I feel pi**ed off i spent the same money on mongrels rather than buying a pure bred sibe or mal... as i was led to believe these dogs were all singing and dancing with a cherry on the top :?
Talk at me, not about me if you please. It's really irksome when people do that knowing full well I can read what's written. I am not a brick wall and as I previously stated thank you for warning me. It is something I will consult my vet about prior to having him castrated and if they, in their professional expertise, think that it would be worth having him tested then I will do so. However, yes I am confident in my breeder as all people who have bought a dog should be, otherwise why are they buying from that person :?
Thank you for this, that's very helpful and I will make sure that if I do go ahead and have him tested then it's the right one. However, now I'm a bit confused as you've said it can come through at one time and not another. But if they've been DNA tested you'd know for sure that it would never be a factor, correct? Also correct that the DNA tests are sent to the USA to be tested and not done here?
I have spoken to you, you are blind to the fact the breeder you bought from may have issues that you are not aware of, as may all of them. You choose not to think otherwise. Remember when she said on the NI forum about having them done? Somebody asked about the results and it disappeared? As I said, Im not implying anything, but I am extremely concerned. I truly hope they are all fine, that would be fantastic. a really positive step.
I think DNA testing is just to establish relationships between dogs.. as in proof sire or dam produced said pup... or indeed you are buying a pup that has the correct dam and sire.. so pedigrees can not be falsified. I do not think they test for disease markers.. i think they have to be specific tests
The test you need isn't available from your vets lab it needs to be sent to Vetgen. You can get it from the kennel club. I will PM you the details. The test the vet offers is looking at the blood at that time and discovering how likley the blood is to be able to clot etc (at the time of the test) and so isnt as reliable. Yes, the DNA testing is the way to go because then you know from the dogs genetics if he is affected or not, for certain. IF the dog was an Affected then the vet test comes into play before any surgery to make sure its safe (as far as they can know...) and also have other drugs on stand by that may be needed. Hopefully the dog will be a clear or a carrier. I'll look out the details for you...
Thank you, I thought it had to be sent somewhere specific as it definitely wasn't a blood test the breeder had done on her dogs and took a while to come back...
I do in a way wish that I had either stuck with collies or found BSD's alot earlier. Saying that though I love all my dogs and have made some really good friends through the ni's. I also probably wouldn't have Callan as we got involved in the breed through some people who we originally met whilst they were judging at an ni show. They have since become best friends of ours.
Yes it is, but the result you get will be the same for the dogs whole life. So if the dog is clear he will always be clear, if a carrier, always a carrier and if affected, then at least you know this...
Well I wasn't going to get involved in these debates anymore BUT having just lost my beloved NI at the tender age of 5 all I can say is that I will NEVER EVER have one of these again. Whilst I could not fault him, he was perfect in every way, good recall etc the LIES and DESCEPTION surrounding these dogs makes me sick to my stomach and it is the dogs that ultimately suffer:twisted: JK is pure evil. Seriously BD, she has 2 litters on the go??!!
Just disgusting! But then if you don't care who you sell your pups to as long as they have the money, I am sure she will flog them quick enough. I predict an influx of NI's into rescue in a few months time
I seen an NI site that describes them as 'wolf look-a-likes' is that their sole purpose? Is that the normal way of breeders of the NI to describe them on a homepage? Thought that was the Utonagon?