Boxers - please tell me about yours! General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by x-clo-x, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Who knows Pat, as you say 250 is to cheap in my opinion, usually 3/400 will be pet bred ones, and probably no health tests I woudl guess, you only have to see some examples of the breed to know , its not as easy as putting 2 dogs together to get a good Boxer.

    Around the £800 mark will be the average price from a show breeder, but then you will jump up into the big professional kennels, were they will charge a lot more, will also depend on whether you are looking for a show prospect or not, then the price can be extortionate

    As a general rule anything around 650 to 800 would be an expected price to pay.

    oh and white will usually go for half the amount.
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  3. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Have you looked on their website, the pups she has at the moment are by "tiger eyes" stunning dog, his litter sister "icon" is adorable.

    Be Prepared to put your hand in your pocket, if you want a show quality one from them;-)
  4. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    I am in love with the Marbelton dogs... OH has banned me from looking at their website, especially when he realised they had puppies!!

    I'm also not allowed to look at Winuwuk either :lol:
  5. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    im guessing these will be rather pricy then :) i must remember that im not coming home with one. im just looking, and finding out about the breed lol... always remember im just looking :) think i need it drilled into my head :grin:
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Are you going to the LKA , toys are on the same day as working this yr , I think.

    Best place to experience the breed full on, and you can talk to plenty of breeders and have plenty of cuddles by the dogs
  7. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    yes im showing at LKA, toys are on the 13th on the sunday. if i get time to nosy then i will, hopefully i can go and see some squidgy boxers :lol:
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    When you get there you heart will over take your head, believe me, Boxer puppies are irresistible,

    Please dont take this the wrong way, but you have only just decided that the Boxer may be for you, if you see puppies available its going to be extremely hard to walk away,

    Dont rush into , take your time, they are hard work, and if you are not used to big boisterous dogs, you may find its harder than you thought,

    The crested`s are time consuming, , and the exersice regime for both breeds will be completey different, you must have the time to train and exercise your Boxer, away from your cresteds, for a while.

    i am not trying to put you off, just asking you to think twice/three times beofre you commit.

    But ,if you are going to buy from one of these kennels, may as well ask for a show potential and have a go at showing .........believe me its an experience showing Boxers!!!!!!!
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Will be there to, to see the Boxers,and my friend is showing her hairless boy.
  10. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    yeah i know that this will be the case with going to see puppies. thats why im tempted to say no and i will go when there are no cute little faces to distract me :grin: plus the OH definately puts his heart before his head so i have to be the practical one. :roll:
    i understand about training and excerising on its own, we do that with the cresteds anyway because i think its important that they get one on one time with us anyway.
    i am definately going to look into it more, ive just got some books out from the college library on them so will have a read over the weekend.
    i would love to show him/her as i love showing the cresteds and would love to attempt it with a bigger dog :grin:
    as for temperment wise would you say there is a difference between bitches and dogs? are one easier to train than the other?
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    the answer to that, is how long is a piece of string, every one will tell you different.

    Some dogs can be independent, and can be dog aggressive with other males, some bitches will be more responsive to you, but can aslo be aggressive with other dogs, some of both sex will never put a foot wrong, will get on with any dog and love everything that moves.

    Personally I find bitches more receptive, and boys more independent, yet boys can be more loving, and mardy in the home, .

    Remeber, they come into the category of "medium" sized, but they are incredibly strong dogs, they are powerfully built, and some may be suprised with the strenght they have.

    So in that, i would say go for a bitch, they are slightly smaller, and slightly more amenable (others will disagree) and with you having already got small dog/s it may be easier for you to handle.

    All the boys I have known are mardy/big softies/ can be mummies boys , with a streak of independence.

    My experience with bitches are they are more obedient, devoted , and would set down their life for you... but some can be right bitches with other dogs..

    Thats why its so important to get temperament right, a confident dog is a well balanced dog, one (liek my Millie) who is a nervous wreck, can give you problems.

    A good tip is to sit ring side, look at how the dog interact with each other, not just the pups, but the older ones, it can be very subtle , but you can see those who are a bit iffy, by the way the handler will maneuver them around the ring side.

    ofcause you will get the stud dog attitude too, so you need to be able to defrenchiate that from the other.

    Sitting observing will give you an idea of who and what type you like.
  12. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    i think its the same with all breeds that each individual is different. i think i will phone the kennel down the road and see if i can go just for a visit.
    i dont know why but i already wanted a bitch :) the OH prefers dogs, but i prefer bitches. dont know why i do because I have had both over the years. definately want to learn as much as i can about the breed before i dive in and buy one :)
  13. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    has anyone heard of the breeders "panobolo"? ive just seen them advertising a litter and they are prcied from £350-£750. the pup on the picture is stunning. just wondered if these were a big breeder too?
  14. bugzy

    bugzy New Member

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    Not a name i've heard in Boxers, and doing a quick google search brought up 0 searches on panobolo.
    I would have thought if they were show breeders than at least a few google searches would have appeared up, showing show results etc:?
    ( compared with Marbleton boxers which gives 1390 on the google search engine, and Winuwuk Boxers is coming in at 3480 on the search engine, even googling my sisters affix its showing as 2500 searches on google, and although she hasn't shown very much in the uk recently, she was very successfull over in Ireland before she moved back to the uk)
  15. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    oh maybe they are one to steer clear of then? :?
    as the day goes on im convincing myself more and more that i want a boxer :grin: im going to do some heavy reading over the weekend, and maybe convince the OH to go and look at a breeders. (yes they have puppies but no i wont be coming away with one;-) no matter how much i want to)
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Yes, have heard of them, and Norwibeck, who own the sire!!


    Cant see where tha proce goes from £350 /£750, but that may be because the plains go for the cheaper price and the flashy are top end.

    B e careful also about terms, dont be tempted to buy a puppy on terms!!!
  17. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    does this mean like on breeding terms? like you could have the pup but they would want a litter or something like that? :?
  18. Fred&Mya'smum

    Fred&Mya'smum New Member

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    Mya's dad is a Norwilbeck boxer, he's gorgeous!
    Our last boxer was female and she was a gem of a dog, couldn't fault her, i miss her so much
    Fred was the first dog we got, he is a gem now but he has had his problems, mainly being an @rse and running off but this has got better with age, he's much more responsive to me now and yes I agree males are mummys boys, fred loves his mummy. He's really good on his lead and you could take him anywhere. He's also really good when left in the house. Fred can be protective and will react if a dog goes for him or Mya. He's fine if the other dogs are friendly just wont tolerate dogs going for him or Mya.
    Mya's a gorgeous dog in the house, really loving and has a real funny character. Outside she is really nervous, not all the time but silly things can scare her like canoes and fishermen as well as bin men etc but we are working on this and she is getting better. She is much better on her lead now too but was a real puller. She loves all dogs, even the ones that go for her :shock:
    Mya was also really bad for chewing when left, but this has got much better with age and she's fine now (touch wood)!!:mrgreen:
    Boxers are great companions, I couldn't imagine not having one in my life :049:
    Good luck with whatever you decide to do :mrgreen:
  19. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Yes, some even going for 2 /3 picks of litter, even up to how many litters you must have.
  20. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    well i have got three books today from college all about the boxer. im going to do some reading over the weekend and make the OH read too (even if he detests it, if he wants he does as i say lol :grin: ) i have to say the more people are telling me the more i want one. they all sound so loving and a really good addition to the family. :grin:
  21. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    dont suppose anyone know who got placed at LKA? i watched one class but didnt really have much time because i had my own dog to show. was talking to one woman though who had a lovely handsome man, who certainly strut his stuff in the ring. :grin:

    also i have a question? is there two different types in boxers? i noticed a difference in builds, and wondered if like in cresteds they have two types, like we have cobby, and deertype. is there a type for boxer? or does it just vary depending on the breeding?

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