Someone I know has one of these beautiful dogs. I have never met the dog but I believe I have seen it walking down the street. This dog has a curly tail, I did not know this breed had curly tails
I dont know about the breed, so asked a friend of mine that shows them..Who i know through the cresteds and her reply was!
My OH wanted one, but the prices were way to high. So he had to go for my choice a labrador. They are very beautiful.
Thanks you guys xxx I think that is a yes then to my question xxx Littlewolf, the tail is the other way on the one I saw xx Ref high prices, she tells me her dog has cost a small fortune in vets bills, I got the impression due to size. Having said that, my OH is into his giant breeds so I probably would not rule out having a GB in the future.
I love these dogs too. There was a Discussion Thread started on them a while back:
Thanks xxx I remember watching 'Breed all About It' with these dogs some years back. It is a US programme. What sticks in my mind is the dogs we saw were very independent and great diggers!!!