Boxers - can two bitches be kept together?(same topic threads merged) Behaviour

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by MelG, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. MelG

    MelG New Member

    Likes Received:
    Melanie Golden

    Boxers - can two bitches be kept together?(same topic threads merged)

    Hi all,

    Looking for some advice, and I am sure that there will be plenty of you out there who will have some experience of this and will be able to offer me you opinion.
    We have a 9month old boxer bitch and we are looking to get another one. We have been home checked and have been given the thumbs up to be able to give a home to a boxer who needs it.
    We had thought that we would like another bitch, but we have been warned that the experts would advise against this as the probability is that they will enventually fight, and told to consider a dog.
    Any advise or experience with keeping same sex together?
    Would love to hear what you think about this, as I now dont know what to do for the best?! :?
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  3. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    Hmm, not specific to Boxers but I think if I was going to introduce an older dog to an established dog, I would pick the opposite sex if possible. I just think it is a better combination.
  4. Starhope

    Starhope New Member

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    I have 3 bitches all introduced at separate times (not boxers though) and as long as you introduce them correctly, on neutral territory you should be ok. The other thing on your side is that your current dog is just a baby and will not really know how to be a pack leader yet. If I was introducing a rescue I would be asking for them to get to meet first.
  5. Moli

    Moli New Member

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    I have had I boxer bitch and 2 staffies bitches together, Now I have a Boxer bitch pup and 2 satffie bitches together, never had a problems between any of them....
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    not breed specific , but same sex specific, it does not follow that two bitches cant live together, be them Boxers or not, many people keep bitches together successfully, but if bitches fall out, you tend to have a much bigger problem on your hands than if it was dogs, or opposite sex.

    If they are similar in age and charater, it could cause trouble in the future, but then it may not... its something that may never happen , it will all depend on the temperament of both bitches.

    Thats why its easier to have both sexes, as the bitch will always end up the boss, the the dog will be happy to allow her to be!!
  7. MelG

    MelG New Member

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    Melanie Golden
    Thanks for your views. Lola is a very gentle girl and is always so excited to meet other dogs in the park, so I think that she would be ready and will to accept a new friend into the house. One thing that has puzzled me lately is that whenever Lola sees or meets up with another dog, all the fur on her back stands up. I always thought that this was a sign of aggression but so far she has never shown even the slightest hint of aggression towards another dog. Is the fact that her back goes up a sign that she could potentially be aggressive?

    The dog that we take on will be a older than Lola, so hopefully that will be ok. X
  8. MelG

    MelG New Member

    Likes Received:
    Melanie Golden
    In realation to "Boxers - can two bitches be kept together?"

    I have just been doing a little research re keeping two bitches together and have come up with a new question that I hope some of you might be able to help me with.

    One of the main reasons that we are looking for another bitch is that we cannot spay Lola yet as she has juvenile vaginitis and our vet has advised us to let her have her first season, the hormones will clear the problem otherwise she could have it for the rest of her life, because of this we thought a male would not be a posible option, but I have just read something that has made me question this and I am affraid it is probably going to make me sound very daft!!!!! :blush: But here goes..........I had thought that even if we had a dog that was castrated, once Lola went into season he would of course want to do what comes naturally and then having them together would be no good for either of them. But, I have just read something that gave the impression that only an entire dog would be interested in Lola when she is in season and that if the dog is castrated, it would'nt be an issue?
    Is that right?????:?: :?
  9. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    Hackles raising usually means that they are excited or anxious, not aggressive. :)
  10. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    I think it depends on the dog really. The odds are that a dog that is castrated won't pay much of an interest. My castrated male doesn't pay any interest to entire bitches (including my own) whether they are in season or not...some other males on the other hand!
  11. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    My castrated males are very interested in females in season and I've had entire males that were not, it's really not something you can predict.
  12. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I have 2 female Dobermanns together of around the same age and they are so compatible with each other they even chew the same bone at the same time, one on either end or taking it in turns.
  13. tabsmagic

    tabsmagic New Member

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    Lol!! totally off topic but i read the title of this thread just after chatting to someone about her 14 year old girl who is interested in boxing........made me laugh anyway!!
  14. MelG

    MelG New Member

    Likes Received:
    Melanie Golden
    Ok, thanks. I think I will stick to bitches. Having read everyones comments there seems to be plenty of owners who have bitches together with no problems, which is good!
  15. MelG

    MelG New Member

    Likes Received:
    Melanie Golden
    Thank you for all your comments, it has put my mind at rest. I really want to be able to get a buddie for Lola, and I think that I will go ahead and go for anothe bitch.
    Does anyone have any experience of introducing a new dog into the home?
    Any top tips to make it go smoothly? X
  16. MelG

    MelG New Member

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    Melanie Golden
    Really pleased to hear that! Thanks. :grin:
  17. Fred&Mya'smum

    Fred&Mya'smum New Member

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    The breeder we got Mya from kept a bitch from the litter, the mum and Molly get on great and are fine together :)
  18. Fred&Mya'smum

    Fred&Mya'smum New Member

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    a bit different to us as we got Mya from pup and introduced her to 14 month old fred in the garden, Fred was great with her but for the first week he didn't sleep, evertime Mya moved, snorted etc he was up. She was hanging off his face etc and he was so gentle with her. I'm sure your dog will be fine as she's still young, we were told the best time to introduce another dog was when Fred was still young so we went ahead, hope all goes well, look forward to hearing about your new addition :grin:
  19. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    You also need to remember, you may not have a choice, the rescue you get your new Boxer from, may have a code they work by, so depending on dogs available , your dog and a million other things, they may tell you what sex they will allow you to take home.

    Remember they know the breed , so will try to ensure the dogs they home, are going to be in that home forever.

    So , best to talk and take their advice,
  20. MelG

    MelG New Member

    Likes Received:
    Melanie Golden
    Well, having been home checked by two rescue charities and given the green light to be able to rehome a boxer, we have come to a decision! We are happy to take either a dog or a bitch, which ever comes our way and is best suited to Lola and our family!
    We decided that the issue surrounding Lola and us not being able to spay her yet can been easily sorted due to some help from my mother-in-law who lives just next door to me. She often takes Lola into her house if I am out for more than an hour and a half. It's company for them both and my mother-in-law loves having her around. If we do end up with a dog who is entire, while Lola is in season he will spend most of his time next door, and both rescue home checkers agreed that this was a good way around the problem! We are so pleased!
    If we do get an entire dog, we will of course see to that asap, and as soon as Lola has had her first season she will be spayed.
    We are now very excited as we have had some news of an 18 month old male boxer who on paper looks ideal for us! Just waiting to hear some news regarding meeting him and the next step to rehoming him.
    Soooooooooo excited!!!!
  21. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    How exciting for you good luck - let us know how you get on:)

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