How different Mal x Sibes can look Discussions

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by ingi, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    How different Mal x Sibes can look

    There are quite a few of us on here with Mal x Sibes and it always suprises me how different they can look from one another depending on which way they go Malamute or Husky.

    To demonstrate this I thought a thread with pictures of them on would show this up.

    So i will start it of with mine Nanuq, he is 8 mth old now and looks much more Mal than Sibe.

    as a pup


    More recently


    I hope by posting this in non-recognised breeds it will keep the haters of us :evil: :evil: :-( :-(
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  3. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    If by haters you are referring to people like me..I don't hate the dogs..I hate the people who deliberately breed two gorgeous breeds together simply fort money..and no health testing(same goes for NI, BI etc etc..its not about the dogs it about the ingrates that breed them!)

    I think if you remember rightly you said a while back your dog was a mal and it was me that pointed out one was more sibe..The breeder should have told you that..not someone on a forum..

    Anway that aside..Nanuq furry lugs are fabulous
  4. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    He has so much fur on his head it's like a main, I have not seen another like it. It goes all crimped looking if it's not brushed daily.

    I have never said he is a Mal, as I know his mother is a Sibe. I am also fully aware of what he is which is a cross breed I do not need the forum members to tell me that thanks. Yes we maybe were a bit nieve when we got him for not seeing the papers for his parents but we did not get him from a breeder trying to make a fortune from a 'new breed', and saw both his parents with the litter before getting him.
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    He is lovely!
  6. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    im not a hater:grin: :grin: but why does it suprise you how different they can look:? :? they are crossbreeds;-)(before you go on the defensive,i have 2 crosses in my lot)
    now, if you just wanted to start a picture thread i would
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2009
  7. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    He is lovely, I too love his furry ears xxxxx Kaliska has the crimpled look too , as does a long haired GSD we know xxxx
  8. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Loki does too - I'm going to brush them more! :blush:
  9. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    Aw he is a beauty. Love his face and fur!!

    Take care.
  10. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    I did want to start a picture thread just to show the differences, I agree that it is because they are crosses and a picture thread would demonstrate this.

    I had a look at some pictures of Loki and she seems to have fur at a similar length to Nanuq, I wonder if thats what makes it crimp, but then all long haired dogs would have crimps I suppose......oh well out with the brush :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Hey what's wrong with crimped ear hair? My Dan has major eighties style ears - I think it's gorgeous!

    Anyway, back to the thread, Nanuq is a lovely looking dog, and we all know that many people are against deliberate crossbreeding (myself included) but let's keep it friendly guys?
  12. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    I love Nanuq's 80's crimped hair. Reminds me of my 80's crimped hair. Not putting any pics up though, Nanuq does it far better than I ever did :lol: :mrgreen:

    I've seen a fair amount of husky x mals and your right, they are all so different.

    Our lad is very husky like in look and movement but he towers above his sibe family. He's huge! His nature on the other hand is proving to be more mal like.

    When I first walked into the rescue centre and seen him pacing in his cell I must admit I turned to OH and said "oh the lad's got a face only a mother could love" :shock: :mrgreen: Once he was under less stress everything about him softened.

    Now that we have taken a year to get to know each other I am that 'mother' :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I think Jacub is beautiful :)




    Hope this finds everyone well.

    Take care

    Seoniad :)
  13. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    Well if Jacub is here.. Kismet can't keep herself away:)


    Kismet is teeney, even for a hUsky she'd be considered a bit small...


    Bearing in mind I am only 5'1... She's bonsai:) ...

    Compared to other Huskies we have met, she's longer and rangier,and has a broader face. Compared to other Malamutes, she's more delicate, a lot smaller and has a shorter coat. Her personality appears to be right smack between the two. She's very laid back and mellow in the house, pulls like a steam train and is a bit loopy out on walks:).. I'm lucky that she is very pack focused and doesn't like to stray far from Pharaoh and Selkie and is completely food and toy driven, so she has so far been very reliable off lead and is taking to agility like a duck to water:)


    These were taken on a 'have a go' agility course at Spirit of the dog:)

    No two 'Huskamutes' we have met have been the same, but they do sort of fall into two camps.. or at least appear to.. the short coated beefy husky type and the long coated more malamutey type...

    I had a vague theory that this may have to do with generally if they were bred as an 'inbetween sized' sled dog (like Kismet) or as a 'designer' blue eyed smaller malamute... But then it doesn't cover all of them... Some, like Nanuq were just bred for the pretty and Kismet, for all her breeder's stated build a better bike joring dog intentions, really just loved his two pet huskamutes so much, he let them get together.

    They're all beautiful dogs though:)
  14. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    They are all absolutely kobe bear missing from here ? xx
  15. mommabear

    mommabear New Member

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    there all soo gorgeoues. I will be adding Mishka shortley x
  16. carleyaves

    carleyaves New Member

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    I love the pics of this breed/cross breed, sorry a bit naive on them am a springer owner! lol, to me they are husky types!! i also love all the unusual names for them... does it go with having an unusual dog?

    Nanuq is great name any chance you like "the lost boys" ?? lol
  17. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Jacub follows Kismet around Dogsey like a love sick puppy :lol:

    Were the folks who bred Kismet from The New Forest?

    Hope your well Magpye :)
  18. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    yes Kismet is a newforest dog:)
  19. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Thanks Magpye:) I spoke to Edmund (?) last year about Jacub thinking he may be one of their guys. Since found out he isn't.

    Take good care.

    Seoniad :)
  20. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    Would have been weird if he was, he would have to have been Kismet's brother..:) They have only had 2 litters, Kismet's and one since and all blue eyed, no bi eyed:)..
  21. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Thank goodness he is not - would have to cancel the wedding :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    There is a world of difference between the folks who bred Kismet and the type who bred Jacub.

    I always wondered if Kismet was a newforest girl. Small world eh? :)

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