Poor Lurcher, at least she is now loved. General Chat

Discussion in 'Lurcher Forum' started by chaz, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Poor Lurcher, at least she is now loved.

    I was sat at the bus stop today and I saw a little Lurcher girl who was like a mini me to Honey, all her markings looked the same, even down to her face markings, I had to do a double take lol, but this girl was a ex rescue, and as nervous as anything that I had ever seen before, she was visably shaking, and her body langauge was screaming out nervosiness, I ended up having to say something to the person who had her on a lead, as she was with a load of her friends who had allready been drinking, and was being very loud and making the girl worse, the dog even accidently stood on someones foot at one point trying to move out of the way of someone falling over and then the person whose foot she stood on screamed at the dog to get off, and the dog wet itself , and I said about being careful for themselves as well, as there is a increased risk of her biting as she is nervous, to which the same friend said that the dog is too afraid to bite at this point I really began being a busy body .

    It ended up the girl really caring about the dog that she had only had for a week, but the dog was still terrified, and its eyes were just blank and she showed no intrest in anything unless she was scared, and I ended up giving the girl my number, I said that I'm no expert but I could try and help, and talked to the girl for half an hour about the dog, the girl said that her friends had said to let the dog off lead to let her run, to which I said a severe no, that she could loose the dog, and even letting her off in a confined space could be bad as it could end up making the dog worse if she went about getting her back wrong, and that a long line would be better, but not to get a extenable as they can snap. I also offered to walk with her and the dog to try and help, along with other things that I said but I can't remember now

    But I am waiting a phone call, as she said that she will also give my number to her mum, and that she is intrested in walking with Honey and Diesel.

    But the poor little dog really broke my heart at first as she was so nervous, and after I talked to her the girl got the dog out of all the noise and took her back home to be in a more peaceful enviroment, and is also talking about getting a behaviourist in, as she works and wants the best for her dog.

    I have to say though it was a nice thing that she wanted to help her dog, hopefully the dog will improve poor thing, I just can't get the look that the dog gave me out of my head. Oh and the owner hadn't been drinking it was just the friends.
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  3. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    aww good on you,
    it sounds you have done your best,thats all you can do,and although you dont know the dogs owner,it did sound as if she was willing to learn and cared.i know those looks though,they are MEANT to break your heart,and they are so darn good at it!;-)
  4. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    The girls mum called me back, she wants help with the dog, so I will do what I can, although I was shocked as she said that someone told her to pin the dog whenever she shows any fear or anything CM style, good God I would hate to think what that could do to a allready nervous dog.
  5. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    let alone a sensitive type like a lurcher.:-( im sure they just need direction.;-)
  6. tokiayla

    tokiayla New Member

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    Good for you, and I'm glad the mum called you.

    I had to be so careful with my scared rescue - they need so much patience and considerate handling - a year on and I still won't put him in certain situations.

    Hopefully with your help they will be able to make progress.
  7. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I hope so, they do seem like lovely people, they just don't know how to cope with her, I would of thought that the rescue would of given them more tips though

    I hope so, I have one that isn't a rescue but from a crap breeder, long story ;) who I still have to be careful with, so I'll just have to keep telling them that there is no easy or quick way with the dog.
  8. Fernsmum

    Fernsmum New Member

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    Sounds to me as if the dog should be with someone very experienced who can help her .
    Poor thing , it can't be much of a life being so terrified all the time :cry: :cry: :cry:
  9. spot

    spot New Member

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    What a wonderful thing you have done! Im so pleased they rang you and that you are willing to work with them.

    Who knows what has happened to this poor mite in her past but as you say at least she is now loved and has you to help her. Well done.

    Agree with the CM thing it would put her back so far and she would shut down completely.
  10. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I thought so to, poor thing needed someone to take control and understand her, but I know now which rescue she was from :roll: and this sort of thing from them is not uncommon unfornatly, although they are shutting down soon.

    thats what I was afraid of for her, who knows what her future would be if they done this now, and it would make it so much harder to help her at a later date.
  11. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    Well done really hope you can help this poor girl ;-(
  12. moetmum

    moetmum New Member

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    I do hope that they can get some help for this poor dog, at least they are willing to try.
  13. youngstevie


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    Well done, I really hope you can help them, that story made me sad....hope she gets on well.:lol:
  14. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    They are getting a behaviourist in, from a greyhound and lurcher rescue, the rescue that they got the dog from won't help, they say that the only 'help' that they will give is to take it back, and then there is a risk of her getting PTS as they are closing down soon, I wonder why that is? :neutral: So I think that they will have her sorted, it may take a while, but with their decication I'm sure that they will get there :)
  15. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    Awww poor love, well at least they are doing something to sort her out. Horrible rescue she came from.
  16. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    It is, and whats more funny is that they won't allow people to have dogs who work, there is someone that I know, who has had Lurchers or sighthounds for now over forty years, they went to the rescue last year, and got turned down for a Greyhound because they work 6 hours a day, but they will let a novice (its also their first dog) have a dog with such problems.

    I'm not knocking the owner, they are doing all they can, I just think that the rescue needs to get their prioties sorted.
  17. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    Good on you for sayig something and kindly offering your help. Sounds like the poor girl has had a traumatic past ans needs lots of TLC and patience. At least the new owners are willing to try to help her.

    No wonder the rescue is shutting if thats how they operate ! some don't care what happens to the dog after they rehome, they just want to get shot of them quickly.

    Hope it works out for the dog and owners.
  18. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    I know, people have been thinking that its a long time coming, they also belittle people who walk through their door, and make things really uncomfortable, and they are the only local rescue aswell, so its no wonder that people round here get pups instead of rescues, I do hope though that someone takes over who knows what they are doing, for the benefit of all the animals, I went to have a look round the other day, as I want a companion for my rabbit, but I wasn't allowed, as I have my dogs, well the rabbit is perfectly fine here, is not in danger of being eaten or anything, I also go out and work which put me in bad stead for a rabbit :shock:.

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