How much does your shepherd weigh? Health

Discussion in 'German Shepherd Dog' started by talassie, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. talassie

    talassie New Member

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    How much does your shepherd weigh?

    I've just been to the vet and weighed Tala and she is now 33.8kg. A few weeks ago she was just over 30kg so fewer walks and more treats since the puppy came means she has gained over 3kg :shock: My last shepherd never weighed more than 26 kg throughout her life.

    So it's more walkies and fewer biccies from now on :-( I'm surprised as Tala has always found it hard to put on weight. It's a year since she was speyed so probably to do with that and being more mature and (marginally) less bouncy.
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  3. tokiayla

    tokiayla New Member

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    Stone weighs 32kg - he's not particularly small but he is on the slim side!
    Wow - 3kg of extra biccies :shock:
    Stone wants to come and live with you guys :lol:
    It's amazing how quickly they can put weight on and off - unlike us humans!
  4. gsdgirl:-)

    gsdgirl:-) New Member

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    Flynn is 13 months and weighed in at 40kgs at vets yesterday but she said he's got lovely definition:blush:

    He's very fit and big boned!! xx
  5. Northernsoulgirl

    Northernsoulgirl New Member

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    Jake is 3 now and he weighs about 33kg. He is a tall boy and still very slim. I am not worried - he is very active and eats well. Ailsa weighs a little more now she is 5 but I am guessing she is about 35kg. She was quite slim until she was 3 years old then started putting it on a bit. In view of her potential hip problem I don't want her putting on any more weight. For some reason people seem to think GSDs should be very weighty but I don't think they should be, I might be wrong.
  6. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    Just had a look at this thread out of interest, I thought they may heavier (in general) but I suppose that undercoat must add a bit of bulk. They always seem to much bulkier than my dobe (who looks a bit on the lean side at 45kg) but then you feel them and their half the size :lol: Iv seen a really fat GSD though and it looked horrible tbh. (but I mean REALLY FAT) I felt a bit sorry for her as it didnt look comfy :cry: I see one on walks sometimes and he seems big until I pet him and then he's actually a bit too skinny (IMHO) all bones under there :-(
  7. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    wow Flynn is mahousive :shock:

    Talassie... alot of gsd's are overweight (or the other extreme lol) get those kg's of if she was mine tho,better slightly slim imo.

    Tupac isnt gsd but has alot of it in his heritage he is 35kg.(feet and ears lol)
  8. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    Around 32k. :grin: Raz is bigger but we`ll never get him on the scales.
    Both are on the lean side.
  9. gsdgirl:-)

    gsdgirl:-) New Member

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    He sounds massive but is really not! hes very tall and heavy set but you can clearly feel rib definition, he's not fat xx
  10. smokeybear

    smokeybear New Member

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    My entire male weighed 39kgs last time he was weighed for a procedure in August.

    He is within the breed standard for height and is very well muscled and athletic looking with a well defined waist and you can see his ribs at full stretch. Some people think he is too skinny, but most people's eyes are used to seeing overweight dogs.

    Weight information is virtually useless unless combined with height information and bone density etc.
  11. krlyr


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    I would go by body shape rather than weight. My previous GSD bitch was 34kg but not overweight, we kept her lean because of her HD. Her dad was very big apparently so think it came from his side.
    Casper is around 40kg - he did put on a little weight earlier in the year but I've shifted it and he's at a much better weight now.
    Just like people, I don't think you can say "this breed should be between Xkg and Ykg or it's overweight", definately go by waist definition, if you can feel the ribs, etc.
  12. talassie

    talassie New Member

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    I suppose they are all different but it gives me a general idea.

    I kept Tala so slim as a young dog that someone pointed out to me that she was quite a bit underweight. Then she had camplyobactor that left her really skinny so I thought she had better have something to fall back on if she got ill again. She has never been hugely interested in food and she has always had loads of energy so I have been lulled into a false sense of security thinking she would never be overweight.

    I wouldn't say she is fat but it is getting hard to feel her ribs. So now is the time to act. Her and me both ;-) We can have a bit more exercise and less food. We can lose some weight together :grin:
  13. mishflynn


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    shes quite a smallish bitch , i thought! bless her. Sometimes its harder to tell on the longcoated ones isnt it,

    I think longcoats are the dog equivilent of jogging bottoms!
  14. lisa01uk87

    lisa01uk87 New Member

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    xeva was weighed last week and just over 3kgs, but then she was only 6 weeks:lol: ty last time he was weighed was about 38kgs which is good for him as he has hd, he looks fat but as his tag says 'im not fat, just fluffy'
  15. tokiayla

    tokiayla New Member

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    Ha ha - like it!
  16. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Zena weighs in at 37.5 kgs, and she has been the same weight for exactly one year, which is quite surprising as she was still growing up until November! I remember when she was a puppy and was pushing 34 kgs and the vet said he wanted to see her at 37 kgs for her entire life, and no more! She was the biggest puppy in the litter, so I'm guessing that's why she weighs this much she could be large boned, and the vet must know what he was talking about with that 37 kgs when she was under a year old.

    Personally, I think she's skinny, but o/h says she's just fine. She's a very active dog, and when she lays down, she looks like a blooming skeleton to me:shock: I can feel her ribs but not see them, she has a fantastic waist, and I can't see her backbone, but can feel it. I was very surprised when I met up with my breeder last summer and she said she should be thinner:shock: However, I think she could have slimmed down a bit from then, but having only weighed her from one year to the next, I can't say what she weighed last summer when she made that comment.
  17. Kicks

    Kicks New Member

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    Wow Esme must be a big girl she's 38kg and just turned a year last month. We're not worried though as there isn't a scrap of fat on her. She is fairly muscley mind so that probably has something to do with it :?
  18. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Just to add, none of my actual breeder's dogs has ever weighed more than 23 kgs:shock: Zena's mother is quite a tall dog to me too, and I was quite surprised that she only weighs 23 kgs when she told me.

    I better not tell you what Georgie weighs!!! He has an excuse though, steroid use and cushings!!!
  19. talassie

    talassie New Member

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    I think of her as being quite big but you are probably right as you would be more objective about her in comparison to other dogs whereas I am with her all the time.

    Well that's reassuring unless Zena is gigantic!

    I usually go by the ribs and forgot to keep a check on her.
  20. kirsty_

    kirsty_ New Member

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    Duke is a skinny 39kg, he seems quite small to me though compared to other male gsds ive seen so he must be heavy boned!
    Does anyone think gsds are getting smaller than they used to be?
  21. smokeybear

    smokeybear New Member

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    Au Contraire, most of the GSD you see in the Show Ring are WELL over the breed standard size.

    I took mine into the Sieger a few years ago and he is just .5 cm short of the maximum size and he looked like a dwarf!

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