GSP or GWP - What is the difference? Questions

Discussion in 'German Shorthaired Pointer' started by SLB, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. SLB


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    GSP or GWP - What is the difference?

    What exactly is the difference?
    Are they the same in the field but different temperaments? Or is it just the coats?
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  3. Wozzy

    Wozzy New Member

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    Well, in terms of conformation they are different. I'm going from memory on this but I think with GWP's the ratio of length to height should be as 9 is to 10 (i.e they should be slightly longer in back than in leg) and GSP's should be 10/10 (i.e a square). Many think the variation in German pointers is just down to coat type but they are all totally different breeds.

    I think the GWP is also hardier than the GSP (able to face cover, water, cold weather more readily) but thats mainly down to coat type. Their temperaments are slightly different too. I believe the GWP is a slightly more stubborn character and more aloof than the GSP.

    Of course, my interest and better knowledge lies with the GWP so i'm only going by what i've read or been told. I've only known one GSP fully so cant really compare them fairly!
  4. SLB


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    OK thank you it confused me a little as we have GSP and GWP's around here, more GWP's though - I do like them better in terms of looks :)
  5. Wozzy

    Wozzy New Member

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    More GWP's?? It's not very often you will see a GWP out and about so i'm intrigued to know where "here" is! Do you mean Bestwood?
  6. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    I couldnt tell you the exact differences but I know that all the GSP's Iv met have been livlier and a bit more energetic than the GWP's Iv met, they all seemed a bit more laid back and cuddly than the GSP's.

    I really like the GSP's though, they always seem so happy and fun loving, athletic....but the GWP's seemed very sweet and a bit less hardy (in character, not coat!) and loved their cuddles.

    All the GWP's either were very sensitive or had allergies, where as the GSP's didn't.

    I'v only met a few of each though so I couldnt tell you much more than that.....all dogs that you could take home though :grin:
  7. Wozzy

    Wozzy New Member

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    Lol, I can assure you that is not the norm! Both breeds are fruitloops, probably in equal amounts!

    When I was researching GWP's I distinctly remember reading that a secure garden was an absolute must as they could easily escape over fences. Then I looked at the pictures of these dogs and thought "righto, you're having a laugh". Apparantly though, they werent! Flynn can jump a 6ft+ fence from a standstill (i've tested it!) so athleticism is something they most definately have in bucket loads.
    Having said that, my ex's GSP was, i'm sure, part Springbok because she leaped anything in her way with such ease and just sprung in the air like she's got springs for paws. However, she was 10kg lighter than Flynn so didnt have quite as much to carry!

    Both dogs have caught hares as well so speed is also something they have!
  8. SLB


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    No at my parents - there are at least 3 GWP's and only 1 GSP that I have seen walking - it's mainly staffies and other terriers here though :)

    I'm sure Louie has some of GWP in him - looking at Jackal's Ottos - his face is like Louie's but then again I look at labs and springers and say that too and he's even been likened to a weimy before but I know he is springer x lab!
  9. nddogs

    nddogs New Member

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    I think an awful lot depends on which lines they are from ;-) my GSP is bold but have seen real wimps too. I've seen aggeression from both breeds. The GSP certainly has different 'types' - shapes and sizes and I think the GWP does to and from what I've seen so far hpr breeds tend to be slightly different when working - I mean they do the same thing but some breeds tend to be slower some are more cautious and more likely to be sticky on point, others more likely to look back for guidence than others ..........

    lol bet that helps (not)

  10. smokeybear

    smokeybear New Member

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    GWPs, GSP and GLP are all different breeds and have more than their coat to identify them.

    Generally speaking the GSP can be annoyingly vocal as in whining than the GWP and the latter is much "harder" than the GSP (Ask Rory Major who breeds and works them etc).

    Both are energetic workers although IME the GWP tends to be more independent if allowed to.

    A lot depends on where you get them from and if bred primarily to work or show.

    If I was going to work another HPR breed then the GWP would be my first choice.

    I know several handlers of GWPs moved over to GSP as they found the latter a lot easier in both FT and WT!

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