What made you choose your hound? Questions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Insomnia, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    What made you choose your hound?

    As a new owner of a greyhound, I've been thinking about how he came to us and why a greyhound. He's been gentle, loving, easy to walk, 100% clean in the house and overall perfect...
    What made you choose you hound?

    p.s. pictures welcome!
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  3. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    Ooh I wont miss a chance to talk about my hounds!!!

    I got Blue from a racing kennels. I saw a lot before him, and was undecided. I liked them all but didnt feel a connection.
    I was about to go home empty handed when they said "Well there is Blue round the back".
    He was all by himself, barking his head off, covered in mud as he was living in a mud paddock. Well as soon as I saw him he did some zoomies for me and i knew he was the one :)
    I honestly believe I will never love another dog the way i love him.... If you can be in love with a dog then I am!!! lol:lol:
    Then there is Noah he is a Saluki x greyhound and I didnt chose him but I was matched to him. He is the perfect dog to fit in with our existing dogs, and cat and children!!
    Strange, cos i wouldnt have chosen him myself...I was looking at greyhounds. But he is lovely :)
  4. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Well I already had 2 dogs (not hounds) when I first met my hounds and had no intention of getting another one!
    We had sen my friend's new lurcher and thought she was lovely. Then we got a phone call from her saying that the rescue where she got hers from was desperate to rehome a lurcher bitch. She'd already had 3 homes!! She had been beaten, starved and nearly got PTS.
    So we went to see her and I'd decided to call her Jenny if we liked her.....well when we got there her name WAS Jenny already! She was a astoundingly pretty black and brown brindle colour. I wanted her straight away....BUT she had a kennel mate call Danny (black and white lurcher) who was just so beautiful we took him too!! We couldn't part them. That was 2 years ago and although they were hard work to start with they've so been worth it.
    Then in Dec last year we got a call from the same lady to see a greyhound called Joe.
    We went to see him and he was lovely but wanted a quiet house (ours is not!!). Then I felt a nudge on my hand, turned around and there was this very skinny mangy looking greyhound with revolting breath!! She looked at me as if she was pleading me to take her. I thought that she was unlikely to find a home as she was not very beautiful to look at....except to me!! Perfect I thought! Even my hubby asked if I was sure!
    We took her home...fed her up...got her teeth sorted and now she is so stunning. When we walk all 5 of them....she's the one people look at and admire. AND she is the gentlest soul in the world.:mrgreen:
    I love my hounds....I will never have anything else now.
  5. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    thanks honeysmummy, gorgrous hounds indeed! i thinki remember reading about noah recently. ours was chosen for us, i can see the pros/cons to both that and choosing for yourself. you probably do more having had both situations.

    pictures please zoe! that poor last girl, well done for seeing past her looks then and letting her blossom. i always feel sorry for the'ugly' ones, i think they are all beautiful!

    forgot to add pictures of my boy (hopefully tomorrow he will officially be MY boy!)

  6. Findley

    Findley New Member

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    I had rescue lurchers before I had deerhounds. It started because the first lurcher looked like a plucked chicken, he turned to be the most handsome wheaten lurcher deerhound x greyhound. I looked at the deerhound breed and just knew they were for me. Then along came a whippet! I would have another one of those as well.
  7. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Well I'm probally not the best to explain why I chose Honey, as tbh I wanted a Bull terrier :blush: but I was at the point where any dog would do :blush: I was 14, and had been without a dog for a while, and then one day I got told to go into the car when we were taking my sister to work, on the way there my dad stopped off and picked up a ad trader, and when we got to where my sister worked we rang up a ad in the paper (it was a Wednesday it had only just come out that day), and then a litter of Dobermann cross Collies was in there, my dad grew up with Border Collies, and my mum had and loves Dobe's, so that litter was rang about, but after a few tries and getting to answer phone they were gone, and then we saw Honey's litter, and called up about them, they were all still there, and over the phone we got told what colours there were, and we went to pick one up that night :blush:.

    On the way there we had decided that we were going to get one of the blue girls, in the litter there was one male, fawn with Saluki fringes, One fawn female, and three blue females, I got told it had to be a female, but everyone seemed to like the sound of the blues.

    We got there and in came the five long legged puppies, all excited, and loving everything, after spending a bit of time with all of them I picked the fawn female lol, I've never looked back, she is everything that you, well I could want in a dog, she is my perfect dog, she is confident, friendly, lives to please her people, and is very intelligant, although this could go both ways, from as soon as she could reach she learned how to open doors and the treat cupboard :roll: although when she was a pup probally around 4/5 months she was a funny thing, she was put into the front garden, which at that point there was quad sheds there (kind of like mini garages) and the cats would jump onto these and then through a open window, apparently after having a toliet Honey wanted straight back in, she managed to jump onto the quad sheds (which were slighty higher then the fence) and had stuck her head through the window and was protesting very loudly at having to be outside, and since then she's been the same ever since, letting you know exactly what she likes, what she doesn't and making sure you can't keep her somewhere she doesn't want to be without a bit of mouth :lol: :lol:. I had grown up with a whippet and a Deerhound, but Honey is something else, after having her I can't imagine life without some sort of sighthound type, although when I get a next one I wont be getting one in the same way :lol: :lol:

    Here are a couple of pics of Honey,



    Now Diesel we got because Honey needed a running partner ;) this time again it was also because I wanted a dog :blush: I had just turned 15 when we got him, there was a litter of Lurchers in the newspaper, and they had been there for three weeks, and I for the three weeks I was asking, on the third we went drove the fifty or so miles each way to get him, but when we got there we didn't see a happy puppy, we saw a miserable on living in the back garden who had been attacked by the owners whippet, who had been negleted and was going to be abonded if we didn't take him, Diesel came home with us.

    Diesel is 3/4 Greyhound, 1/4 GSD, and is quite a nervy boy, permentally acts like a puppy, but can get over protective, but I love my immature little boy, and can't imagine life without him, heres a few Diesel pics.


    This pic shows the typical Diesel.
  8. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    We started of with the whippets. We wanted a dog that I could show but my son who was 7 at the time could handle too. We had a GSD at the time who wan't registered but did well at companion shows regulary getting best in show but there was no way a 7 year old could handle him. I wouldn't have even dreamed of letting him show him. We saw a friends whippets and fell in love. We started with Jasper and then added to our family.

    We then had out greyhound William. I'm not sure what made us decide to have a show greyhound but he came from the same breeder as the whippets did. He was a lovely dog who thought he was human and not a dog. Sadly he was taken from us 11 weeks ago with bloat aged 6 years.

    Zoe the setter came along next as we lost out GSD and OH wanted a 'proper' dog. He had owned setters when he was younger.

    Button a racing greyhound then joined out pack as a companion for William. She came to us straight from her trainer. We had been to friends and she had taken us greyhound racing. We saw a black and white bitch race and OH said if we ever had another greyhound it would be a black and white border collie marked. A couple of months later I saw a black and white bitch advertised for sale. We bought her and when we got her papers were surprised to find out she was litter sister to the bitch we had seen racing. When we saw her advertised I couldn't remember the name of the bitch we saw racing.

    The youngest and smallest of out family is another that is not a hound although by name you would think he is. He is Willow and italian greyhound puppy who we will be getting in 2 weeks.

    our whippet family



    and Willow
  9. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Forgot to post pics of my hounds!!

    Here's Danny my baby boy

    Here's Jenny having a cuddle with Daddy!

    here's Holly (the "ugly" one no-one wanted!!)

    And here's all 3 of them in the positions they spend most of their time!!

    Jenny and Danny having a love!!
  10. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    Great thread i am loving all the gorgeous pics :)
  11. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    me too. i love the picture of all the whippets on the couch...is there 9?
    such heartwarming stories guys, lovely to see such beautiful dogs and great to hear how they've touched your lives...keep them coming guys!
  12. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    This is just the best thread!! All these wonderful, beautiful,magnificent hounds! I've died on gone to heaven!!:mrgreen:
  13. Freyja

    Freyja New Member

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    There's 8 . Tegan and Owen are at the back Jasper Freyja Amber Simba Bandit and Angel with my hand on her head as she and the twins were about to run off, at the front.
  14. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    blimey! 8! can't believe you can fit that many on a couch! i could barely fit my 1 greyhound on the sofa! (we have a 2seater)
  15. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    What lovely hounds , I chose Tommy my lurcher because I wanted a lurcher and he was overlooked in the kennels due to being underwieght and having a scabby snout and ears , but was such a freidnly affectionate boy,he has been with us almost 3 mths now and is looking good ;-)[​IMG][/IMG]
  16. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Tommy is gorgeous!!! Me want!!:049: :049: :049:
    Good for you overlooking his "imperfections" and loving him for the lovely dog I'm sure he is:002:
  17. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    Thanks Zoe, he is a lovely boy, snout and ears all better and gained half a stone, he is a typical lurcher that he will steal food and will eat almost anything and loves a snuggle on the sofa every night ![​IMG][/IMG]
  18. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    aww, tommy is gorgeous :D i love the brindle colouring, the first greyhound i knew was a beautiful brindle girl :D

    there's something lovely about taking on a dog who isn't 'perfect' and seeing them blossom.

    we can still see a fair bit of axel's spine, but it's less, his fur on his back is finally a little more shiny, sides still brown. his dandruff is lessening, i think his scar is permanent though. all in all he's coming on well and coming out of himself now :)

    keep the piccies and stories of your hounds coming!
  19. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    thanks , it is great to see them looking good and take them back to the rescue for a visit and the staff so happy to see the improvement, cant understand how anybody would want to hurt them in the first place , Tommy still cowers with certain men so has probably been hurt by one in the past.[​IMG][/IMG]
  20. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    Aw poor Tommy. It's heartbreaking when they do that. I too cannot understand what on earth someone would want to hurt them for....and because of their total adoration for their owner it makes it worse. I'm so glad he;s ok now. He really is a gorgeous dog!:mrgreen:
  21. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Tommy is gorgeous bless him.

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