NI's Why Not? Discussions

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Katie Beardy, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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  3. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Any one else having de ja vu....
  4. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    Thanks Borderdawn,

    Still not sure about the difference in Utes and NI's given the 'we will never know' of the lies......but 'getting it' bit more now lol

    So, in some peoples views the NI has wolf in there and the Ute is from domestics?.......suppose we'll never know?
  5. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    The Utes started off as NI .... then were rebranded ..... lots of changes and alterations and different ethic and moral standards - this "type" of dog goes under many names ... some contain "other" breeds, some do not ......

    It's not the brand of the dog - there are people who care passionately about doing their best for them under all the breed name umbrellas I am sure - and also many to avoid ...
  6. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    I just cant quite understand what the wolf obsession is all about yet, all dogs are related to the wolf in a way...just don't really get it. Surley there should be more to a breed than looks alone?
  7. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    For us it was the belief that they were more suitable to our lifestyle than the Husky or Mal. I went to crufts, met the Mal (fell in love with these) and the Husky (was not as keen on these). Speaking with owners and breeders we decided the Mal was not for us and the NID, which we were looking at, sounded ideal.
  8. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    What were the differences that made them more suitable and have your NI's met those needs?

    Just interested.
  9. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    The most important things to me were, my cats, offlead walks, the fact we both work and I needed dog/s that can be left.
  10. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    Mostly I think that is how the pup is raised, although it would affect breed choice.
  11. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Well, I know what you mean but I was fearful as so many people say certain sled dog breeds cannot or should not ever be let offlead, (unless it is an enclosed area) and that cats can be at risk even when brought up with the dog, I could not chance it. Having said that, I may have mentioned elsewhere that one of my dogs, I categorically, do not trust with my cats!!! There are numerous reasons for me to compare him to his 'said' ancestors, and I don't mean the GSD. Whether he is closer related, or a throw back (if that is how it works), I do not know. And he has been raised as my other dogs have been. I still love him to bits of course xxxxxxx
  12. boredinstroud

    boredinstroud New Member

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    Hi Dobermann - I too was interested in sibes, they're still my no. 1 on looks alone, but I was put off owning one at least at this point in time by hearing and reading about the following traits

    - Many (most?) can't be let off-lead
    - High prey drive so could be difficult with small furries
    - Many don't cope well as an 'only' dog and will howl all day if left alone

    We were attracted by the looks of the NI type and that they are supposed to be better at recall, ok with small furries etc. but after reading further decided to go for a cross with one of the founder breeds (GSD).

    I'm very satisfied with my dog. She can go off-lead in 'safe' areas (she doesn't run away from us but might run up to another dog so we are careful where we run her), she gets on fine with my cat, she doesn't suffer separation anxiety and she is a very friendly dog with people and other dogs. I don't know how typical she is; especially as she is a cross and I know she is still young so can't obviously comment on her long-term health but to date, absolutely no negatives to report. In fact we are so happy with her that we hope to get another similar dog in time.
  13. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    Very simple reasons really; I was the person to come across and subsquently film and post the now infamous piece of video footage of a watchdog episode in the mid nineties about pets, covering all aspects of pet ownerships and the then trends, including Julie Kelham..a pet shop market stall owner breeding WOLF hybrids and selling pups for 400 pound a pop, defending the wolf hybrid attacks which had taken place at that time, saying how everyone should have one, and sat with a huuuge wolf hybrid which subsequently became a northern inuit and one of the founding fathers? A breed founded on lies and little ethics at all.
    Further back than that you have Eddie and her stray imports, wolf hybrids and bits of god knows what from the states, crossed with everything including mastiff on her farm, quite a few ended up living "free" under caravans n such, she never kept paper records..just in her head, and we all know how that ended up with puppies down in holes and all sorts!
    Then we have the inbreeding, a "type" in its infancy becoming so badly inbred that eventually, and not too far ahead realistically, it'll breed into itself so much that genetic and inherent conditions will become even more rife, if thats even possible, and breed nothing but week flawed health wise dogs.
    Then you have the "respected breeders", dogs with hipscores which are an abomination, free admittance too epilepsy, VWD, cryptorchid ( i can't remember the word, its early but meaning one testicle-maybe a dawning of inbreeding begining to create sterile specimens?) and so forth, aswell as pitching their dogs for sale as something they really arent, thus landing unfortunate owners who HAVE researched into these dogs with something they really didn't expect.
    I can't see how there are ANY good breeders out there, as NONE are fully knowledgeable as NOBODY knows the truth about these dogs what so ever, and nobody can disclaim this statement as even the powers that be within these dogs know this too be true. No records, dubios origins, shady links to wolf hybrids which as my footage showed were becoming a problem and being ceased by local authorities due to behavioral issues, general shady behaviour! Poor dogs is all I can say, just glorified cash cows!! Norther Inuits, Utonagans, Tamaskans, Wolfhunds, British Timber Dogs, British Inuits, British Wolf Dogs, whatever you want to call them they are all *pardon the pun* a wolf in sheeps clothing.
    Now I beg anyone to raise a hand of argument, and I'll cut it off! I found the footage, I shared it with others. I've read the reports from way back when, I've corresponded with people who knew/worked for Eddy when she was breeding the wolf hybirds *she reffered to the pups as cubs,these dogs originate all these english wolf types yet they disclaim wolf origin, then again they come from a bunch of dogs from a pound and rumours hybirds so who knows*, i've corresponded with people who bred dogs for JK originally, I've been to current breeders I've seen the conditions and been given the bullcrap sales pitches, I've even been bitten by a stud dog at a breeders and was told it showed good stud like masculine dominance which is ironic as the breed's meant to be submissive. SO I know the score, I know the ins and outs and the dirty dark skeletons at the back of the closet like many others! No need to try and hide these lies, truth will always out!
  14. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I have a cat...Cruiser will happily share the sofa with her..she on the other hand terrifies the life out of him!!

    We both work and I have horses so the dogs get left at home..never an issue either..

    SO it would seem the only thing you lost out on was the offlead walks...Mals can be trained recall..Cruisers is fantastic..but I jsut won't take the chance of him turning deaf..I think I would be the same with any breed tho..
  15. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Hi Louise, I was going by what I was told. The biggest fear was probably the 'can live with the family cat in harmony and then one day turn on it'. One of the very friendly crufts breeders said that she knew one Mal who was permitted off lead but she would not recommend it. Having said that, mine can turn deaf also but perhaps not as deaf as a Mal or Sibe......????? I feel four of my dogs have been pretty much what it says on the tin, with the odd addition. However, one is in the wrong packing, but I wouldn't now change him for the world, but I guess that isn't the point.
  16. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I have often wondered about Eddie's days. Why did she import dogs of dubious origins? And how did she source them? Does anyone know?
  17. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Maybe nobody would sell her one that was NOT of dubious origin!

    From what we have been told, she hardly sounded like the most ethical of people and the conditions were also far from ideal. The whole thing was bad to start with, and its worse now.
  18. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    One of the Ute sites has a pic of the 'supposed' imported dogs. Whether it really is of those dogs or not, I do not know. It is a shame it is all so cloak and dagger.
  19. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    My Mal (and my other) tick all those boxes - well rats, rabbits, hens etc not cats as we have no cats :)

    I do think all dogs are very different and variety is the spice of life LOL
  20. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I don't want to take away from the OPs original question, but I could only go by the type of things I read and the things I was told. I am glad I did not get a Mal, (the offlead thing is a big, big thing to me and of course it goes without saying my cats), I think they are lovely dogs but at this time I am not convinced I could offer one the 'best' life. I may be wrong but I would rather be safe than sorry.
    This is the type of thing I read:

    'Alaskan Malamutes will roam due to their hunting instincts.... even if left in an unsecured for a few minutes! Alaskan Malamutes are commonly known to injure or kill other small pets, such as cats, birds, rabbits, mice, rats, etc., simply due to their strong natural hunting instinct. Raising a puppy with a cat does not guarantee the cat's life-long safety! Alaskan Malamutes can be very destructive if left unattended . They are NOT recommended as apartment or condo dogs. They need exercise and outdoor activity, and are usually too loud for such high-density living. They need room to run; leash walking does not satisfy their energy. Unless your schedule permits many hours at home and a lot of outdoor activity this is not the dog for you. MANY rescues come from apartments, condos, or homes where the owners work away from the home for long periods of time. Please remember... Rescue is very busy with displaced mals because MANY PEOPLE UNDERESTIMATE LIFE WITH AN Alaskan Malamute.'

    Taken from:
  21. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Not sure thats the type of site Id have listened to for advice Nes. :?

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