowls!
  6. Tass

    Tass New Member

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    Labs are double coated dogs; waterproof outer coat, softer undercoat under that, so there is all the more to shed.

    Most Labs (there is the odd exception) are very much in the "live to eat" camp rather than the eat to live outlook. Although that can provide a lot of useful leverage or motivation in training.
  7. dog_geek

    dog_geek New Member

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    Yeah collies have double coats too but she seems to be shedding a lot more than him. I have a cream carpet so Im really noticing :lol:
  8. TabithaJ

    TabithaJ New Member

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    Totally typical :mrgreen:

    My Lab is shedding a lot right now; I just bathed him in the garden and dried him and now there are blond/red hairs flying everywhere.

    As for the food...yes, again that is very typical :twisted:
  9. Mica

    Mica New Member

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    my eldest lab.. 9 years old now bless her.. she's got really naughty, whenever I ask her to do anything.. she'll just go by the biscuit barrell and sit lookin at it wagging her cute tail.. naughty but nice lol
  10. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Theyre a lovely breed. Boxers & Labs go together like strawbs & cream - lush :)

    I thought our Harvey was good at ckeaning the floor until we got our last kitten, what he misses, she scoops up - its funny to watch :)

    If i didnt have Boxers, would have a Lab. At one time we had both together :)

    Yep Labs can shed & so can Boxers :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2011
  11. dog_geek

    dog_geek New Member

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    Saves you cleaning your floor :lol: my uncle had a boxer, he was a loon! come to think of it, he shed quite a bit as well.
  12. majuka

    majuka New Member

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    Yes, agree with what others have said. I've lived with a couple of labs and both were shedders and both had huge appetites :lol:
  13. Tass

    Tass New Member

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    You should have insisted your Dad got a pale blond yellow Lab ;-) :lol:
  14. Mica

    Mica New Member

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    LOL.. I had mainly yellow labs.. I bought a gorgeous cream lounge carpet.. now I have more blacks than yellows.. and a mucky lookin carpet!
  15. dog_geek

    dog_geek New Member

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    :lol: hmm bit late after 7 years to go down the rspca and ask to change her for a yellow one lol could I dye her? :lol:
  16. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Lol I've not had a lab, but have never known a breed who moults more then them! (part of the problems with labradoodles really, yeah poodles don't shed, but you could get dog who sheds like a lab instead :shock: different thread though ;)) but at the boarding kennels there would be days I'd have to carry around ten bowls at a time, more if any kennels had two dogs in, if I dropped any food, as long as it wasn't any special food or anything I'd always get a Lab out after to clean it up, chocolates seemed to be the best for this, and no Lab ever missed a biscuit (boss never knew I was doing this though, they'd even be let in the kitchen if thats were the spill was :lol:).
  17. pippam


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    One of my biggest pet hates is a fat lab I hate to see them or any animal for that matter overweight reguardless of how much the love their food :<
  18. smokeybear

    smokeybear New Member

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    Sorry had to larf, you really have no experience of labs at all do you..............:mrgreen:
  19. dog_geek

    dog_geek New Member

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    lol no i really dont! :lol: All my family had different breeds of dogs, GSD's, Collies, Boxers, Crosses, JRT but never a Lab. None of my friends ever had Labs either, weird considering how common they are!
  20. smokeybear

    smokeybear New Member

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    Common? Come come, I think the word you are looking for is "popular" :)

    Labradors, the ultimate eating machines..............
  21. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    I have always liked this cartoon:


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