Can anybody tell me..... I have just seen for sale some White Schnauzer puppies - is this a permittable colour in the ring? I didn't know you could get white ones Just curious, nosey old me!
It's permissable in Europe but not the UK. Funny you should say that coz I've just finished grooming a Schnauzer pup and we were discussing colours...spooky!!! ETA.that's me and the owner having the conversation - not me and the puppy!
Yes you can & yes you can show them as in the UK there are no disqualifying faults in the breed standard, I don't know if any have won at shows though. Unlike all other countries were there are disqualifying faults no breed has such a fault in the UK, they are simply faults that are judged on the day. People always say that you cannot show dogs with faults in the breed standard here in the UK, but you, whether you win or not is now to the judge.
Well I never knew that! I thought they were only recognised by the FCI. You learn something new every day...
They can be shown in the UK as can Merle Great Danes, White, blue, liver GSDs, etc no fault is grounds for disqualification, except bad temperament
Oh right. I take it they wouldn't be likely to get placed though? I didn't realise White GSDs could be shown. I thought it was seen as a fault.
yeah its a permissable colour a woman comes to training with a mini white shnauzer, and she shows him too, hes called luigi
Oh thanks for your very helpful replies. Well, I never knew about them at all, I got quite a surprise when I saw them for sale. You learn something new everyday!! Cheers for that!!
erm not sure, he isnt very old but i think he has had a couple of placings, will ask her when i next go
The first link I posted was to a friend's website, she went to the Netherlands to mate her bitch originally. I don't know if she has shown the whites as she hasn't been too well of late
It's not actually a permissible colour, but the judge decides if it is a small enough fault to disregard when judging. It's not a colour in the MS UK breed standard
Oh this is so confusing!!!! So if the conformation, movement, temperament and everything else were outstanding, they may over look the fact that it's not a standard colour? I always thought that non standard colours could not be shown. Am I right in thining that it's a standard colour in Eurpoe?
Actually - thinking of faults in my breed, I know of a couple of dogs with faults that do get placed. My friend's dog had only one testicle, but other than that he was a good example of the breed and a real showman.
A friend and I tried to enter a show a while back and (after they took our money) wouldn't let us in the ring with our white GSDs. We absolutely knew we would be placed last just cos they were 'the wrong colour' but I wanted to go in for the experience. The judge said no, as white GSDs are not registered under the KC. People watching thought it was an outrage and I almost drove home to get the relevant paperwork :? . I did get to put him in another show but out of eight dogs, the 4 shepherds came last and the white one (me) came dead last - the judge said she didn't like any of them Oh well, at least she was honest!!
Only the KC can stop someone showing their KC registered dog-the only exception in breed is if the dog is unfit for purpose health wise or incorrect temperament. Even if everyone knows the dog is not eligible it is up to the KC to disqualify the dog. many judges & stewards think they can do this, but they can't the KC rules are very clear on this. I was told by one judge that all black GSDs were banned & it was the worst fault a GSD could have-I asked her very politely to produce the KC Rules & Regs & Breed standard & find the relevant disqualification rules-caused quite a commotion as I complained to the show management & they stopped the judging until the Show Manager produced the breed standard & the Rules. Of course the judge could not find what she was looking for as it doesn't exist & so had to judge the bitch I was handling & we won both the class & BOB !!!!! Amazing !! I did still make a complaint to the KC & they did censure & fine the judge !
Same goes for white Boxers, nothing stopping you showing them, but you will be wasting your money as the chance of them getting placed will be equal to finding rocking horse poo;-)
'Missmarked' dogs cannot be disqualified purely for that reason, some judges may choose to with hold placings though:?