American bulldogs and the dda? Discussions

Discussion in 'American Bulldog' started by danimal, May 8, 2010.

  1. danimal

    danimal New Member

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    American bulldogs and the dda?

    hi guys, im looking to get either an american bulldog or a shar pei! i would like the american bulldog, scott type like "chance" in homeward bound! haha (i am an adult honest) mrs would like a shar pei. my question is, as some of the am bulldog clearly looks like a large pitbull to an untrained eye/ doofus! would i be risking having it taken off me? or have to worry about walking it in public for someone seeing etc? Can you register them and have the papers from teh kennel club for the parents etc that show its pedigree as a non pitbull in case of any issues ariseing? Have any of you had any experience with this or similar issues??
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  3. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    I have never owned a bullbreed I'm afraid. But I have being accused of my American Akita being a Japanese Tosa - banned in the U.K, well ok it went more like, "he's massive, wow, is that that japanese fighting breed, the one that's banned?" Numpties.

    I was also shocked to notice on my Sainsbury's Insurance details recently that they won't insure Shar pei's! Not sure about American Bulldogs.

    If I were you, forget about all these stereotypes and idiots, and get the dog you really want :grin: (American Bulldogs are gorgeous!) For all the idiots and misinformed out there you can be promote a good example of the breed and be proud of your little mate beside you :mrgreen: xx
  4. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    I must let you know, there was a recent government consultation out about dangerous dogs and the idea of adding more breed to the banned list, including bullbreeds. I will locate the thread for you.

    Page 18, Paragraph 66.

    There is a questionnaire on there to take part in the consultation, I strongly recommend you have your say ;-)
  5. welshgit

    welshgit New Member

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    The AM's I can not comment on, but please do the groundwork before you think Shar Pei;-)
  6. akitagirl

    akitagirl New Member

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    Ooo do tell! I don't know the breed very well.

    We have a Shar pei in the village, well, 2 owned by the same guy. all I can say is what odd dogs :shock:. They repeatedly come galloping up to mine (terrible recal but that is probably just owner) and just stand there and give this funny erratic bark, like they don't want us to pass! Mine just seem to laugh at them and trot past...they freak me out a little!
  7. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    Some Am Bull ogs will fall unda the DDA as type and some will not, all depends on what they end up looking like.

    I know there are two looking for a forever home that were siezed as pups and have spent a lot of time in police kennels, they have just been released as not type.!/pages/DDA-Watch/366883744658

    Sorry cant post to the link it is on DDA watch Karma and Brandy
  8. Adam P

    Adam P

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    I think you should be ok. Many people view the Chance style AMbulldogs as giant boxers tbh. I don't know if they can be registered with the kc ect but I know a few who's owners never had any troubl;e. But they live in an area you could get away with a pure pit so maybe location plays a part.

    I'd be careful of share pi tbh. The ones I've met have been sweet but not very healthy.

  9. sparkling lass

    sparkling lass New Member

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    Hiya, I can give you some basic knowledge on the Shar Pei, I owned one for 10 years, getting her just before her 3rd birthday and she passed when she was 13. I personally never had a problem with peoples attitudes to her, in 10 years, I only had probably 2 occasions where people pulled their dog away or crossed the street. They vary greatly in build and looks, some ranging from positively ugly to looking like a teddy bear;-) The majority are not interested in other dogs, tend to keep themselves to themselves, obviously you do get exceptions and never once had an aggression problem, with other dogs or people. The American Bulldog, my friend has one of these and to be honest, they do not really look like a pitbull, well, not to me they dont. It is usually non doggy people that jump to those sort of conclusions when they see a big breed. It they comment, you just correct them, but do be prepared for people to cross the street or pull their dogs away, as is what happens with my friends dog.:cry: Both dogs can make lovely pets but need firm leadership, good luck whichever you decide to go for:grin:
  10. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    there was an ABD X Great Dane in our local dog pound last week, he was taken there by the owners :-(
    he was humungous :shock:
  11. kat14778

    kat14778 New Member

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    i have a american bull dog x staff when i first took her to the vets they accussed her of being a pit bull and some people i come across now ask but if you look at her facial fetures you can tell she is very much bull dog she is very playful and sweet natured but i can still clear the park when i walk on with her and my staff i love bull breeds so im biased but i say you would not find a more loving dog im afraid i cant comment on shar peis as i know nothing about them good luck with what you decide
  12. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    i would say if you are going down the american bulldog route, if you make sure if purchasing from breeder that its health tested, and has paperwork to prove its origin is not pitbull then thats half the battle.

    HOwever there are currently 3 on here Karma and Brandy through DDA and also Arnold who is a babe through Rescue Remedies alll looking for homes, ( arnold is gorgeous xxxxxxxx and good with other dogs).
    They are the breed of choice just now for the great useless status owners so there are literally loads coming into rescue. I personally would not buy a pup as I feel you would struggle to actually get one thats health tested etc as they seem to be getting bred like staffies are with little regard to how many are already in rescue.

    If you really arent sure between the two - then FRank from Rescue Remedies would be your guy - he looks like a sharpei bulldog cross and has been in kennels for over a year !

    good luck
  13. silv

    silv New Member

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    Hi, as an AB owner, I strongly advise that you do lots of research............They can be very drivey! Need a lot of exercise and a whole lot of input on the obedience side of things!:roll: :lol:
    As for the useless dda and bsl..........Even the most bully looking ones can be seized........your dogs papers would make no difference if they thought it was "type"!
    Having said that, I have had no probs with that side of things:grin:
    Do look around for a reputable breeder tho.
    The AB is a very strong dog that can also be very head strong.
    Socialising from a very young age is strongly advised also!

    Cant really comment on the sharpei, other than the ones I have met have seemed ok.

    I love my AB and researched a still didn't quite prepare me for his energy and drive!!!:twisted:

    Good luck in your choice and keep us up to date:grin:
  14. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Lets face it, my Boxers have been accused of being PBT's.... if you can prove it's a AB (or a Boxer!?) then you should be OK...

    AM's are at the top of my wish list actually.... :049:
  15. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    ''Chance'' wasn't a ''Scott'' Type.

    His actual name is ''Sure-Grips Rattler'' bred loved/owned and trained by Kyle Summers, he is featured in the pedigree's of lots of American Bulldogs in the UK.

    You can find ''Sure Grips Rattler's'' pedigree on the American Bulldog Pedigree database.

    Make sure any AB puppy you consider is ABA/NKC registered, free from NCL and hipscored (poss) Elbow Scored.

    Do some serious homework on these dogs and their various strains which are Hines, Painter, Johnson and Scott which will be more power to you elbow and make you fully prepared when you do eventually find your perfect puppy.

    My own dog being Hines strain, she was serious HARD work.
  16. IanIOW

    IanIOW New Member

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    "His actual name is ''Sure-Grips Rattler'' bred loved/owned and trained by Kyle Summers, he is featured in the pedigree's of lots of American Bulldogs in the UK."

    The guys name you are thinking of is Kyle Symmes.
    Like Nicci L has said you will find Chance in many AB pedigree's and unfortunately this was used and still is as a selling tool hence the reason you see so many AB's now in rescue as that cute pup has grown into a 100lb extremely powerfull dog that a lot of people can't handle or have'nt got the time for......Cheers...Ian.
  17. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    Thanks Ian don't know what I was thinking about at the time of the reply I usually have so much other stuff going on too :lol:

    Maybe a rescue for the OP would be a much better option being as lots of AB's are unfortunatly find themselves in this position, plus it's so much more rewarding :grin:

    Or go to some of the sanctioned shows up and down the UK to see some of these dogs in action just so they can be fully appreciated before any decisions made :grin:
  18. Avani

    Avani New Member

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    I thought Chance was a Hines type? Less 'snubbly' round the face and more 'athletic' looking?

    Both need a mass of research - but personally for me, I would veer towards an AM.
  19. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    Look his pedigree up ;-)

    I had a Hines bred Am Bull and she looked nothing like Chance :lol:

    Pedigree info..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2010
  20. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    My wee Shar Pei died at 9 yrs old with Liver failure and other complications, imo they really need a routine they don't do well without it, for example say I picked my son up from school without Suki, then one day decided to take her and the next not, well she nearly chewed through the back door thinking it was her right to go lol...Suki was attacked a lot on lead, so much so I started walking her at 11.30 at night and half 4 ish in the mornings to try to avoid any altercation, I asked the vet for advice on why she was being attacked and he said as with boxers because they have a kinda wrinkled up growly looking face maybe the other dogs felt threatened ? sometimes because she had very short jaggy hair on her face I thought maybe the other dogs were being jagged when they sniffed her and they thought she was being bad, the very first time she was bitten I had just left the vet after her having her last injection as a old man had 2 collie type dogs one on lead and one off, he said they were fine, the off lead one came over to Suli and immediately bit her on her muzzle, the blood was spurting out the puncture wounds on her wee nose, in a panic I went straight back into the vet and was charged another 50 quid for an antibiotic injection and tabs, her wee face deflated on the one side and took a good couple of weeks to come back to normal...she was allergic to every thing, even just walking in the woods, needed her chops ears and paws cleaned every day, she had no re call what so ever so was never off lead, and pulled like a bloomin train...but we loved her, I have her ashes in my bedroom in a wooden dog...she smelt like rotten cheese, I got rashes on my fore arms after touching her, she had a jippy tum, so I had to stand for hours boiling chicken and rice, but we loved her ...
    I know there are Shar Peis out there that don't suffer with the things Suki had, and I'm sure if you did your home work you would find a sound friend was involved in breeding them so if you'd like details for breeders or anything gimme a PM of luck with whatever you decide xx
  21. tera

    tera New Member

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