Boxers - please tell me about yours! General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by x-clo-x, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    Boxers - please tell me about yours!

    hi, being obsessed with dogs like i am i always look at different breeds and have a good read about them:blush: recently i have to say that the boxer has taken my fancy...:roll: its just looking at their cute little faces, they are growing on me :) i know there are quite a few boxer owners on here and just wondered if you could all enlighten me on them.. my mum has never liked them as she said they take ages to mature and its like having another child. (i see every dog as my little baby any way lol :grin: ) so all you boxer owners on here would you tell me about your dogs..... and give me some cute boxer pics to look at? :grin: :grin:
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  3. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    i dont have a boxer, but i really want to get a rescue one when i move out. me and my bf have actually planned that we will get a rescue boxer and rescue GSD when we get our own place (if we do lol) and of course, we will have jake. he has even decided the GSD will be called barclay lol.

    they are a dog i have loved for years (1st really became interested in them because of good charlottes cashdogg lol), and have aso done lots research about them. i think they are so so cute. there is actually a video of one of youtube i always watch lol. will go find the link for it...
  4. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    well theyve only just started to grow on me but the bf likes them. a man he used to work for has one (although in my opnion its really badly bred, but a nice dog none the less :) ) i have said that if we get another dog i would like to show it as i show daphni now, and couldnt leave one at home and take the other out. he said if he showed he would want a bigger dog to show. (i have a crested) so the list began lol.... just looking for what people think of them really so i can look into them a bit more. :grin:
  5. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    boxer v furby

    boxer v screensaver :mrgreen:

    boxer slap :mrgreen:

    aw, i just read the update on that one :-(

    i could watch these all day :mrgreen:
  6. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    They are the clowns of the dog world, definitely! It's true they take a longer time to mentally mature than other breeds, but they are so full of character and energy, you don't really notice!

    They are very people-oriented dogs, and love to be around you. My two both want to be right next to me all the time, whatever I'm doing!

    They are very bouncy and energetic, and some people think they aren't too intelligent. However, they are just as intelligent than other breeds (more so than some!)

    Here are some picture of my boys that sum up the breed...






    Seen enough yet? :lol:
  7. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    oh my god they are sooo cute! i love the top pictre it made me laugh.:grin: if anything you are just making me make my mind up quicker :) are they hard to handle? i mean wlaking them, and what are they like with other dogs? its just a few months ago i posted on here that the OH wanted a bigger dog but i was worried about handling it on my own. but they are adorable :grin:
  8. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    My boys weigh between 5 and 6 stone EACH. This means I'm walking at least 10 stone of dog by myself (I'm 5ft 3ins).

    They are fine with other dogs, however, other dogs aren't always fine with them! They play very rough (think rugby tackling) and a lot of dogs don't like it.

    They can be pullers, and because of their strength, could easily pull someone over. However, given the right training etc, can be absolutely fine. I can walk my two to heel on a road walk and they are ok (as long as there are no cats!!)

    If you bring a pup or young Boxer into a house with other dogs, kids, animals etc, I'm sure they'd be fine. Older dogs might take exception to it! My 2 don't get on well with small furries, however, we've got over 20 poultry and waterfowl, and everything is OK, as we have secure fencing etc.
  9. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    so really its the same as with any dog then, just have to socialise them properly and they will be fine. me and the OH both have a crested. daph is just over 1 and mutley is 6 months now. i also have two cats. so presuming that the pup gets brought into all of the chaos anyway it will learn to live with them all anyway. i really like them :grin: do they have any health problems, or things they should be tested for?
  10. esmed

    esmed New Member

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    Ohh where to begin!! Well really i'd probably agree with what Shelley said!

    They are very loyal, good with people, kids and other dogs. They do tend to be a bit mad but it makes for life never having a dull moment when a boxer is around! Monty does something funny that makes me smile everyday and no matter how bad my day has been it's always nice to see his face when i come through the door.

    People will tell you they are stupid and that they are difficult to train but i don't agree with this. Below are some photo's and videos of Monty:

    Here he is being intelligent:

    And here's one of me and him being silly:

    And some photo's






  11. maxine

    maxine New Member

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    They are lovely, really handsome boys!!
  12. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    aww hes gorgeous i love the picture of him in the sand! :grin:
  13. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    also whats the "deal" with white boxers? how come you dont see white boxers in the ring?
  14. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Boxers should be bred from heart-tested parents, who should have a score of 1 or 0 (someone correct me if I'm wrong here). There is also an increasing trend (I'm glad to say) in hip/elbow testing, as for many larger breeds.

    Boxers can be prone to lumps (cancerous and non) and other forms of cancer, but I'm not sure how much more prone they are compared to other breeds.

    Other than that, I think they aren't bad for health probs. Max had a little lump removed when he was 1, but any other serious things have been from injuries, rather than illness!
  15. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    White boxers are a technically a breed fault. A Boxer should have no more than 1/3 white on them.

    White boxers are also more prone to deafness etc, although this is definitely not always the case!
  16. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    ahhh i just wondered because they seemed so low in price to others in a litter. i think my favourite colour is red and white, although i like the really dark brindle too. :) think i may have fallen in love lol :grin:
  17. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    I'm not sure, but I don't think you can KC reg white boxers (again, happy to be corrected!), and breeding from them is not a good idea.

    I prefer brindle boxers, the darker the better, although I think my next boxer will have to be a rescue dog, and I'd quite like a white boxer :grin:
  18. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    the more i look the more i want :grin: my nana has just informed me that "marbelton" kennels are just down the road.... and i always go past the sign for there, although i just looked on their website and it said they live in Lancashire? :? but i swear its only like 20 minutes half an hour away, routeplanner says an hour n 10 mins.... they have puppies :grin:
  19. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Oooh, yes, they had some in September :grin:
    They are South Lancashire, practically Liverpool I think (near Ormskirk/Southport etc)

    My boys have some Marbelton in their lines; they have some gorgeous dark brindles available at stud that are to die for

    Ooohhhh, you are making me all broody now!
  20. bugzy

    bugzy New Member

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    If you didn't want to show then i'd say white Boxers ( as long as they are from health tested parents, and have been hearing tested ) make great pets.
    They can be K.C registered but you cant show them as in the breed standard it says something about no more than 1 third white allowed?

    Some pics of Aura ...

    8 Weeks old and just making her self known.

    Zoomies mode.

    Proving small and large dogs can get on :) Bugzy thinks Aura makes a great cushion


    Aura doing what she does best.... Sleeping :)


  21. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    aww she is gorgeous.... im getting all broody :grin:

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