Opinions On Crossing GSDs with NIDs Controversial

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by werewolf, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Yes i have met hundreds, maybe you underestimate how many there are now. I'm sure i would be able to name them all or at least 80% given enough time to go over my photos and show results if you dont believe me . . . .

    I also know everybreed has health issues hence why my husky came from health tested parents. But i do feel that these are blown up to suit peoples end in the NI more so then other breeds. Of course i feel for people that have lost dogs and think its important for issues to be addressed to prevent further suffering. I think this is being done and as a result we are getting less problems occuring as a whole.

    Oh and i know the NI is not a sled dog or has anything to do with the inuit or ever steped foot in the artic so i dont need you to tell me this. I am fully aware the NI is a uk man made breed with a nice name. Much like the ASD was a US breed and had nothing to really do with the Aussies. I have speant a lot of my own time and my 3rd year of uni researching the 4th world culture and my focus was on the north west coast. I have been to british columbia, been to the various musems of the area as well as speaking to some of the first nations peoples so i know very well the history of the area and that this does not include the NI. Thanks though, and i am glad you like the website, we are updating it now as we have Raina too.
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  3. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    Oh dont let her wind you up Rachel it's honestly not worth the bother. I am not denying there are a few unhealthy NI out there, but dwarfism is something I need proof of before I will believe it. And I for one was never offered proof of this. Oh I know how you all jumped on the CR bandwagon to join forces and slag us off, but what has now become of that great alliance mmmm, Oh thats right, ego's got in the way and some of you have now had fall outs. Theres a surprise.
    Btw, arent Greenland dogs and canadian eskimo dogs two different breeds;-)
  4. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    hi :grin:
    i may be wrong, but dwarfism was mentioned in context with swh and csv not ni,wasnt it?
    although technicaly anything with g.s.d in its backgound is more likely to have the condition wouldnt you say?
  5. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    Yes of course its a possibility, but I have never come across it in the NI, nor has anyone else I have spoken too.
    Akna has stated that it is in the NI as did Sansorrella, CR and Andre.
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I believe what you have been told Rachel, there just isnt any evidence anywhere I can find to support it. Considering its an auto immune disease, I also cant see what an 8wk old pup could need surgery for that could ever result in such dreadful side effects.
  7. akna

    akna New Member

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    Not that this thread is about them but no, they are the same breed, from the same part of the world as usual people fell out namely the FCI and the Canadian Kennel Club. I have brought it up because it states clearly on several INUIT websites the delightful story of how the breed came about and that is not the case. I dont know whose EGO'S got in the way but i certainly have not fallen out with anybody nor made an alliance with anyone either! Back on topic.... Rachel i dont think your a liar but certainly after doing so much research you would of come up with a lot more. I have only had a handful of litters and have seen issues so surely those that have bred lots more would have too? Andre was one of biggest inuit breeders in the country but nobody wanted to listen her either. Oh well as i said this will carry on for years to come. They will never be a breed, even if you do go back to the drawing board and start again :roll:
  8. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Its a strange one and when i asked my Vet about it she got all hazy so i have no idea TBH . . .
  9. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Canadian Eskimo Dogs and Greenland Dogs ARE different breeds!
  10. cava14una

    cava14una New Member

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    I think that stress can bring on an Addisonian crisis in a dog that has the disease but will need to look into it more


    I wasn't right a crisis can be the first sign of it but it doesn't seem to say what causes the crisis
  11. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yes Anne those were my findings too. Addisons is immune meditated and a weak immune system is a major part in it. I did mention it to a Vet friend of mine and she said an op wouldnt cause addisons it will already be apparent, but may be bought to light, which would explain your findings too.

    With the NI breeders "doing the right thing" though, I expect neither parent will of since been bred from, so it should stop there, or at least its all responsible breeders can do to try.
  12. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    Yes they are in the UK :)
  13. akna

    akna New Member

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    Shall we start an other thread with the debate of how and where eskimo dogs and greenland dogs fit in as well???? Perhaps we can go on and read all about the Greenland dog on their club website and i can send a copy of Canadian Eskimo standard (the original longer length version) to anyone who sends me an sae! Moving away from the topic again!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2009
  14. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Is that so you can admit you are wrong??
  15. akna

    akna New Member

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    Er no not at all Louise i see your here again with your pearls of knowledge! So tell me... apart from the fact in the UK they are registered seperately, the fact that they were all the same breed in the first place and for all that time until the two clubs fell out what makes them different? i have no problem staying on this thread talking about anything other than "OPINIONS ON CROSSING GSD'S WITH NID'S. Perhaps we should rename the thread to "TROUBLE MAKERS AND **** STIRRERS WELCOME"....if the cap fits of course! What a shame my H and I were removed!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2009
  16. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    LOL yes well the ****stirrer suits you to a tee.,.as you only come on here to have a go...
  17. akna

    akna New Member

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    I most certainly DO NOT! Like i said IF the cap fits!!! You dont even OWN any of these breeds but yet you have constantly been in the background having a little dig here and there. I came onto this thread firstly because i received a phone call asking me if i had been saying particular things under an alias and to make comment and give an opinion of why i wouldnt cross a GSD with an Inuit! Firstly i have better things to do with my time than pretend to be somebody else and also got better things to do with my dogs than sit on Dogsey gossiping, hence why i had to request a new password because i had forgotten it :-/ If you read back to my comments they are constructive critism and not derogatory. We have crossed swords before Louise about the same things. I will be in Scotland at the end of Jan racing and in Feb too why dont you get yourself off the sofa (and your dogs) and get to one of the events? As i dont do WI meetings over coffee and cake!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2009
  18. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Umm yes you do..you only appear, comment on these threads and then disappear

    Yes and I am sure it looks great on you..

    Thats right I don't..but I do own one of the breeds that was used to make the mess in the first place..and also one of the breeds threatening to be used again..
    Oh and its a forum...and I would never say my digs have been "in the background"

    WOW.I should be sitting here in awe that you are so important in your expert opinion that someone phones you for your input:shock:

    Good great...so why are you here??I am sure you could have gave the friend who rang your opinion over the phone? I don't beleive anyone on here said you were pretending to be anyone else.until YOU mentioned it..

    Didn't say they were? just said you only appear to stick your oar in then dissappear again..so why bother being part of the forum?

    LOL I would hardly say that..

    Lol you act like you invented mushing/canicross etc..of course I have NEVER been to one of these events ever:roll:

    Scotland is a big place my dear..and Aviemore is too far away for me to get back in time for work, sorry..
  19. akna

    akna New Member

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    You know what Louise you are so knowledgable just as Sutty and several others seem to be well i shall say no more on the subject of malamutes, canadian eskimo dogs or greenland dogs other than go away and READ THE HISTORY and i will sit here with the contentment of knowing that those of you that profess to know all actually dont and that you will learn something :grin:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2009
  20. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    Never said I was knowledgeable on the subject, merely asked a question as Ive seen both breeds at crufts, The Canadian Eskimo in the Discover dogs bit and the Greenland on the benches and they were distinctly different, the Greenland being much biggerand very much nicer imo, but I bow to your obviously superior Knowledge O great one.
  21. rune


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    What is a 'proper inuit'?


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