Staffy Cross French Bull dog...breeding? Controversial

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by stephannie88, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. Petrina

    Petrina New Member

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    Also, rather than rehashing what others have said, it's worth noting that as a breeder if you allow your bitch to mate with any other breed you're breaking the rules set out by the Kennel Club.

    French Bulldogs are lovely, and I own a staffie myself but I wouldn't want a cross of the two. :shock: It won't make a minature bulldog!
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  3. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    To have had 2 litters by 3 and a half is quite a lot really.

    From what you say you have had a few litters from dogs, bearing this in mind - it seems odd that you are asking this question.

    I cannot understand why someone with a french bulldog would want to put it to a SBT? I cannot understand the reasoning he gave you - and it would make me thoroughly distrust him.

    I hope you choose the right route for you and your dog....

    ....and before you consider breeding from her again - please take a look at the many rescuse sites around which are full of SBTs and X's who are desperate for homes.

    Welcome to Dogsey.
  4. Anne-Marie

    Anne-Marie New Member

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    My first thought is why would you want to?

    Please do not dismiss what members have said out of hand. There is a good reason why everyone is advising you not to do this.

    There are so many unwanted Staffies and Staffie Crosses in rescue centres at the moment AND there is also a growing number of problems with French Bulldogs requiring re-homing. It's a massive problem in the UK, mainly down to people jumping on the breeding wagon and not having homes lined up for their pups first (trying to cash in on a trend). I do not understand why you and your Sister-In-Law would want to do this cross-mating?:?

    Does your Sister-In-Law know that most Frenchies do not self-whelp? Lots of them have to be born by Caserean section. This is because they are a breed with a large head compared to the rest of their body. So imagine the difficulty the bitch would have in whelping pups that were of a larger breed/build like a Staffie?:shock: :-(

    Any dog that is bred from should have the necessary health checks so no heriditary diseases are passed on. It does seem not enough thought has gone into this mating. If your Sister In Law wants a litter from her bitch that much, she should contact her breeder for advice and help before going any further. They at least may be able to get her to consider all the implications first.

    That said - I am very dubious about your postings because in the first post you said that you didn't know much about French Bulldogs so have Googled the breed and you like what you see. Later though you say the bitch is your Sister In Laws. Surely if it is your Sister-In-Laws bitch, you wouldn't have needed to look the breed up on Google in the first place?

    Have to say that puzzles me!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2009
  5. Katie23

    Katie23 New Member

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    sucha thoughtful and caring owner :roll:

    what a prat....
  6. random

    random New Member

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    We need a troll song....
  7. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    And to think, I was actually NICE in my first post! :shock: darn trolls, wastin' my time. :twisted:
  8. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    So you both have stunning dogs.

    Why would you want to breed them together and product a cross breed.

    Has your stafford had all her health testing. Are there any health testing that needs to be done on the French bull dog.
  9. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    I wouldn't waste your time - it's a troll!
  10. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    Even if this is a wind up:

    The Dogs Trust site says 9000 unclaimed dogs were humanely euthanised by local authorities alone last year. I bet a huge proportion were staffies and staffy crosses.

    A homeless dog is destroyed every hour in this country, and people come on with questions like this. Unacceptable.
  11. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    It took me a while to answer because I was trying to be polite.

    I just shake my head a some people
  12. Benzmum

    Benzmum New Member

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    Off to give you reppies

    Unacceptable is a fantastic description.

    I wonder what proportion were Staff and Staff crosses I'm guessing high - no matter how "good" they looked.

    IMO, and it's just that an opinion, anyone who deliberately crosses a staff at any time to another breed is out of order. I have a beautiful rescue dog, with great temprament who was a result of a staff x breeding "programme" to produce "beautiful pups" :roll: :roll:
  13. kingbenny

    kingbenny New Member

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    Just my thoughts, why would a responsible dog owner be looking at breeding staffy crosses right now. The rescue centres are full of staffy crosses, why risk adding to that?

    What price would i put on the puppies? I'd just say don't do it. Sorry.
  14. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    If I loved my dog I wouldn`t look on her as a money-making breeding machine
    end of
  15. psoup206

    psoup206 New Member

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    does anyone know any known health issues for this breed. I'm thinking about adopting a NEUTERED frenchy staff cross.
  16. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    L2 Hga, HC and PHPV.
    How old is the dog ?

    I don't know about French Bull dog
  17. psoup206

    psoup206 New Member

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    1 year old ..what precautions do you recommend I take before adopting? I dont want to have huge vet bills if I can avoid them but I would like to make a difference for one pup
  18. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    At this age
    PHPV is an eye condition the dog is born with it and it does not get any worse so even if it has it if it is not causing problems now it won't.
    HC should be visable it is a progressive eye condition but usually shows at 1 to 1.5 years of age.
    L2 Hga has sympton similar to epilepsy.

    Is this dog from a good rescue because they should be aware if the dog has any of these conditions.
    Actual test would cost just short of £200.
  19. Cole Zuver

    Cole Zuver New Member

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    So I'm going to play a little "devils advocate" here. Being that all the responses were so strongly in agreement I might wind some up, but I promise that is not my intent, rather just possibly provide some perspective.

    I saw many of the responses saying "why would you want that mix?" So I found this forum because I googled Frenchie Staffie mix, and here is why. My past dog was a pit/lab rescue. She passed a few months back at 14 yrs old and was the best dog a person could ask for. Since then my wife got a French Bulldog pup. I was not happy about that choice at first but wanted her to be happy. We have had the Frenchie now for about 3 weeks and he really is a cool dog with an amazing temperament. I still plan to get another "my dog" as well. So here is why I was interested to find out if there are Frenchie/Staffie mixes out there. I really do like the Frenchie a lot. However they have a ton of potential health issues, mostly due to their pushed in nose, and they are not a very athletic or energetic breed at all. So my thought was that if the two breeds of similar size were mixed it might take out the health issues of the frenchie and provide a similar healthy more active version. It also seems to me like the temperaments could make a good mix as well. Plus when I google imaged the mix it is a very attractive looking mix as well. In a nutshell what I had told my wife that "if I could get a frenchie that was more athletic, had more energy, not so many health concerns, but the same temperament I would be all for it, and this what I thought the mix could achieve. Keep in mind I am not a breeder and know very little about dog breeding. So I'm not saying after doing research I would still make the decision to find that mix, however that is the why I was interested in the first place. And I'm guessing that would be why anyone would mix any breed, because they are after the best of both worlds.

    Secondly, I completely understand what everyone is saying about the fact that there are so many staffie mixes in rescue's. However if that is the only logic then it would seem by that same logic that those people would also be against pure breeding as well. My own personal concern with staffie rescues is that you do not really have any idea if it is truly a staffie or not most of the time. Like I said before my past dog was a pit rescue but I was young and had no kids. I now have two young children, a small dog, and a cat. I love the staffie, amstaff, and pit breeds however I am realistic about the fact that without knowing the heritage you could very well be ending up with a dog would not have the temperament to live with small children and other small pets.

    Again not trying to wind anyone up just providing the perspective that I think is a realistic and reasonable one that people might want to consider before being so quick to condemn someone they know nothing about.

  20. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Tarimoor likes this.
    Why not just get a Staffie? A very hardy breed and mostly brilliant temperaments :)
  21. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    Tarimoor and CaroleC like this.
    I not against breeding or cross breeding but here is my view.

    They have some health issues yes, hopefully your wife went to a good breeder who health tests. Being brachycephalic is not in a dog's best interest and causes breathing issues and heat intolerance but that's not the sole source of health issues. If you get a SBT cross Frenchie from a byb you still run the risk of hip dysplasia for instance. Also Shorty Bulls are a great example of how short muzzle or brachycephalic heads can still be apparent, but maybe, just maybe, you can find a reputable breeder of them and get a dog like you want.

    There is no guarantee they will be athletic or have a higher energy level just so you know. If you look at Shorty Bulls or American Bullies you can find inconsistencies.

    If the parents have sound genetic temperament then yes, otherwise no. I'm sure they look cute. I understand where you are coming from but understand with a cross breed you're likely not looking at a uniform litter. So they can have different looks, temperament, drive and energy level. You can't pick and choose like that. Athletic, healthy, energetic from the Staff + temperament from the Frenchie. We are talking about breeding not building. A good breeder could select compatible dogs of different breeds and get good results depending on the breeds and desired traits but your typical byb creating designer breed usually has no clue and they don't health test. Best of both worlds is a marketing ploy.

    Why not get a Staffy or AmStaff from a reputable breeder? Maybe you can find a reputable breeder of what you are looking for but it would probably be very hard. If they exist at all.

    It is clear imp that they are an uneducated byb, so I condemn them as such.

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