Does anyone have any pics of a springer or cocker spaniel x lab? What sort of height do they usually make?
So they can be the size of a cocker/springer then? I've been googling them but they all seem fairly lab sized. I have seen a dog I think is this mix, he looks like a pointer but is the size of a spaniel.
As with Lab/Poodle mixes, there is little consistency when you cross breeds. I have seen really small Springers that are Cocker size and Labs that are absolute monsters in size (Rottie size or more). If you took an averaged sized Springer with an averaged sized Lab, you'd probably get a dog that was mid way between the two. Maybe 50-something pounds in weight. BUT again, it would totally depend on the dogs behind the cross. If you took a small, slimline working Springer with a small, slimline working Labrador, you'd probably end up with a dog that was solid black (or liver, depending on the Labby genes) with some white features, a bit bigger than a Springer in size, lot's of energy, very drivey, etc. On the other hand you could take a big chunk of a show Lab, who are generally pretty substantial in bone, with a show Springer (again more substantial) and end up with something totally different looking, albeit the same colour/s.
There is a few round here that are working cocker X lab (people in the village over breed them from their working dogs, and then the whole litter seemed to come over here) most of them are a simalar size to a working cocker, and with the looks of the lab, but their dam was also a smaller lab