For those with boxers Questions

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by kammi_sparky123, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    For those with boxers

    Can you please explain the experiences you had since they were a puppy/when you got them?

    How long does it realllly take them to grow up? :lol:
    How were they at recall?
    When does the drooling kick in? Lol.
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  3. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    They grow up physically fairly quickly! :lol: Mentally, they are still 'puppies' until at least 4 I would say. Max suddenly shifted about a year ago to being more sedate (for a Boxer), Murphy is 4 and has yet to hit this stage....

    Their recall is absolutely fine - we went to puppy classes and dog training. They are no harder or easier than any other dogs I think!

    Max was hardly destructive at all, whereas Murphy has been a little b*gger! Again, I think it depends on the dog and circumstances, rather than the breed.

    In terms of socialisation, I've always found it a bit harder than average. Boxers play very rough (not aggressively) so need to be taught moderation. Also, a lot of dogs don't get on with them - it's something about their carriage and stance that looks aggresive/dominant etc,
    Saying that, there is no reason why a Boxer can't be well socialised!

    Drool-wise... my two don't really drool! I don't really know any Boxers who drool excessively! My two will do it when there is nice food around, but no more so than my friends Labrador!
  4. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    I am surprised about the drool! I always thought boxers drooled loads! :lol:

    That is good to know about the dogs.... and I will keep in mind about not letting them play too rough then :)

    How "dog orientated" are they in general?
    Are they "cuddly" dogs at home? :)
  5. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Depends on the dog I think, Oz and Snoop are the same age but with 2 different mental ages .lol
    Recall is fine ...
    Grew out of it very quickly ..
    No drooling here unless food is in sight or smell...
    Very social with friendly dogs but will stand up to any dog that needs standing up too..
    Yet lets coco get away with murder..
    I think there are lots of misconception when it comes to boxers ...
  6. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Yeah I mean I am sure most people seem to know how much I love them haha, but I have only ever seen boxers, never really "met" one (don't worry that is on my to-do list :lol:).

    My neighbour was telling me they are hard with recall and drool everywhere all the time etc... but I don't think she is the biggest fan :-o hence I came back to here :D
  7. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Ozzie is my boy and thinks he is a lap dog ..
    People will tell you they have never met a ''friendly boxer''..
    Been said to my face too...
  8. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Well on that side I have heard a lot of "I have never met a mean boxer" :)
  9. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    I would be lying if I said i hadnt
    But breeding and temperament in boxers is very important ..
  10. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Haha well what I mean is I don't think all boxers are unfriendly :p

    Yeah a friend I know online works at a kennels fairly near me and apparently his boss is high up in the KC and is going to judge at crufts next year, so he is going to ask for the list of the top boxer breeders in the UK for me :)

    (Hence the excitement, hence the questions :D - even though I won't be able to get one for a few years :( )

    Oh, how much (if you don't mind me asking) is their insurance?
  11. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    :shock: Boxers grow up? :shock: :lol:

    I've never owned a Boxer but hope to do so one day, they're an awesome breed. The ones I've met have been highly intelligent and willing to work as long as you've found out what motivates them. I knew someone who had one as a guide dog a few years ago. He was calm enough while working but typical goofy Boxer when off duty.

    Most of the ones I've known have been friendly with other dogs and with people but could be a bit...well, over enthusiastic with it. None of them seemed overly slobbery to me. They'd drool if they'd been running around or if there were food around but they didn't constantly look like they'd swallowed a shoe :lol:
  12. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    They have saving accounts ...
  13. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    LOL that is part the reason I asked :lol:

    I am still impressed about the drool! Haha :D
  14. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Look at this conehead..
  15. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Awww, I would love a Fawn boxer I think :D
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Don't let anyone ever tell you a Boxer cant be trained or is "thick" (something some seem to think) they are an extremely intelligent breed, there is no excuse for anyone to own a out of control Boxer, they learn quickly (the bad as well as the good) , also dont be fooled by the "they love everyone and every thing" label they get , some are but many are not .. for every Boxer you will see that loves all dogs and is happy and friendly, you will match it with one that does not get on with other dogs... socialisation, breeding and life's experience will decide the outcome of that.

    Boxers are a fabulous breed to own, but they are not for everyone...just look at how many end up in rescue, what a cute young Boxer gets up to as a pup and you think it cute and funny, turns into a nightmare when they reach adolescence, and hey presto, the dog is discarded.

    If anyone asks me about the breed, I will fill you with horror stories and ALL the negatives , if you are still keen, then I will tell you how they enrich your life.
  17. kammi_sparky123

    kammi_sparky123 New Member

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    Thanks jackbox!

    Would you mind telling me all the negatives you can think of then? Or at least a few of the worst?

    I am the kind of person that loves research and WANTS to know the bad things so I can make a fully informed decision!
  18. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    I'd like to know as it's a breed I'm definitely considering getting in the future. It's easy to find info on how wonderful they are but not so easy to find the bad points.
  19. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Ok, will try and give you a few...others can chip in too if they like:lol:

    The are an extremely boisterous breed, they are are classed as a medium breed, but weight behind them puts them more into a large breed category,

    They are a breed that likes to lead on a walk( pull) so constant painstaking training is needed.. a muscular dog weighing around 30-32 kgs pulling like a train on a lead is no fun at all.

    They love to jump all over unsuspecting visitors, again with consistent training you can stop this.

    Many Boxers sadly will be dog aggressive, some same sex aggressive and a bad experience for a Boxer can make him act first and ask questions even with the most careful and dedicated socialisation, you could still end up with a dog aggressive dog..

    If the are bored (and exersice is not enough) they can destroy something within a few minutes.. cars, sofas , anything they can get their chops around(some of the horror stories I know of woudl turn you grey).

    Boxer suffer with tummy problems.. you need to be able to cope with the most awful smells they can can empty a building in the blink of an eye. :lol: and in some cases need to adjust diet accordingly, (dont know many that dont suffer with poorly tums off and on) .

    They snore ...........big time:shock:

    They can suffer SA,

    They tend to be Velcro dogs, (in th home) not so much outside :lol:

    thats enough to be going on with I think.

    But I will say, if all the above does not put you off, and you are committed to putting the time needed into your Boxer, they are one of the most fabulous breeds to own, they are dedicated to their owners, I always say, mine would lay down their lives for me (us) not that I would want them to ..

    You have to be careful who you buy from, sadly our breed is plagued with ill health... an other negative most don't get into double figures age wise.

    So its imperative you do your research for heart and now this dreaded kidney disease we are seeing in the breed.

    A lot to think about , but they are soooooo worth it in th end!
  20. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    They sound just like Rupert when it comes to the bad points :lol: Seriously, other than the tummy trouble that's him.

    I had read most of those before and the only one that does really put me off is the possible dog aggression. Unfortunately ALL the breeds I like seem to be prone to dog aggression or same sex aggression so it's something I might have to accept.
  21. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Yes it is, dont get me wrong it does nto mean your dog will be DA, but I do think Boxer owners need to understand, that some can be, you hear to many people say......oh they love all dogs dont they, and they are only playing! as long as you are aware you are pre-warned, and hopefully can stop it happening.

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