Looking for Victorian Bulldog breeder... General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by will7, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Thank you this is the type we promote,first 3 pics posted were pet dogs, some of these are breeding quality and i like to think our litters are getting better and better, had 5 litters in 10 years of the breed,But my girl is in pup just now, due later this week ,i hope..lol...thanks for the more positive comments on our breed
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  3. tazer


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    The pup in the second from last puppy photo's is my fav, so cute.:grin:
  4. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Ah Regals Apache he was a character,He was from our first ever litter,unfortunately after 6 months new owners moved home i think and never stayed in contact,would have luved to have seen him fully grown,as to date only brindle dog we,ve bred
  5. tinkladyv

    tinkladyv New Member

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    I wanted to comment on this because all breeds end up in rescue and whilst there are good breeders who like yourself take them back, there are many more who call themselves good breeders but dont.
    Your dogs are lovely and please dont take this as another attack, because it is not.
    I agree you are getting attacked by a few who i beleive make dogsey a not very nice forum and seem to get away with it time after time, but try not to bite, defend yours by all means, but do it without aggression, otherwise it just gets you kicked off here, as others have been recently.
    Hope to see you on Dogsey in the future :)
  6. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    Wise words from Tinkladyv, I hope you stay with Dogsey so that I can see more pics of your gorgeous dogs.;-)
  7. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Thanks very much for your kind words I am afraid i let myself down today with my comments, I should have just shook off negativity and ignore, i have been reading through forum and see what you mean they seem to be doing it with newcomers though or relatively new members. Obviously bored with their own breed or too much time on their hands and have to belittle others IMO.The good news is i wont belittle there given breed for unlike them the breed is of no concern to me,to each their own.
  8. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    I,ll stay and look in and thank you very much, will help people that are genuinely interested in our breed, to the witchunters i will now only humour, something i have been told in past i am very diplomatically good at but getting point across..lol
    thank you
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    But thats the trouble, its not just today where you let yourself down is it.

    From the moment you joined in 08 you haveshown aggression if anyone dares to give you what you perceive a negative comment, you drop your nice guy act.

    You also say , you have no concern about any other breed:shock: :shock: thats caring of you, as most of the members here care about DOGS!!!!!!!! NOT just their own breed:shock:

    You forget , YOU were the one to turn this thread into a negative, along with the other thread, it was YOU who suddenly came back onto a board (that you had asked previously to be deleted from, ) with a fighting attitude.

    All you have received is like to like.

    There is no excuse for some of the language you have used, on this and the other thread.

    Not to mention the inconsistencies you have thrown up in your own breeding plans....so dont be suprised when people pick up on it..

    You may think that people on here have no knowledge, but as you have found , people are very quick to pick up any form of unethical breeding..and you posted the evidence for all to see yourself!!!!!!!!!! so dont go playing the victim.:roll:
  10. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    BlAH BLAH BLAH i think you like typing eh...haha
    will not rise to you again no need, I am only glad i managed to fill an empty void in your life for a day.
    I will always defend my breed no ifs about it,have never claimed otherwise.
    Me a victim hehe i mentioned there was a few whom have absolutely no right posting about the VB as they wouldn,t know one if it was right in front of them, never doubt i can give as good as i get then some just got a bit annoyed with know it all know nothing people...
    Told you your opinion means as much to me as joe bloggs down the road so singalong lady my ears are plugged.

    I have no interest in any other breed means i will not interfere in anybodies breed as i have no input"Honesty" i dont claim to know about breeds i know nothing about? ring a bell.....If i did only care about VB,s why would i be linked to other breeds,I musty admit however i am a big fan of all bullbreeds mainly, but had terriers when i was a child.

    Now this thread is for Victorian Bulldogs have you any input??if not i suggest you and yer friend jump right on yer brooms and fly to the next breed to scathe.
    I,ll let my breeding program speak for itself,i was not slow in coming forward when i knew i had made a mistake!!! did you from the east and yer m8 from the west admit any mistakes????
    Over and out sweetie xxx
  11. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    oh forgot where did i turn the thread into a negative? I suggest maybe putting yer reading glasses on before an answer
    sweetie xxx
  12. scrofford

    scrofford New Member

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    Sorry I beg to differ! I own a Victorian Bulldogge and this is the VBA website.
  13. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    As i have said its NOT a Victorian Bulldog. The VBA set up by carlos woods is a total differ line of dog. I was about when he first started calling his dogs Victorian Bulldogges (note the spelling) and caused quite a stir back then,Victorian Bulldogs are from Ken Mollet lines and these lines were established long before the VBA was even thought about,It does get confusing for newcomers i admit, the compromise on the name was the word bulldogs(mollet) Buldogges(carlos woods) hope this helps.
  14. scrofford

    scrofford New Member

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    First, my dog is from the Ken Mollet lines. The VBA is the actual Victorian Bulldogge Association. The VBA was established to keep this line pure. I know all about them. I also know about Carlos Woods. His dogs are NOT true Victorian Bulldogges.
  15. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    I think someones pulling your leg m8, Ken Mollett lines are primarily british based dogs.The VBA IS Carlos Woods rgistry. The VBF and now redundent VBS are the registries for Ken Mollett lines only tony mollett who is not affilated to the VBF and registers his dogs under Mollett bulldogs is the only other VB out there, I think there has been a total of 9 Ken Mollett Victorian Bulldogs left the shores of the UK,none as a bredding pair, so you can see where i,m coming from? I have been involved with VB,s for over 10 years and helped in the initial set up of the VBF. I am not doubting you have been told this what i will ask is i know you are in the U.S if you could give me some names in your dogs pedigree 2,3,4, generations back i might be able to help out.
    cheers john
    If your dog is VBA registered hes not down from mollett lines, it is quite hard for people with all the similar names. If you need any help i,ll gladly try my best.
  16. scrofford

    scrofford New Member

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    You know, I don't know where you are getting your information...but I am not going to sit here and argue with you. I have a TRUE Victorian Bulldogge. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2010
  17. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    There is no argument i,ve stated facts yes you have a victorian bulldogge, not a victorian bulldog and certainly not one from ken mollett lines this is all i,m stating...lets see my information comes from being involved with the VB for over 10 years, talking with people in the breed far longer,spoken with ken himself, Admin to the VBF forum,knowing of every litter thats bred ...I would say my CV on the VB and what is and whats not is pretty good.
    I never once said you didnt have a victorian bulldogge but someones leading you up the garden path if you think its from original mollett lines, not here to argue only stating facts so there is no argument.
  18. scrofford

    scrofford New Member

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    You know, from what I understand, you are really playing on words here. It's like when I was a kid we had a couple of Alaskan Malamutes. We got them from one breeder who was excellent. There were other breeders out there who bred Alaskan Malamutes with pretty much the same quality. But some people would say that you got your dog from such and such a breeder...they aren't true Malamutes.

    My VB is American Bred yes. His line is American. But he is still a Victorian Bulldogge. So what if the spelling is different and one line was started in the UK and the other was started in the US. Actually I think the American version looks much better.
  19. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    I,m not playing on words trust me i know my alternative bulldogs both here in the UK and over in the states, My first statement was you have not got a victorian bulldog(these are mollett line dogs).
    Your dog will be VBA registered which means they are victorian bulldogges(which imo they should never had been called due to confusion to newcomers,I dont understand why they dropped the Olde because your line of dogs were called Olde Victorian Bullddogges up until 4-5 years ago,10 years ago they were called OEB,s simple. spelling differ or not still can confuse people).Mollett lines are nearly 30 years old.
    You say carlos woods dogs are not TRUE Victorian bulldogges, well for your information breeder your getting pup from his top stud is from carlos(AKA Woody Bulls). Carlos set up the VBA registry himself so his on your line of dogs are the pioneers of the breed.
    You said your dog was from Mollett lines i think we,ve established this to be false.
    You prefer the american version and so you should you are about to own one, I however prefer the British version based on type, which if you look at the american version type varies quite considerably.
    Just call it an education as on original post there was no argument to be answered.In the UK a victorian bulldog is most definately a mollet line dog which the topic was about.Welcome to the alternative bulldog world.
  20. bullyphat

    bullyphat New Member

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    Your facts are correct except we have never dropped the Olde from Olde Victorian Bulldogge.
  21. kinzy123

    kinzy123 New Member

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    Thank You, i assumed the olde had been dropped just because people dropping it when introducing their dogs, did notice the original message board and registry for OVB,s still have the olde included.

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