Akita discussion (split from picture thread) Discussions

Discussion in 'Akita' started by Akita N.I., Jan 4, 2011.

  1. Akita N.I.

    Akita N.I. New Member

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    Akita discussion (split from picture thread)

    thank you very much, and yea i have noticed alot more of these crosses appearing and i cant fathom why...

    both are excellent breeds if cared for correctly and both are stunning to look at but when they are crossed you loose the looks of both to basically come up with a breed that wee boys with small genitals are gona want basically to say they have two big scary dogs rolled into one.

    completely pointless IMO.
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  3. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    It makes me so mad :evil:.

    Unfortunately what is just as frowned upon in the Akita breeding world is the backstreet breeders breeding Akitas because they know they can get £500+ for a pup.

    If you are going to go down the breeding route make sure you really research into it, contact the good breeders and get recommendations and advice, you will need to offer life time back up for the pups too and all the other responsibilities if you want to be a 'responsible breeder' (£3000 in the bank incase of the need for a cesarean etc). I'm not preaching, but all the Akitas we get through rescue are from such back street breeders and there's just too many of them, terribly bred, worse still temperaments and health problems.. breaks my heart.

    We get 'unsold' akita pups coming through now, when they've reached 5 months and the owner has ran out of room for them :shock: We never have till now.. xx
  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    The Japanese Akita Inu is the "proper" one.:002: :grin:
  5. Akita N.I.

    Akita N.I. New Member

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    that is brutal akitagirl, im sure it drives you mad alrite...
    and yea i have noticed alot of people breeding them over the past couple of years and its not hard to see that its just a money making scheme.

    tbh the breeding thing for me is purely hypothetical at the min, will be two years before Rocco is even up to breeding size and goodness knows what could happen between now and then but i do see your point and going by what you have to deal with i would be making it at every avilable oppertunity too!
  6. Akita N.I.

    Akita N.I. New Member

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    you are right there as american akitas are not recognised in japan as akitas at all but IMO the american akita is 9 times outa 10 the visually better breed.

    cant comment on temprament as i have only dealt with americans.

    tho if were gona get technical ya dont need the Inu at the end, only means dog in japanese:grin:
  7. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    proper what? as opposed to? :-/

    They are both recognised breeds by the kennel club :grin:

    In my experience, Inu's are more aloof.

    You see more Inus aimlessly poncing around show rings, you see more Americans doing more useful things in life ;-)
  8. Akita N.I.

    Akita N.I. New Member

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    Well said!:grin:
  9. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    My dogs have never "aimlessly ponced" around the show ring, they've just done what I've trained them to do. Same as flyball dogs, agility dogs, obedience dogs etc etc They're also incredibly useful in the shooting field - what they were bred for. Best of all they're brilliant pets and companions.

    Don't like to go off topic but I found your comment just a tad uncalled for. :neutral:
  10. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    Eh? I wasn't having a go at you. I know nothing about showing (obviously). I don't get it, I never have done, same with ponies when I was a kid, why put black shoe polish on their muzzles and 'show' them around a ring when you can jump them round a course around the grounds of Blenheim Castle..:lol: I'd actually go so far as to say some aspects of it are cruel from my experience, but that's a whooooole other debate. And off topic, yes, sorry.
  11. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    To insinuate that show dogs lead a poorer quality of life than other dogs who do "useful" things in life (still waiting to find out what this is exactly...), when you admit you know nothing of showing, will be seen as quite discourteous by some - me included. If you know nothing of showing then it's probably best you don't generalise.
  12. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    It's just an opinion...! Show ponies certianly lead a poorer quality of life, and I know a lot about that, no idea about show dogs, just presumed there would be some correlations.

    My dogs are useful, I meant like urm.....barking at the postman, pmsl
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    The Americans HAD to make them all different colours, flashy etc.. they lost a lot of their "oriental" appearance and character. I love the Japanese ones, especially the fawn colours with the white mask/face. They also made them bigger, America does that a lot! Japan was having none of it and I dont blame them. I said "Inu" as its the correct name for the breed.

    I have nothing against the Akita at all, I actually dont mind any of the colours either, but I do prefer the more traditional one.:grin:
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    The Japanese Akita has the correct temperament, the Akita is pretty much man made.

    Not sure what you mean by "American" its nothing to do with the name of the breed, they just stuffed it up really and split the breed.
  15. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    The correct name for one of the breeds. There are two breeds recognised in the U.K..

    The correct temperament? :? Is that a showing term? :044:
  16. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    What's that saying - opinions are like ar$eholes, we've all got one, doesn't mean we should air them in public! :mrgreen:

    Of course we all have our opinions, but there are ways and means of putting them across.

    I might have the opinion that Akita's should be on the DDA list as I believe they're all viscous baby killers, but if I did I'd keep it to myself. A, because I have no evidence to back it up, it's just what I believe, and B, because it's not a very nice thing to say. ;)

    Totally off topic, but you started it! :lol:
  17. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    Not really... I didn't randomly critisise a breed of dog, just said I think showing is silly, which I do, sorry, IMO, and I know nothing about it! and it's true, the jap types are seen in the ring more often that the Americans! What I said wasn't even that bad anyway! :roll:

    Anyway...yeah...back to the beautiful Rocco...(sorry)

    Are you going to show him?

    ;-) just kidding
  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yes Im well aware of that.:grin:

    The Japanese Akita Inu and the Akita. Like I said, not sure where you are getting the American bit from?

    The correct temperament is the one the breed was developed with, Im afraid the "show" people you speak of with such distain, are the ones at fault for bring splitting the breed in two, still they are all pretty colours, yes?:roll:
  19. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    I don't know what you mean by the pretty colours? Mine are both GSD coloured LOL.
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I added a bit to may last post, where are you getting the American" bit from?
  21. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    Because when you say you have an Akita people say which one, I say 'I have an Akita', they're like yeaaaah I know! Which one, The Japanese or the American?


    Yes, where in fact I know there is no such thing as either an American Akita or a Japanese Akita, just simply an 'Akita' or an 'Akita Inu' but it's just the recognised split common names that people call them, I'm happy to roll with that!

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