Greyhound Pro's and Anti's Discussions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by footloose, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    Oh :shock:
    In post #16 you said 'I have no firm opinion, so I decided to post this view to canvas other peoples opinions'

    Make your mind up [name removed] are you here to canvass other peoples opinions or to simply try and discredit [name removed] and other greyhound protection groups.

    Hardly surprising in view of your involvement in the greyhound racing industry for 'many many' years - you don't find the perpetual destruction of 12,000 greyhounds annually a sickening thought!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2010
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  3. footloose


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    I have no firm opinion whether greyhound racing should be banned, or is that too simple for you to understand.

    It's appalling if 12,000 greyhounds is the correct figure, but we all know Trudy you pull these figures out of thin air. However how sad after quoting 12,000, you still want to kill more, You're just a total user of the greyhound for your own ends. In fact, you're a greytexploiter.
  4. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    As you well know - the funds are there to ensure the welfare of greyhounds when tracks close.

    It is the industry's responsibility to ensure the welfare of those redundant dogs who have earned the bookmakers millions of pounds profit - not the public's and certainly not greyhound protection groups who strive to protect greyhounds and bring an end to this dreadful conveyor belt of mass destruction which keeps churning out dead dogs.

    What is your solution?
  5. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Some posts have been deleted. Please keep your personal vendettas off the public forum - thanks.
  6. spot

    spot New Member

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    Hi FL here was me thinking

    or should I say pro greyhound racing views?

    Of topic but I must say you do make some interesting post of FGG though ;-) and yep terracing aint coming back - but thats a different topic that should be in non dog chat maybe you could start a thread? Strange that we have some mutual interests!
  7. spot

    spot New Member

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    Hang on though if the greyhound rescues are already full to the rafters with waiting times (as I know the RGT is) how can they cope anyway?

    Its not the anti's that are putting these greyhounds in jeopardy, they cannot actually shut greyhound tracks down – as you yourself say thats down to punters walking away from it. Its down to economics not about a few protesters and down to owners not wanting to take care of the dogs but wanting to dump them in rescue!

    The industry itself does not have enough in place to cope with the 'slow' trickle itself – so tell me what your answer is to the already over population of greyhound rescues? Seaham perhaps?

    At the end of the day its economics that close race tracks down and the owners no longer willing or able to cope with the economics.
  8. footloose


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    What I am saying spot, in a nutshell is:

    The greyhound protesters are making the public aware that all is not well within the Industry.

    The public then begin to vote with their feet.

    Money becomes tight with the promoters.

    Tracks start closing.

    More dog's are then unloaded into the re-homing scheme that is only just hanging on by its fingertips.

    No place for these greyhounds so very many will be P.T.S.

    The result stacks of dead greyhounds.

    Greytexploitations work tirelessly to bring home to the public the hidden side of the sport, but have nothing in place for all these wretched hounds that may be surplus to requirements. They say it is up to the Industry to care for all these extra hounds, normally I would agree, but there are only so many homes.

    So what I am saying is: Greytexploitations and the other body's that would like to see the end of greyhound racing, wash their hands, just like Pontius Pilate and hide behind, "It's up to the Industry to deal with all these hounds, not us." They of course cannot cope so the pile of corpses will just get higher and higher.
  9. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    So what is your solution?
  10. footloose


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    The only solution is for the Industry to plow in the funds needed to save as many hounds as possible from the threat of execution. I know it will not happen, butthat is the only solution.
  11. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    There were 8,672 greyhounds registered to race on licensed tracks last year.

    It costs the RGT on average £750 to re-home just one greyhound.

    This would calculate a cost of just over £6.5 million IF the bookmakers were to take full responsibility for the dogs that have earned them millions of pounds profit in betting.

    The total levy paid into the fund by the bookmakers this year amounted to £9.9 million and only £1.7 million was allocated to the RGT - leaving the fates of 1,000's of dogs in the hands of people who choose to take advantage of the Rules of Racing whereby dogs can be destroyed because they are deemed a financial liability.

    The welfare of animals will always be compromised where there is a profit to be made.

    The industry has never taken responsibility for its dogs and never will - as the above figures show it is just not commercially viable for them to do so.

    Until such a time as someone can present a solution to the perpetual destruction of an estimated 12,000 greyhounds annually - I will continue to campaign for better welfare and expose the industries inherently cruel practices.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2010
  12. spot

    spot New Member

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    Hmmm no firm view - I think not!

    And what do you expect will happen if there are no block closure - just more dogs trickling into rescue or ending up with ears cut off or dead - is that more acceptable then? Its all very well knocking those who do try to help these dogs by exposing the cruel practises but unlike 'graham' they do not want it hidden from the public so you think all is fine and dandy! So what is your answer to it?

    Obviously this is not enough for some people - who Im sure do lots more :roll:

    Why do you feel it necessary to personally attack someone if you have no firm view surely you should be open to their opinion?

    I think you will find those in the industry found piles of dead greyhounds perfectly acceptable.

    Also in this 'so caring and wonderful INDUSTRY' why are so many desperately in need of a home?

    So she and other anti greyhound racing people make you sick – have you ever considered that those people find the abandonment of dogs into either to rescue or to a bolt gun as sick?

    You say that greyhounds are imprisoned in kennels – can I ask what you mean by that? Are these the dogs that owners have put there and actually kept in kennels for all their racing life?

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