..you can borrow kia the n.i as flea is kinda controversial...i like controversy ;-) only kiddin ;-) no,soz Tupac dont belong on this thread ;-)
Oh well, at least you and he, me and mine won't be lonely, we can all be outcasts together. Oops, I appear to be taking this thread ot, I seem to have a habbit of doing that. Maybe I should come with some kind of warning label? Like WARNING Tazer An instigator of ot, unwanted/unnecessary long posts... ...and sillyness.
LOL, oh ok then! We call her Rains, Princess raina or puddin' and she is a lovely cheeky madam. She is very loving and adores cuddles even from people she only just met. She is very nosey and has to have a look whats going on all the time: The range of noises she makes is great and she always has something to say. Tell her off for doing something and she will often chat back to you with a little roo. She knows the rules but will weigh up the benifit of breaking them against the possible outcome and often do it anyway such as stealing food. She is great on the lead but can be a little dreamy off lead so you have to say her name a couple of times to recall her here are a few pic of her as a puppy and growing up: 4 weeks: When we brought her home: My christmas reindeer and some more recent ones: sorry got a bit carried away
Rachel I am so jealous she is stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I met her brother Kyle and sister Kiah at the Scottish as you know and was totally smitten!!!!!!!!!! She sounds wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet her and Ela and Cassie at one of the dog shows!!! x x x x x x x
Thanks hun, she is more of a daddys girl so Dave is going to be showing her but i cant wait to see how she does in the ring. Will be great to catch up with everyone again as well as we only met a few people over the winter. Not looking forward to Cassies post show strops though!!
Everyone is welcomed here. I'm sure you know how much people like it when their dogs are commented on in a positive manner. Even just to say "oh he/she looks pretty in that picture!" we are all proud of our dogs regardless of how ugly they might appear to someone else. It's the negative comments that aren't welcome, that is all
All fantastic pics everyone... Mum, did you really need to get her a bloomin giraffe ? this is how you grab the rope...
What a lovely thread and some gorgeous dogs!! Sansorrella Winter Wolf aka Winter (mum is Sansorrella's Pagan) Sansorrella First Class aka Kalli, Winter's full sister The first pool of the season!! The water WAS clean, honest!! Just hanging with me bro!! The flying Wolfdog!!! ( notice the clean water!!)
Some gorgeous photo's on this thread! My two mutt's Brotherly love The poodle's bed was too tempting This dirty puddle will do nicely
Dont know if its allowed but i just saw a 3 year old utonagan on a rescue site if I can post a link ???
I think it is ok but I would pop it on a new thread if I were you xxx There are some Ute people on the forum that will prob see it, and may suggests avenues of help?