Nes I really love Silver Shadow he really is stunning!!!! This is the look I want in an NI, silver grey mask or no mask but temperament has to like cats and children. I know you said Shadow was good with your cats bless him!!!! May I ask what breeding he was??? x x x
See i love the ones with a full mask rather then the white face. I love Ela's colour with its mix of red and browns. When we were getting Raina though i really wanted a lighter colour and i also love the silvers.
He was perfect, the most well adjusted dog. He was fabulous with the cats. He was from a lovely breeder, who has lots of cats . Father is Ammik , mother is River, so much about him reminded me of his mother xxxx Thanks xxx I still grieve for him now....... Yes, I know what you mean. Shadow did have a faint silver down his nose but it was not a mask xxx If I had input ref the breed, my idea would be to aim for NIDs with full face masks.
Raina does have a full mask as well but the hair under her eyes is so light cream against the white is doesnt show up on photo either.
I wouldn't say Shadow has a full mask(as it was so light) , although technically maybe you could've said that xxx I love the colouring, don't get me wrong, look at Thunder, his is very similar. But to aid with uniformity of the dogs, to give the breed a better identity as well, it would be nice to have some continuity ref 'the look'. IMO.
I do love the sliver ones but I do like the mask as Kyle fitted the bill perfectly lol ;-)) Would love to know how you picked Raina as a pup as that litter was incredible!!!! x x x
Awe Nes I know how you feel as I still remember my silver boy Wallace and there is a lot of him in Neo. I dont think I've ever seen River??? Any photos for a reference point??? I absolutely love these dogs!!!! Luv Valerie x
The only ones I'm not keen on are the saddle backs as to me personally they don't look like NI's. Beautiful dogs though!
Don't think I have any on this comp. Will look about for you Valerie. I don't just mean looks, I mean his character BTY;-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Though he did have his mothers stunning yellow eyes xxxxx
no i'm not over keen on the saddles either. The black and whites dont do much for me either but i can see why others like them. We picked Raina because i wanted an outgoing girl with a bit of bossyness about her. We both fell in love with Kyle but didnt have the room for a Dog with Ela. Of the 4 girls there were 2 dark and two light, i was more drawn to the light girls and Raina had the full mask. It took a few visits but she just stood out as the one for us, i think this is what happens in a litter there will be one that stands out as being the one for you.
A Short Tale xxxx As Puppies xxxxx First Howl Which Turned into This: They Love to Dig!! Forget Having a Lovely Garden Left!! Teach Them While they are Young!!! They can be Very Sociable xxx And Child Friendly xx
I am not a fan of the saddle backs (no offence anyone or the b/w (again no offence), though I have seen a few really nice ones, although they tend to be the ones with silver in their coats alongside black) Rachel , just out of interest when you say full mask , do you mean around the eyes or with the nose bar? To me it means full mask as in Shunka's facial colouring.
Oh my God those photos are wonderful and Kaliska is such a beautiful fluffy puppy!!!! Love them all!!! x x x I'm not keen on the black and white either but Vienna has the most beautiful face, just have a preference for the silvers and not wanting to hurt of offend anyone.
Vienna is a stunning girl and one of the black and whites i would be happy to own. Again not saying they are better or worse then any other colour its just my prefrence. By full mask i mean around the eyes and down the nose.
OMG look at that hole!!! and I thought my garden was bad! Great pictures though. Kaliska as a puppy is just gorgeous. I think I'm in love!