ESS So which colour would it be? General Chat

Discussion in 'English Springer Spaniel' started by lwatson, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. lwatson

    lwatson New Member

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    ESS So which colour would it be?

    Just been having a discussion with OH and just wanted to know what others think as OH and I disagree.

    When I think of ESS I think of liver and white, but he loves the black and white more.

    When you here ESS which colour automatically pops into your head.
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  3. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Liver and white. Don't know why, but I prefer that colour to black and white.
  4. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Have to admit its liver and white but perhaps that is because there is more of them about

    I prefer the black/white myself ;)
  5. gsdgirl:-)

    gsdgirl:-) New Member

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    Liver and White here:grin:

    I do like a Black and White though!
  6. kate_7590

    kate_7590 New Member

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    Liver and white :)
  7. k9paw

    k9paw New Member

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    Wouldn't make any difference (tbh) whatever. if you understand the breed (or have looked into the breed ) do looks/colour really matter and if so why? Surely a consideration of bringing a dog into a home should not be about markings/colour but more about what is best for both human and dog lifestyle(sorry don't mean to sound harsh or cause offence).
  8. madmare

    madmare New Member

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    I think of both, but prefer black and white.
  9. CrazySpanielLad

    CrazySpanielLad New Member

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    Liver and White, But thats because I have one :p

    To be honest though, I do prefer Liver and white, and I didnt look at / enquire about any Black and Whites while I was looking for an ESS.

    In response to K9PAW's question, I suppose If you were looking for an ESS to work, then You'd probably be more concerned about getting the best lines to get yourself a good working dog, whereas If you were looking for a dog as a pet, you surely need to be physically attracted to them? (God sounds like Im talking about getting a boyfriend! lol)

    I admit, when I went to see Crogen, his brother was still there, and he had a brown head and A very white body, If he was the one that was available, I dont think I would have taken him as I didnt think he looked very nice. (Obviously someone did as he was the reason the litter even existed! The Breeder had bred the litter in the first place in the hope of Getting A mostly white dog for his friend) .
    *Please dont shoot me down in Flames, just my Opinion* -Hides-

  10. sarah1983

    sarah1983 New Member

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    Liver and white, probably because all the springers I've met are liver and white.

    I have colour preferences in the breeds I like but it wouldn't be a deciding factor in what pup I got unless all else was equal. There are far more important things to think about than colour.
  11. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    I think liver and white, but i prefer black and white... i think its coz i know a guy with 3 liver and whites :lol: although, two of my ex's have black and white ESS's :lol:
  12. ATD

    ATD New Member

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    liver and white
    ATD x
  13. Tinglesnark

    Tinglesnark New Member

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    Black and white because i had one once :)

    I do think a lot of choosing a dog start with what they look like just the same as choosing a life partner. I am honest enough to say that i did not choose the ugly man in the group, i went for the tallest and the one that i thought most handsome. At the initial point of meeting i wasn't really bothered about how funny or intelligent he was, that came later through discussion. Aesthetics are generally the first thing that we notice and then if we like them we will delve a little further or we will cast them aside and move on to the next ... it is human nature. Of course this isn't always the case, there are may factors to be considered and so i am speaking in the broadest terms.

    It is OK to prefer something because of how it looks, so long as you aren't shallow enough to just stop there and refuse to look deeper...

    I originally wanted a chocolate lab but after consideration and research fell in love with blacks and it turned out that my breeder chose to breed only blacks because he found them more favourable in the field. I am incredibly glad that i have Delilah and also still quite glad that i picked the man that i did ;-p although sometimes i do rather wish that Daniel Craig had been in the line up...
  14. New Member

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    Liver and white. I tend to prefer the original breed colours so black lab, liver and white german pointers, dark gold retreivers etc.
  15. valandra

    valandra New Member

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    I always think of Liver and White as i never knew you could get Black and White ones until i actually done some research into them before i got Pepsi. Now i have both but still think Liver and White lol. Its weird
  16. Pilgrim

    Pilgrim New Member

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    Liver and white here too:grin: Not ken on the black and white if I am honest

    Not wanting to go OT but had to comment on this. What an utter load of rubbish IMO:roll: There is nothing wrong with wanting a particular colour at all:roll: If you go and see a litter and all pups are healthy etc then what on earth is wrong with picking the colour you like the most??

    My new pup was chosen on looks alone, from a fabulous breeder, and I honestly see nothing wrong in wanting a dog that you find pleasing to look at, why should anyone want to buy a dog they find unattractive????
  17. Pidge

    Pidge New Member

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    Live & White for me. Always has been and always will be my favourite. I'm not a fan of black in dogs anyway, for some reason.

    I just adore the dark chocolatey-ness of Woody's liver, it's good enough to eat imo -


    Saying that though, I am looking for the perfect rescue so won't give a monkeys what colour she is, as long as she is full Springer.
  18. SLB


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    For me L&W = workers and B&W = Showers.

    That's how I've always seen them and that's how they should be in my mind.

    I saw a B&W worker once and it looked odd IMO.

    RE: K9paws response: Louie was chosen because he had the most white on his chest :D
    Benjie was chosen on looks and his attitude towards Bunnies (They obviously didn't think of the carpet when they chose him)

    ESS's are practically the same despite colour so it's up to the owner what colour they prefer.

    Just like with a CC - I would choose a B&W one (HL of course) with a black body - purely because I think they look nicer and also I wouldn't have to rub cream on their bodies as much as one with a pink pigment of skin :)

    Pidge: I love Woody - do wish Louie was full ESS - but he's still chocolatey good :D
  19. Wyrd

    Wyrd New Member

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    I think Liver and white, but personally prefer black and white (same with Dalmatians, but I would still have a liver and white).
    My mums working Springer is a Liver with a mostly white body, we wanted one with more colour on the body, but the white does make him easier to spot in the bushes!
  20. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    With a face like this, how could I not say black and white? :lol:
  21. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Used think black and White due to one I looked after (so someone said Springer - I thought of Sen) - now I think Liver and White because I live in close proximity to Etta.

    ETA....I probably prefer the black and whites for preference....

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