Favourite colour boxer? General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by x-clo-x, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    erm... i dont think so... although some of the really really dark brindle can look black, i dont think it actually is black.. but im not sure.
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  3. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    NO!!!!!!!! its one of those "rare" things , Boxers dotn caryy the black gene .

    You will find some who claim to own /breed them, but they are crossbreeds.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    To much white around the flaws and between the eyes, his chin is to weak for me, plus length of nose to stop.

    Have a look at his baby pics and compare to some of the others..

    Its all a personal opinion, you will find that in Boxers as the head IS the Boxer, and as such although they should follow breed standard, they will differ, country to country and lines to lines.

    Its all preference.

    The Boxer head should be set into equal 1/3 proportions, none should be longer /shorter than the other.

    There is plenty of info on the Boxer head on the net, will look for some for you , am a bit pushed for time at the moment.
  5. shirls

    shirls New Member

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    I love reverse brindle but after transporting a couple of beautiful white boxers 1 was a gorgeous young deaf boy and the other was a big gorgeous bear I would like 1 of them now.
  6. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    I remember reading parts of Frau stockmans book where she talks about someone trying to breed black boxers after an
    accidental mating with a schnauzer .
  7. lwatson

    lwatson New Member

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    Red and white is my favourite colour and if I ever had a boxer this is what I would choose.
  8. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    I like the reds best and second to that the brindles :grin:

    Seen a boxer x dal once and what a stunner!
    Jet black with a 'white stripe' down his chest, very muscular, size of male dal, height and build wise but with a little boxer shape showing on the muzzle.
  9. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    At LAST something we agree on :)

    Seriously though I have no preference, i love them all. Rosie was a red/white, beautiful colour but not a show dog. My first Boxers were dark brindles

    If i went to look at a litter & there were whites, i would probably be drawn to them. My last three Boxers have "come to me" such as rescue - Rosie, good home wanted for white pup - Katie (even though we had our names down for a brindle), stunning pup that

    exhibitors / breeders went to view just because he was a stunner except for one fault & because of that no one wanted him - he was white - Harvey. Hes the image of is grandfather - Ch Winuwuk Lust in the dusk" & even more so now he is mature!
    If you google US sites for black boxers it brings up various breeders. On all he black boxers - usually around the head/neck you will come across a brindle mark - hence makng them reverse brindles - to our minds eye we
    will look at a boxer & see what our eyes / brain tell us - base colour being black but on closer examination you will find brindle on the dog

    Was discussing on a forum recently with lady who said she had a reverse brindle, the dog

    was anything but, he was a lovely dark brindle but hey, if it makes her happy to think otherwise...:)

    In some countries you can get what is called 'blue boxers' i think it might be Poland (Correction - its Estonia & Russia) :) but cant remember. These are dogs whose base colour is tan with blue brindling. Its apparently a colour thats accepted there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2010
  10. pam

    pam New Member

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    lol Now my bitch is a fabulous red not much white though:)
  11. pam

    pam New Member

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    Well ive always owned brindle boxers ranging from dark brindle to red brindle meaning my solo he is red with a brindle tiger stripe.We have had 1 white girl who was special,and now laiya who is red..i do prefer brindles but had to go for a red to keep my line going from her breeder as she only breeds red/white..
    ive always took note of what a few more knowledgable people have said regards reds as they tend to show their faults up more than a brindle boxer:roll:
    End of the day a boxer is a boxer whatever colour
  12. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    what lines are yours?
    I had an open mind regarding colour when i choose ozzie ..he stood out with his double hood on white so i picked him ...
  13. pam

    pam New Member

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    my daisie was a parthanes who is solos dam. his sire was Gypendale and my laiya is a Gypendale her grt grt grandad is solos sire and also he was litter brother to my girl Sassie.
    so if i breed solo/laiya im hoping for a happy mix of both red and red brindles fingers crossed with heads and conformation from parthanes and back ends from gypendale
  14. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Both new to me..
    I like to learn though ...:mrgreen:
  15. pam

    pam New Member

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    Well Gypendale have owned/bred and shown boxers for 0ver 50yrs.Parthanes about the same amount of time.
    what breeding is your boxer?
  16. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    From faerdorn ,,
    dad is Hilthorn gold blend.
    mum is Faerdorn not so dusty.
  17. pam

    pam New Member

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    Ahh sue harvey and Anne simpson you will have a nice boxer there..Think gold blend still resides with sue harvey ?
  18. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    He was there the few times i visited ..
    Dont know if hes still with us ..
    Was like boxer heaven in her kennels for me ..lol
  19. esmed

    esmed New Member

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    I met someone with a "black" boxer once. I knew it was a cross but the OH had to ask him if it was a boxer and the guy replied that it was so i asked what it was crossed with. He looked at me, clearly quite offended and said it was not crossed with anything despite having a thick bushy tail like a labrador?! I felt a bit sorry for the guy because he probably paid a lot of money for it. I didn't have the heart to tell him you can't get black boxers!

    Back on topic - i love the fawn colour but am coming round to brindle!
  20. roxi

    roxi New Member

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    Same here....ALways had reds in the family :)
  21. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    And a fabulous girls he is too;-)

    If Solo puts half his stamp on those pups, you will be very pleased Pam,

    Should be a very exciting match ;-)

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