Alternative bulldog's ie(Dorset,Alapaha) Discussions

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Murf, Jul 10, 2010.

  1. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Alternative bulldog's ie(Dorset,Alapaha)

    After looking at many many sites and reading lots of info, I just wanted some personal opinions from owners and previous owners(cough cough nicci l) ..Since I started looking their seem to be another alternative added to the list in the UK the Alapaha blue blood bulldogs from the states any thoughts on that option ? Thanks in advance Murf ..
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  3. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    Ah, from what I understand there are not many alapaha's in the uk they are a breed created by Lana Lou Lane. If you look her up on the internet you will find a lot of information on her. These dogs have been around for quite a few years, and are well known in the USA but not quite as well known over here, I have a friend that has them in Fort Glory, USA.
    I'll see if I can persuede her to register to give you more information on them and what it is like to own them ;)

    Here's her website
  4. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Thanks Nicci ,she has Amazing looking dogs . they seem to be highly priced here( 2250 for an example) One day when they get less rare I suppose the prices will drop to a doable price ..
  5. teenytiny

    teenytiny New Member

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    Hi :)

    I own an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. She is a blue merl bitch. I also own 7 American Bulldogs, a British Bulldog, an English Bull Terrier and 2 crosses.

    My Alapaha is only 9 weeks old, so no advice on owning an adult one but I can assure you mine has been a pleasure to have so far. I bought her from Whyte Kennel Alapahas breeder, and when I went to his farm he has approx 10 Alapahas. He own's Spook, which was either the first, or 1 of the first Alapahas into the U.k. He is sire to my pup and can be seen on lots of different websites. My pups parents are Spook and Miss Piggy, and absolute credit to the breed.

    Her nature is not like that of other Bulldog breeds. Although really young, I can tell she is different. She was expensive, we paid £2000 for her but she was well worth the money.

    Anyone else own an Alapaha? I'd love to hear from them....
  6. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    The only thing I heard about Alapaha's in the UK was that someone who brought them in, on the day he took one of his boys out of quarantine he tried to alpha roll him and subsequently ended up in hospital, needless to say the bloke was told in no uncertain terms that it was all his fault as the poor pup had spent 6 months in quarantine and when he gets out someone tried to pin him to the floor so how do you expect him to behave. That was all documented on another forum if it's still on there. Not sure what happened to the poor dog mind :-(
    I've admired them from a distance for years I think they are fab dogs, but then I'm a closet bulldog lover in any event lol!
    As with any breed the more you can research the better and the more you learn about the breeders the better, that way you can avoid the bad.
  7. teenytiny

    teenytiny New Member

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    Totally agree with Becky about researching the breeders. I only know of 3 breeders for this breed and 1 of them I wouldn't even entertain. I was offered a pup for £2000 with papers.... or £650 without papers :? That completely threw me off scent. I was willing to travel a very long distance for my pup but after just 3 phone calls I didn't want to entertain that breeder again. In fact, the breeder I did get my Alapaha from knew of this other breeder and told us if we had anything to do with them then he didn't want to talk to us again!!! Apparantly their pups are inbred and just sold on for the money not the breed. My breeder was interested in importing new bloodlines and putting the right dogs together for the right reasons. I can't promote him enough.

    It is true that not many people know of this breed... When I took mine to the vets, they had never heard of the breed before, didn't know how to spell it!!! My pup was passed around the whole unit of veterinary staff for a cuddle as it's the first they had ever seen of this type!
  8. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Yeah been on the wka site a lot .lol even looked at the litter your pups from .. Whats miss piggy like in the flesh ???
  9. teenytiny

    teenytiny New Member

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    Absolutely gorgeous. She looks better in the flesh than in pics.

    Spook is 1 of the nicest studs I've ever come across. I sat on his kitchen floor with Spook in my arms. I wanted to take him home with me. Seriously, he is a lovely dog.
  10. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Any chance of some pics of your pups please..
  11. dave g

    dave g New Member

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    Would it be cheaper to import one from the states...
  12. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    LOL the process of importing ourselves it's expensive as we're finding out :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Do you still need to put imports in 6 months quarantine??
  14. teenytiny

    teenytiny New Member

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    I know someone who has imported an Alapaha and it's ended up costing them over 5 grand :eek:
  15. tera

    tera New Member

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    It still amazes me people are paying upwards of £2000 for big sloppy bulldogs, each to their own though ey!!
  16. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    What's wrong with that ? Some really nice Bulldogs around right now - Personally, I wouldn't have a problem paying it - paid out £1500 for one in 2002! So price hasn't changed that much, though you can get well bred dogs for much less these days. ;-)
  17. tera

    tera New Member

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    £2000 for a dog that can't function properly because it's been bred to be limited in day to day life by it's own physicall appearance...Just can't get my head around it, but each to their own I suppose...They only cost that much because breeders have to pay out for a c-section because they've been bred so wide the mother can't pass them down her birth canal...Sounds great!!
  18. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    Ah, but you seem to think all Bulldogs have to have c-sections, well you're wrong. A lot of breeders have successfully had bitches go through the whelp process without any problems at all, some do give them a go. Many of their progeny then go on to self whelp themselves, this is what many decent breeders now aim for.

    My own dog had no problems keeping up with my o/h's Lurchers at the time, saying Bulldogs cannot move or function properly is a common misconception.

    Have you ever owned one ?
  19. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    are these 'bulldogs' akc or fci registered?
  20. tazer


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    Its great that breeders are now aiming for dogs that can reproduce naturally, consistantly, its only a shame that it got so bad in the first place, that people can actually brag about doing something that in most other breeds, is expected as standard.

    Are theyalso now breeding dogs that can breathe normally?

    The bulldogs I've come across never sound like they're having an easy time providing their bodies with oxygen.
  21. tera

    tera New Member

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    Nicci you couldn't pay me to own a british bulldog type dog, not my bag at all!! I have a few friends that keep them purely as pets and that's all they could ever be...They can't even go on a proper walk/run/swim etc.

    It makes me sad watching them, it's like watching a fat kid do sports, they can try as hard as they like but physically do it.

    But again, each to their own. If people wish to spend silly money on a dog then let them.

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