Calling Cavashon owners General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Gee, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Gee

    Gee New Member

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    Calling Cavashon owners

    Are there any people out there that own Cavashons please?

    They have to be from mum that is a Cavalier King Charles and dad being a Bishon. They tend to therefore have a more square teddy bear face as opposed to a pointed face when the mum is the Bishon.

    We decided to go for the cross breed as previously we had an Old English Sheep Dog and then a Bishon- both were lovely dogs. My husband didn't want us to get another Bishon because he said that we just couldn't replace Billy. Hence the reason for the Cav- would love to hear from anyone that either has one or knows of one:)
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  3. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    I don't think that it matters which parent is which breed - crossbreeds can come out looking all sorts of variety of ways.

    Why did you not choose to get a Cavalier?

    Do breeders of these mixed breeds do all the health tests necessary - MRI scans, eye tests, heart tests etc etc that responsible pure breed breeders do ?
  4. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    Thought there was a breed there that I hadnt heard of...and there was!!!
  5. Gee

    Gee New Member

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    I researched this extensively and decided that it was less likely that the pup would have heart problems that can be associated with pure berd Cavaliers. The breeder that I have gone with has pure bred Bishons and Cavaliers that she breeds- but she has been asked often to cross breed these two dogs- hence the Cavalier. I am confident she has put in place all the health checks possible.
    I have had pure breeds in the past, I think there is a lot of snobbery with people about a dog being 'pure breed' A dog's a dog's a dog in my opinion.
  6. Gee

    Gee New Member

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    Hi Muddiwarx,

    Its funny, but those that have the Bishon mum seem to have more pointed faces- if you have a look on the different sites that sell these dogs you can usually tell which is born of the Bishon mum. These dogs are very popular in America, for some reason.

    When they are ready I will post their photos- although the breeder is sending me photos every two weeks and a video up untill I can take them home, it will be nice to take my own photos- can't wait!
  7. HannahCB

    HannahCB New Member

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    Hi Dont think there being snobby, What there trying to get at is why people purposley breed litters from two different breeds of dog when there are penty of crossbreeds out there looking for homes, Also you have the possibility of getting the genetic disorders from both breeds. Also all good breeders breed to further the breed and et rid of any health issues, whereas this person sounds like she wanted to make some easy money. Any health tests the sire and dam should have had she should have been able to show you the results
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Did you pay for your cross breed? What health checks were done?
  9. Gee

    Gee New Member

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    Er yes, i've paid for 'them' ( I have two ) I'm sorry, and I don't mean to sound too sensitive but, I just feel these comments are a bit 'sniffy' Surely a dog is to be loved whether it is 'pure bred' or not. It seems to be suggested that because there are cross breeds out there that they are all mistakes. I do understand that there can be genetic problems from both parents- but equally that can happen with two Pure bred parents too surely? I am certainly no expert as most of you seem to be, but I am very happy with the breeder and from different people that I have spoken too that have also had pups from her, they all seem thrilled with their new pups too.

    Well, I was happy,but, I'm wondering what I've started now?!
  10. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Gee I am afraid you have opened the proverbial can of Dogsey worms!
    A lot of folk dislike the deliberate breeding of cross breeds.
    However as you say it has been your choice and I hope your pup brings you a lot of joy.
    I would love to see some pics soon :grin:
  11. Gee

    Gee New Member

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    Thank you Nippy. If I had known that I would have kept shtum! Ha ha.

    I obviously have a lot to learn.
  12. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    :lol: :mrgreen:
    We would still love to hear about your pups and see pictures of them as they grow.
    Have you got names planned for them yet?
  13. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Humm....well - designer crossbreeds bred to make money for breeders (who are not getting so much for the pedigrees now-a-days ;))....

    Thing is - you could get all (or nothing) from one or 'tother.

    I hope you enjoy your pups - be sure to catch up on sleep and peace no - with 2 you are going to be run off you feet :shock: :)
  14. alexandra

    alexandra New Member

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    Hi Gee and welcome!

    With cross breeds you can get all the health defects of either or both parents and yes this can occur in pure breed dogs, however, a breeder that breeds for the sake of a designer name (which makes me cringe CAVASHON????? biChons are with a c! grr) sorry i grew up with mongrels and crossbreeds so its certainly not from snobbery...the thing that gets me is yes the dogs are like any other dogs, a companion that will bring you a lot of joy.

    My only gripe is that often these breeders dont health check, they see £500 for a pup and think KERCHING! If the breeder had full health checks for both mum and dad (and by this we mean EVERYTHING - heart checks, eye tests Hip dysplasia etc etc...then id be inclined to not mind AS much but then again im against getting a dog from a breeder full stop ...there are so many dogs in rescue...but thats another argument! lol!:lol:

    Anyway im gonna stop rambling...please feel free to share your stories and matter what breed or cross we are still suckers for puppies!!!!;-)
  15. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    Hi sorry I didnt mean to sound snobby! I love a mongrel along with the rest of em'!!
    Just dont think people should be charged a fortune for a cross breed with a silly name and encourage people to breed for money.

    But nothing against you!! Would love to see pics of your dog :)
  16. Gee

    Gee New Member

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    Ok Guy's, I consider myself told! As for the silly name Cavachon (sorry, I spelt it wrong- not for the first time- doh!) I only mentioned it as this is what I was told they were called. You have given me food for thought and as I am in constant contact with the breeder I shall bring all this to her attention and wait for the answers.
    When I was thinking of getting a new pup (pups) our good friend, who has a huge farm on the Sussex Downs and has goodness knows how many Springers, offered me one of the new pups she was selling (she doesn't breed purposely) But I shyed away from getting one as they seem to be so hyper, and thats not for me.
    The reason for getting this type is, as a companian dog. I don't live on a farm, and I don't want to show either.

    I spoke to my husband this evening (he is way on business at the mo) and told him of this debate, he said that what i've got to realise is, that not everybody buys a dog for their looks, as I have (superficial- who me?? lol) so, there we are. I am preparing for a bizzy time with them, but I do work from home, and the kids have grown and have their own lives so I can devote time to the new additions.

    I hope I can ask some more questions as time goes by, I know I'm going to need good advice, and everyone seems to know so much more than me. So am looking forward to chatting without the controversy next time. x
  17. Gee

    Gee New Member

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    Yes, Although its not set in stone, I think we are calling the boy Ted and I am not sure about the girl, but think it maybe either Maisie or Pip:)
  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Were the parents KC registered?
  19. Vicki6344


    Likes Received:
    Enjoy your puppies - look forward to seeing photos :D
  20. Gee

    Gee New Member

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    Yes, both of them.
  21. HannahCB

    HannahCB New Member

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    enjoy them,looking forward to the pics. When do you get them?

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