Bully Kutta! WOW!! General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by chuckles_leah, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. chuckles_leah

    chuckles_leah New Member

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    Bully Kutta! WOW!!

    Weight: 150-200 pounds
    Height: 30 inches
    Coat: Very Short
    Activity level: Moderate
    Learning rate: Low
    Temperament: Moderate
    Guard dog ability: Moderate
    Watch-dog ability: Moderate
    Life span: 8 Years

    The Bully has a short smooth coat that is usually predominantly white in color, however fawn, black, harlequin, red and brindle markings vary. The muzzle is black and the skin around their neck and mouth is loose. The brisket is deep, and the limbs are well muscled. The back is long with the tail tapering to a fine point. The ears are set high on the skull and pricked. It has a long and graceful stride. The males vary from 29 to 36 inches and females from 24 to 34 inches tall. They usually weigh 150 to 170 pounds and can reach up to 200 pounds plus, especially for males. They are very muscular and thick boned and have a mastiff like appearance.
    Due to the nature of the work these dogs are bred to perform, they are known to be human aggressive and difficult to handle. When not fed properly they have been known to prey on their owners. This breed is not the type of dog to own in a family with children. Bully Kutta's are not recommended for first time dog owners, or timid dog owners. With their size and great strength, it is best that the owner is experienced in the type of training that these dogs need.

    Google this breed, very very stunning dogs, if its your kinda dog! i will state now i know they can be bad dogs (due to poor socialisation or training) but i love how they look and there trainability.
    if possible, look on youtube and search poochdvd, he shows how he trains his dogs and how lovely they can be.
    i personally think they look like a cross between a GREAT DANE and A PITBULL haha but they are infact a bull mastiff type dog.
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  3. mac82

    mac82 New Member

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    just to warn you when you do look them up you do get a few pictures of dog fighting and dogs that have been in fights (scarring).
    very handsome dogs if your into the leaner mastiff types.
  4. kellymcg

    kellymcg New Member

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    they have a mastiff like appearance because they r indian mastiffs:grin:
  5. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    There is a litter for sale in the uk from Pakistani imports ..
    Another breed that will end up as a status dog because of its reputation ..
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2010
  6. hades

    hades New Member

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    'When not fed properly they have been known to pray on there owners' :roll: dont believe that for a second.
    Im no expert on bully kuttas by no means, but sounds like crap to me!

    Defo not a dog for everyone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2010
  7. chuckles_leah

    chuckles_leah New Member

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    definately, no doubt about it :( such a shame, im guessing due to their likeness to the pitbulls they may be taken by police for being 'of type' which in one sense is good as it means they wouldnt be used for the wrong reasons but takes away from the reputable owners that train their dogs efficiently.
  8. Wozzy

    Wozzy New Member

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  9. chuckles_leah

    chuckles_leah New Member

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    it sure is a pile of **** pretty sure that could happen with any dog due to instinct but ive never heard of it happening haha
    more likely to have a cannibal neighbour than a dog ready to feast on its owners :lol: idiots!
  10. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    Lovely!! :shock:

    Definately NOT my kind of dog.
  11. hades

    hades New Member

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    Ive read that statement before, but owners of the breed says its rubbish.
    But you would defo get some prats out there who would think that is a great reason to get one...IDIOTS!

    The dog in the photo, I would hate to think of the way it had been treated!!
    By the way hes muzzled and held with two long ropes, you can only imagine.:-(
  12. Wozzy

    Wozzy New Member

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    We domesticated dogs to be our companions and now we seem to be reverting back to turning them into wild animals.

    I personally do not see the point in such dogs, especially when you have to have such contraptions on it's face and 2 tethers just to control it. I think we are doing a pretty good job of creating "breeds" which are equally as dangerous as big cats and that is a recipe for disaster IMO.

    Sorry but I just dont "get" or like them and I certainly hope they do not become popular in the UK.
  13. mac82

    mac82 New Member

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    please dont blame the breed, blame who gets hold of them. i knew a lab x who had endured a horrific life and had to be put to sleep for biting a child.(he had been tied to a bed and beaten)
    we are always the bigger monsters.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2010
  14. chuckles_leah

    chuckles_leah New Member

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    i totally agree with you there! i know of many dogs that arent 100% right due to bad breeding (health issues) or bad treatment.
    some dogs show aggression due to pain or suffering, whether its from being mistreated or even a problem due to their breeding, if they are in pain they show it in many ways, from withdrawing into themselves or away from other people/dogs to showing aggression.
    its a dogs instinct to attack, we have to train them, we cant control the instinct but we can hide it with obedience and a strong bond with our animal.

    self defence is a dogs first and formost instinct, that will never be hidden therefore when confronted or put into certain situations, will automatically come forward. its us as humans that choose whether we encourage this instinct or harbour it within the dog using trust and our natural 'mans best friend' bond. its a deed not breed opinion.
    at the end of the day no matter how much we domesticate dogs, they are essentially a wild animal, no dog/animal is completely tame...EVER. they still have their own mind.
  15. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    mm. sound lovely. :roll:
  16. Wozzy

    Wozzy New Member

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    I'm sorry but you write this (or quote it) and then tell me it's not a breed thing?

    Yes, I know we have created such dogs but my point is why? My personal opinion is that dogs bred for such things should have no place in society, they are like a loaded gun. Might as well go and get yourself a lion and have the same effect.

    And of course i'm fully aware that any dog can be aggressive and cause damage but lets face it, it's a different kind of damage from these types of dogs isnt it?

    Certain breeds or types are bred for aggression so I will never buy that it isnt a "breed" thing. I met a lovely DDB and AB on the park last night, totally placid and uninterested in other dogs so I agree that not every single dog can be tarred with the same brush but I dont think you can get away from the fact that some breeds are predisposed to aggression.
  17. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Kinda getting deja vu here didn't we have a thread about the Fila Brasileiro a few weeks back that said the same things ..lol
  18. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    O and one about that Ovcharka(sp)..
  19. tazer


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    Personally, I think they're ok looking dogs, but I wouldn't own one.

    I've got no issue with them being in the country, the people in charge of them however, are another matter entirely, depending on if they're idiots or not.

    Yes, dogs have been domesticated, but from what I understand, it wasn't so that we could keep them as pets, not to begin with at least. It was so they could help us hunt, and guard our livestock/settlements, and in some countries, dogs are still relied on for those tasks. Thus, dogs are still being bred to display such trates, wether or not other people like it.

    The problem seems to be now that some people are trying to breed for/encourage ott agression, imo the fila being a good example of that, which is a shame for the breed.
  20. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    What a load of rubbish...Look....

    They are already here apparently main fancier being in Manchester ;-)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2010
  21. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    They have been in Manchester for several years already.

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